Reverse Dependencies of uvicorn
The following projects have a declared dependency on uvicorn:
- wirikiki — A tiny desktop wiki
- wit-core — Response processor for
- witnessme — Web Inventory tool that uses Pyppeteer (headless Chrome/Chromium) and provides some extra bells & whistles to make life easier.
- wkflws — "Wkflws Framework"
- wol-redirect-proxy — A simple python Wake-on-LAN proxy
- wordle-api — no summary
- wordlette — Simple and easy framework for building complex websites.
- workcell — Turn python function into microservice.
- workflow-keeper — Driver for Arizona USB Pressure Sensor
- workforcesim — Synaptans WorkforceSim is a free open-source web app for simulating the complex dynamics of a factory workforce – including workers’ daily job performance, personal interactions with their peers and supervisors, and attrition. The simulated activity is analyzed visually and outputted in a CSV file whose format is designed for use with predictive analytics packages like Comport_AI.
- workplanner — Microservice for scheduling tasks by intervals
- workshop-faas — A faas platform for homelab or workshop setups
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- wsiserver — Very simple wsi server
- wtf-tortoise — Implementation of WTForms for Tortoise ORM
- wv-store — A simple file storage server with CLI
- wwricu — api service
- wyvern-ai — no summary
- x21e8 — x21e8 service to manage RDDL network identities on TrustAnchors and workflows.
- xagent — xagent
- xbox-smartglass-core — A library to interact with the Xbox One gaming console via the SmartGlass protocol.
- xbrl-forge — Generate XBRL Instances, iXBRL instances, xBRL Taxonomies and xBRL extension taxonomies from distributed sources
- xd_py_auth — no summary
- xdeen — AI trading network for cryptocurrencies
- xhs-auto-down — A brief description of your package
- xian-linter — no summary
- xiaoapi — A fastapi framework for web development
- xiaomusic — Play Music with xiaomi AI speaker
- XieChengLogin — 模拟携程的登录.
- xinference — Model Serving Made Easy
- xingen — An agent framework using LLMs
- xinhou-openai-framework — XINHOU-OPENAI-FRAMEWORK基础框架,主要提供应用服务的底层支持技术代码支撑,通过该框架可以快速实现单服务、微服务、消息队列、ORM的快速开发!
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xmlAnomalyDetection — A tool for detecting anomalies in XML data
- xn-api — Simplest fastest minimal REST API CRUD generator for Tortoise ORM models
- xnano — build extremely 'nano' llm workflows
- xposer — Xpose your functions as microservices over arbitrary channels using standardized logging and configuration
- xpotato — XAI human-in-the-loop information extraction framework
- xps-crypto — no summary
- xpublish — Publish Xarray Datasets via a REST API.
- xpuls-fastapi-utils — Base SDK for FastAPI Utils
- XspecT — Tool to monitor and characterize pathogens using Bloom filters.
- XtQuant-pro — 迅投QMT接口相关介绍和常用功能封装.
- xtracto — Xtracto is a lightweight web development framework designed to simplify the process of creating dynamic web pages using Python and pypx.
- xtream-diamonds — Xtream Data Science Interview Assignment
- xtts-api-server — A simple FastAPI server to host XTTSv2
- XueQiuSuperSpider — 雪球超级爬虫的所有组件互相没有任何依赖,包括参数。整体架构由Collector、Mapper以及Consumer三个接口支撑。功能分别为数据搜集、数据相关信息(分支信息)的组装、以及最终的数据分析,三个接口定义了整个数据抓取生命周期的三个阶段。Mapper组件可以进行多次嵌套,就像流水线一样,不同的Mapper负责自己对应的组装任务,经过N个Mapper,完成一个对象的N种属性组装,当然,如果你不需要某些属性,你完全可以跳过某些mapper,这样可以节省许多抓取时间。在参数传递方面,模块在处理参数之前会对参数进行深度复制,确保不会出现多线程同步问题,模块内部参数严格定义为只读。变量只局限在方法范围内,完全避免了线程间数据共享。.
- yaml-editor — A web-based YAML editor with tabular interface
- yamlsql — Awesome yamlsql created by kristw
- yandex-captcha-puzzle-solver — no summary
- yasgi — Yasgi is a Tiny Web Framework for Python, aiming to be as simple as possible.
- yearmaps — Generate heat map of a year.
- yellowbox — no summary
- yente — A simple and fast API service for querying FollowTheMoney data, including OpenSanctions.
- yepcord-server — YEPCord - Free open source selfhostable fully discord-compatible chat
- yiri-mirai — 一个轻量级、低耦合的基于 mirai-api-http 的 Python SDK。
- yiri-mirai-rc — 一个轻量级、低耦合的基于 mirai-api-http 的 Python SDK。
- ylz_bilibili — no summary
- yodapa — Personal Assistant on the command line
- yol — no summary
- yosemite — yosemite
- youdotcom — official api wrapper for and all of its apps
- youtubedlapi-server-infusiblecoder — An API server based on yt-dlp
- youwol — YouWol as a desktop application
- ypy-websocket — WebSocket connector for Ypy
- yt-music-headless — A CLI to search & retrieve audio streams from YouTube Music.
- yt-service — yt-dlp service
- ytchat — An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model based chatbots.
- ytgrid — YTGrid is a powerful, scalable, and flexible YT automation tool that enables looped playback, remote control, and real-time tracking using a hybrid CLI + API architecture. It integrates FastAPI for REST API control, Selenium for browser automation, and Python multiprocessing/Celery for concurrent tasks.
- ytml-toolkit — no summary
- ytnoti — Easy-to-use Python library for receiving YouTube push notification for video upload and edit in real-time
- ytserver — A server for yt-dlp to download videos
- ytvip — no summary
- yyxx-game-pkg — yyxx game custom module
- yyxx-game-pkg-dev — yyxx game custom module
- yz-core — An ID generator for distributed microservices
- yzcore — An ID generator for distributed microservices
- zapy-sdk — Zapy SDK for Zapy REST client
- zboxapi — no summary
- zcp-alert-backend — This is the backend service for the alert management of the Cloud Z MP solution
- zdpapi — 基于异步的快速开发RESTFUL API的极速后端框架
- zdpapi-file — Python操作文件和文件夹的便捷组件库
- zdppy-api — no summary
- zeitkapsel-api — no summary
- zen-temple — The visualization plattform for ZEN-garden
- zenml — ZenML: Write production-ready ML code.
- zenml-nightly — ZenML: Write production-ready ML code.
- zenoml — Interactive Evaluation Framework for Machine Learning
- zenoml-next — Upkeeping the now archived Zeno, the AI Data Management & Evaluation Platform
- zeph1rr-fastapi — no summary
- zeptomail-python-api — Python client for the ZeptoMail API
- zero-true — A collaborative notebook built for data scientists
- zerox — Paper - Pytorch
- zetaalpha.rag-agents — The Agents SDK is designed to provide a flexible, scalable, and efficient framework for building, testing, and deploying LLM agents.
- zgl-streaming — Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores
- zhihu-crawler-pro — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. Web reverse engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies.
- zhihu-python — zhihu-python 采用 python2.7 编写,用来方便地获取知乎上各种内容的信息,并且可以方便地将答案备份导出为 txt 或 markdown 文件。由于知乎官方目前没有提供 api,所以有了此项目的存在。.
- Zhihu-Spider — Scrapy the Zhihu content and user social network information. Now it contains 314400 questions and 261376 users..
- ZhihuSpiderPlus — # Python 知乎用户信息爬虫
- zhixin — no summary