Reverse Dependencies of uvicorn
The following projects have a declared dependency on uvicorn:
- aicloud-deploy — no summary
- aicmder — a simple ai cmder
- aiconsole — Run and expand your personal AI tools
- aidial-sdk — Framework to create applications and model adapters for AI DIAL
- aidriver — AIDriver
- aifori — aifori
- aify — aify is an AI-native application framework and runtime
- aiida-workgraph — Design flexible node-based workflow for AiiDA calculation.
- ailingbot — An all-in-one solution to empower your IM bot with AI.
- ailite-legacy — HuggingFace Commercial Model Free API
- ailiteall — A simplistic ai for Huggingface llms free hosted models.
- ailitellm — A simplistic ai for Huggingface llms free hosted models.
- aim — A super-easy way to record, search and compare AI experiments.
- aimesh — AI mesh network discovery and communication library.
- aimmocore — The sdk for aimmocore curation service
- aimos — An easy-to-use modular observability for AI Systems. Extensible, scalable and modular.
- aind-metadata-service — REST service to retrive metadata from databases.
- aineko-plugins-nodes-fastapi-server — Aineko plugin for running a FastAPI server
- aio-agents — Opinionated template for building llm agents
- aio-fluid — Tools for backend python services
- aio-microservice — A library to create microservices.
- aioauth-fastapi — aioauth integration for FastAPI.
- aiocronjob — Schedule async tasks and manage them using a REST API or WEB UI
- aioflask — Flask running on asyncio.
- aiohomeconnect — An asyncio client for the Home Connect API.
- aioiregul — Asynchronous library to get data from IRegul systems
- aioka — aio-pika framework
- aiomisc — aiomisc - miscellaneous utils for asyncio
- aiopcli — aiopcli
- aios-core — AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System
- aiosox — ⛓️ Combination of asyncapi(documentation) & socketio pub/sub using aiokafka as the client manager multinode backend services
- aiotraq-bot — Async ready traQ Bot library
- aiowebthing — High performance implementation of Web of Things
- aipolabs-mcp — Aipolabs MCP server, built on top of
- aiproxy-python — 🦉AIProxy is a reverse proxy for ChatGPT API that provides monitoring, logging, and filtering requests and responses.
- airgap-sns — Secure Notification System with audio capabilities
- airoboros — Updated and improved implementation of the self-instruct system.
- airoframework — AiroFramework - A structured framework for Aiogram bots
- aiser — Python package to serve AI agents and knowledge bases for Penlight AI.
- aismt — A command-line interface for AI Smart Task.
- aissemble-extensions-model-training-api-sagemaker — no summary
- aissemble-foundation-model-training-api — no summary
- aissemble-foundation-versioning-service — no summary
- aissemble-machine-learning-inference — Machine Learning Inference Test Module
- AISuperServer — Es un experimento simple para crear una interfaz simple y rápida de server de Inferencia en Local
- aite — 人工智能测试与评估工具包
- aiverify-moonshot — AI Verify advances Gen AI testing with Project Moonshot.
- akali — AKALI library for language model augmentation and interfaces
- akello — FastAPI server
- akenoai — AkenoAi Python Wrapper For Plus+
- aklite — AKLite is lite version fo AKShare
- akmi-utils — no summary
- akson — CLI and libary for Akson AI agents
- aktools — AKTools is a tool for AKShare HTTP API!
- al-bday-enigma — no summary
- aladindb — 🔮 Super-power your database with AI 🔮
- aleph-vrf — Verifiable Random Function
- algo-provider — Start your own Algo provider from a Python function, interface it DebiAI or something else
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- aligned — A data management and lineage tool for ML applications.
- alignMAP — Multi-Human-Value Alignment Palette (MAP) offers a first-principle approach to align AI systems with diverse, dynamically defined human values.
- alise — Tool to link accounts
- alist_proxy — Python alist proxy and monitor.
- aloso — Lib
- alphahunterpro — Asynchronous driven quantitative trading framework.
- alpyperl — An open source library for connecting AnyLogic models with Reinforcement Learning frameworks through OpenAI Gymnasium
- alternat — Alternat is a tool that automates alt text generation.
- altimeter — Graph AWS resources in Neptune
- amai-ai-chatbot — African Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
- amarillo — Aggregates and enhances carpooling-offers and publishes them as GTFS(-RT)
- amebo — HTTP Event Notifications Server - Asynchronous Communication Engine
- amiris-priceforecast — An extension to the agent-based electricity market model AMIRIS providing external electricity price forecasts to the PriceForecasterApi agent
- amiyahttp — 对 FastApi 进行二次封装的简易 HTTP Web 服务 SDK
- ampalibe — Ampalibe is a lightweight Python framework for building Facebook Messenger bots faster.
- ampel-argo — no summary
- ampel-core — Alice in Modular Provenance-Enabled Land
- ampere-meter — Tooling to track and visualize engagement with the mrpowers-io organization
- ams-core — no summary
- ams-puller — An automatic repo puller
- ams-python — no summary
- amsdal-glue-api-server — AMSDAL Glue API Server is a web API interface over AMSDAL Glue, providing high-level abstraction for interacting with multiple databases simultaneously over HTTP
- amsdal_server — Rest API server for AMSDAL framework
- an-at-sync — Python package & cli for syncing between ActionNetwork & AirTable
- anacostia-pipeline — A framework for building MLOps pipelines
- Andrew-Huang — Given a imdb id, scrapes the corresponding imdb page and returns the rating
- andrew-test-weave — A toolkit for building composable interactive data driven applications.
- ang — no summary
- ango — Ango-Hub SDK
- anhaltai-commons-pl-hyper — Commons PyTorch Lightning Trainer for Hyperparmater Optimization
- AnimeScraper — A Simple library to get Anime and Character information. It scrapes all information from Myanimelist website.
- annhub-python — Main backend module, which is used for developing web-app logic and deploying AI model.
- ansari-backend — Ansari is an AI assistant to enhance understanding and practice of Islam.
- anscenter — Backend module for ANSCENTER project
- antipattern-mitigation — no summary
- antplus — Human friendly interface to ANT+ sing python
- anubis-policy-api — The main module of anubis
- anyforce — no summary
- anyGPT — A general purpose library for training any type of GPT model. Support for gpt-1, gpt-2, and gpt-3 models.
- anyprompt — Automatically inspect and visualize LLM prompts and responses in your Python projects
- aob — CLI tool for managing and running AO Applications