Reverse Dependencies of uvicorn
The following projects have a declared dependency on uvicorn:
- atk-training-rin-q-basic — no summary
- atprotobin — ATProto based pastebin
- atro-docs — no summary
- audiobook-rss — Default template for PDM package
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- auditorium — A Python-powered slideshow maker with steroids.
- aunly-bbot — 一个用于 QQ 群内高效推送哔哩哔哩 UP 动态及直播的机器人
- aurorae — A Python implementation of the CNAB240 file to perform bulk payments.
- aurorastack-core — MSA framework with kubernetes
- aurori — A flexible web framework based on FastApi.
- authed — Agent authentication SDK for secure service-to-service communication
- authed-mcp — Authed authentication integration for Model Context Protocol (MCP)
- authix — Authix - Authentication as a service
- authly — Authentication and Authorization for Python FastAPI
- authsign — Authenticating Data Signing + Verification Server
- authx_core — Utilities to help reduce boilerplate and reuse common functionality, Based to Support Building of Authx & Authx-lite
- authx_lite — Pluggable authentication and authorization Library built on top of authx-core & FastAPI.
- authy_package — Generic robust authentication system
- auto-ams — no summary
- auto-cert-api — A tool to automate creation of certbot certificates through a web API.
- auto-cmd — Cross-platform CLI tools and HTTP RPC server for desktop automation.
- auto-coder — AutoCoder: AutoCoder
- auto-deep-research — open deep research based on autoagent
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- auto-rest-api — Automatically map database schemas and deploy per-table REST API endpoints.
- auto-retrieval-plugin — Create and host retrieval plugins for ChatGPT in one click
- auto-route — Thank you for your interest in contributing to the AutoRoute project! Our goal is to simplify and automate the creation of SaaS/PaaS solutions. We're excited to welcome you to our community.
- auto-synthetic-data-platform — Google EMEA gTech Ads Data Science Team's solution to create privacy-safe synthetic data out of real data. The solution is a wrapper around the synthcity package ( simplifying the process of model tuning.
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- autoboot-web — Web starter build with autoboot and FastAPI
- autocode-py — autocode: Auto Code Improvement by Metrics Optimization.
- autocoder-nano — AutoCoder Nano
- autoed — no summary
- autogenra — Autogen Assistant UI
- autogenstudio — AutoGen Studio
- autogenui — autogen ui: a ui interface for the autogen library
- AutoGGUF — automatically quant GGUF models
- AutoGPT-Forge — no summary
- autolgbm — autolgbm: tuning lightgbm with optuna
- autollm — Ship RAG based LLM Web API's, in seconds.
- automagik — AutoMagik - Automated workflow management with LangFlow integration
- automagik-agents — Automagik agents templates
- automatic-actions — Test lib for automatic actions.
- automl-self-improvement — Autonomous AI model optimization framework with meta-learning and hybrid tuning
- autonomous-agent — 数字风控智能体(神荼), 主要负责对用户提交资料进行KYC
- autoplugin — Create ChatGPT plugins from Python code
- autoprox — simple autonomi proxy server written in python
- autoserver — no summary
- autotrain-advanced — no summary
- AutoTrans — Automating the entire translation process with LLM
- autotx — no summary
- autovf — autovf: tuning xgboost with optuna
- autoxgb — autoxgb: tuning xgboost with optuna
- autoxgb-aucpr-bc — xgbauto: tuning xgboost with optuna, autoxgb with aucpr for binary classification
- autoxgbAUC — xgbauto: tuning xgboost with optuna, autoxgb with aucpr for binary classification
- avaris — Task execution engine for data management and monitoring
- avilla-workspace — no summary
- awesome-ctl — A comprehensive toolkit for CloudOps automation
- awesome-sso — sso general utility for services connected to sso
- awesome-systematic-trading — Awesome Systematic Trading:We are collecting a list of resources papers, softwares, books, articles for finding, developing, and running systematic trading (quantitative trading) strategies.
- awhere — Agents Anywhere - An agentic workflow framework
- axdocsystem — a simple document managment system, was created for the purpose of submitting a work for uni
- ayaka — 猫猫,猫猫!
- ays-agent — @ys Agent Sensor
- azfuncextbase-fastapi — A short description of your package
- azfuncfastapi — A short description of your package
- azure-kinect-apiserver — Azure Kinect APIServer
- azurefunctions-extensions-http-fastapi — FastApi Python worker extension for Azure Functions.
- azureml-defaults — Is a metapackage that is used internally by Azure Machine Learning
- b9ui — The Next.js like Python framework
- babyvec — Natural language embedding tools
- backend1 — This a demo project
- backend2 — This a demo project
- baguette — Asynchronous web framework.
- baguette-bi — no summary
- baidupcs-py — Baidu Pcs App
- baikalctl — Top-level package for baikalctl.
- bairy — Display data from Raspberry Pi.
- balto — BAlto is a Language independent Test Orchestrator
- banana-cli — The Banana CLI helps you build Potassium apps
- BandGap-ml — Project for predicting band gaps of inorganic materials by using ML models
- baobaxia — Baobáxia is an eventually connected data network
- bareos-restapi — REST API for Bareos console access.
- barry-basicapi — A basic api for testing publish
- base-assistant-extension — no summary
- base-aux — collect all my previous modules in one package
- basedai — basedai
- basic-components — Re-usable server-side components based on shadcn/ui with JinjaX, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS
- battleship-tui — Battleship TUI is an implementation of the popular paper-and-pen Battleship game for your terminal.
- bayesian-ab-testing — AB testing tool, designed for testing data of call tracking services
- bbfcapi — API service, library and parser for BBFC
- beacons — Beacons EndPoints
- beanhub-cli — Command line tools for BeanHub
- beautifulsouppro — This project is dedicated to beautifulsoup
- bedhost — A database server application that provides both a RESTful API and GUI for access to BED files and related basic statistics
- bedway — bedway
- beeai-server — BeeAI server
- beegen — BeeGen is an intelligent command-line tool designed to assist developers with everyday tasks, leveraging the power of generative AI.
- beers — Better Enabled Resource Sharing
- beets-webrouter — Serve multiple beets APIs on the same IP/port using a single command