- aclass — Online Classes Automation
- aclc-ba — Arabic Processing tool
- aclcliextension — Demo Package.
- acled — A Python library that unofficially wraps the ACLED API.
- aclib.autowin — auto window task
- aclib.builtins — extend functions for python builtins
- — opencv api
- — use dm plugin with python
- aclib.emails — email sender & recver
- aclib.inputs — listen keyboard and mouse input
- aclib.pip — display packages quickly and uninstall packages with dependencies optionally
- aclib.pyi — compile and pack python project to exe with pyd.
- aclib.threads — thread api
- aclib.web — often used function about network
- aclib.winlib — pythonic win32api
- aclib.wmi — python wmi
- aclick — no summary
- aclient — 发送大量异步请求
- aclients — 基础封装库
- aclimatise — aCLImatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- acloud-client — cloud client
- aclpubcheck — no summary
- aclpwn — Active Directory ACL exploitation using BloodHound
- acls — `@cls` - Class Made Aware to Decorator
- aclsum — ACLSum: A New Dataset for Aspect-based Summarization of Scientific Publications
- acltldr — no summary
- acltoolkit-ad — no summary
- aclustermap — Convert YAMLized pandas DataFrame to Seaborn clustermap
- aclvl-permissions — A custom Django permissions package.
- acm-auto-validate — AWS CDK construct for automated cross-account ACM certificate validation using DNS
- acm-dl-searcher — Top-level package for ACM DL Searcher.
- acm-sdk-python — Python client for ACM.
- acmation — ac automation, sample:
- acmax24 — Python library for AVPro Edge AC-MAX-24 Audio Matrix
- acmd — This package automatically generates and run aws-cli commands using AWS Bedrock models. Example usage: "# acmd list all by s3 buckets"
- acme — ACME protocol implementation in Python
- acme-bleach — Remove unsightly non-whitespace characters from your code.
- acme-dash-board-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to display the data.
- acme-dns-azure — ACME client setup based on Certbot for dns-01 challenges via Azure Cloud services
- acme-exercise — Console app to calculate the total that the company has to pay an employee.
- acme-ioet-orestes — App to calculate salary of Acme's Employees
- acme-nginx — Python library/program to create LetsEncrypt SSL certificates
- acme-project-create — Sets up a new (python) project using a template
- acme-python-sdk — Client for OpenAPI Petstore
- acme-rofl — Respond to ACME challenges, forward all other requests to port 443
- acme-test-01 — no summary
- acme-tiny — A tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt
- acme31 — nice calculator
- acmeasync — ACME v2 Client using asyncio
- acmebot — ACME protocol automatic certitificate manager
- acmecontentcollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect data about the Islamic Recruitments.
- acmecse — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-dev — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-test — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmen — An ACME(RFC8555) client implementation in Python.
- acmenewscollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect news articles, videos, and images.
- acmens — An ACMEv2 client. Fork of acme-nosudo.
- acmepy — Acme client to generate SSL Certificates for the websites
- acmetk — An ACME Broker for Automated Certificate Acquisition in University Environments
- acmetric — acmetric package and sample project.
- acmetric-plotting — A package to easily build ACMetric branded plots
- acmhelper — The helper for Acmer
- acmiel-demo-package — no summary
- acml — no summary
- AcmP — For developers of Advantech PCIE-12xx series access to the AdvMot API.
- ACMPlus — Read, save and send by Mqtt data from FSI ACM-Plus
- acmturtleoj — A Python OJ client for turtle
- acnestis — data collection, aggregation and convertion tool
- acng — Make Clone name
- acnh — Dataset containing fish, fossils, bugs, etc for Animal Crossing: New Horzions
- ACNH-pixel-color — A program to associate IDs with h/v/b values for color matching in ACNH
- acni — A Jax/Optax implementation of Anticorrelated Noise Injection for Improved Generalization
- ACNLogger2 — no summary
- ACNLogger3 — no summary
- acnportal — A package of tools for large-scale EV charging research.
- acnutils — Various utilities used in AntiCompositeNumber's bots
- aco — Ant Colony Optimization in Python
- aco-routing — A Python package to find the shortest path in a graph using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
- ACOCrawler — ACO Web Crawler implemented by python
- AcodisApiHandler — A simple API handler for Python
- ACOio — IO tools for the Aloha Cabled Observaroty
- acom-music-box — An atmospheric chemistry box model. Powered by MUSICA.
- acomms — WHOI Micromodem Interface Library and Tools
- acomod — Acoustic Oscillations Viewer
- acon — Adaptive Correlation Optimization Network (ACON)
- acond-heat-pump — A unofficial python library to interface with an Acond heat pump using the Modbus TCP protocol.
- acondbs — ProductDB back-end API
- aconf — Global memory-based configuration.
- acons — Async command-line runner
- aconsole — Async console like GUI built top of tkinter and asyncio.
- aconsole-pkg-minad — A async Console like GUI.
- acopoweropt — Ant Colony Power Systems Optimizer
- acopy — Ant Colony Optimization for Tthe Traveling Salesman Problem.
- acora — Fast multi-keyword search engine for text strings
- acordes — how to play a chord on a stringed instrument
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- acore-conf — Azerothcore WOW *.conf file management.
- acore-constants — AzerothCore World of Warcraft server project constants variables.
- acore-db-app — Azerothcore World of Warcraft Database Application.
- acore-db-ssh-tunnel — Create Database SSH Tunnel for Azerothcore World of Warcraft MySQL Database