Reverse Dependencies of uvicorn
The following projects have a declared dependency on uvicorn:
- aopi — Another one package index for humans
- aoricaan-cli — no summary
- APalysis — no summary
- apartment-browser — Backend used by "apartment browser" web extensions
- apexdevkit — Apex Development Tools for python.
- api-inference-community — A package with helper tools to build an API Inference docker app for Hugging Face API inference using huggingface_hub
- api-mlops-project — This project aims to apply MLOps techniques to deploy a machine learning model through an API constructed with FastAPI.
- api-morphlib — A library that fetches morphological data from Wiktionary and AI models.
- api-python-bet-project — API-python-bet-project
- api-python-solar-forecast — api-python-solar-forecast
- api-python-template — API Template
- api-swedeb — no summary
- api-test-cluster-kubernetes — api-test-cluster-kubernetes
- api-test-database-cluster — API-test-database-cluster
- apicast — Python client and HTTP service to access bee flight forecast information published by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the federal meteorological service in Germany.
- apidaora — ASGI App using dataclasses module for request/response objects
- apids-morphlib — A library that fetches morphological data from Wiktionary and AI models.
- apiera — Apiera framework, high performance
- apifactory — package for automatically creating an api on an existing database
- APIFixer — APIFixer is a Python class that automatically starts an API server, checks its routes, generates documentation based on the OpenAI API, and tests API endpoints to fix bugs and improve API performance.
- apifrom — Transform any Python function into a REST API endpoint
- apihub — a API gateway on top of Redis
- apihub-users — user and subscription management for APIHub
- apijet — A command line tool to deploy python Rest APIS in 20 secs.
- apilimity — APIlimity – FastAPI-based request limiter and API key manager
- apiprompting — Package for an easy implementation of paper "Attention Prompting on Image for Large Vision-Language Models".
- apish — Small, opinionated library for building REST APIs.
- apkit — Powerful Toolkit for ActivityPub Implementations.
- app-ocr — E-kyc for Industries application
- appabuild — Appa Build is a package to build impact models
- apparun — Appa Run is a package to execute impact models produced by Appa Build
- appboot — Use FastAPI like Django
- appinspector — client for
- applyx — ApplyX
- appnext — no summary
- appworld — AppWorld: A Controllable World of Apps and People for Benchmarking Interactive Coding Agents
- aptos-verify — A small example package
- Aptus — Aptus: A Mandelbrot set explorer and renderer.
- aqimon — Air Quality Index Monitor
- AQMLator — A package for auto quantum machine learning-izing your experiments!
- arbor-ai — A framework for fine-tuning and managing language models
- arc-ai — Economies of models
- arcade-ai — Arcade Python SDK and CLI
- arcan — An AI web3 tooling platform for the decentralized customization and enhancement of AI agents
- arcframework — A Python micro web framework for creating dynamic websites.
- arches-orm — Experimental Arches Object Relational Mapper
- archgw_modelserver — A model server for serving models
- arcnet — Economies of models
- arcos — Economies of models
- ardilla — Ardilla ORM. Easy to use, fast to implement, with sync and async flavors
- argilla-server — Open-source tool for exploring, labeling, and monitoring data for NLP projects.
- argos-monitoring — Distributed supervision tool for HTTP.
- ariadne-auth — An Ariadne extension for authorization, allowing global permissions for all resolvers and fine-grained control over required permissions for specific resolvers in GraphQL APIs.
- arize-phoenix — AI Observability and Evaluation
- arizon-usb-apiserver — Driver for Arizona USB Pressure Sensor
- arkaine — A batteries-included framework for DIY AI agents
- arkitect — no summary
- armada-logs — Armada provides quick and detailed insights into network flows enriched with metadata
- armor-crypto-mcp — MCP to interface with multiple blockchains, staking, DeFi, swap, bridging, wallet management, and to develop crypto trading strategies through tools like dynamic DCA
- arpakitlib — arpakitlib
- arq-dashboard — A dashboard for ARQ built with FastAPI
- arq-http — arq dashboard and http api
- arrowhead-client — Arrowhead client library
- artemis-common — Artemis common project utilities
- arthur-bench — validate models for production
- artifact-hub — Use object storage as a self hosted hub
- arturo-stac-api — Arturo's STAC compliant API implementation
- arxiv-mcp-server — A flexible arXiv search and analysis service with MCP protocol support
- as-fastapi-toolbox — no summary
- as3ninja — AS3 Ninja is a templating and validation engine for your AS3 declarations providing a CLI and Swagger REST API
- asapi — Thin wrapper around FastAPI
- ascender-framework — The Ascender Framework is a sophisticated and structured FastAPI-based framework, inspired by the principles of NestJS. It stands out for its modular and organized architecture, offering developers a streamlined and efficient way to build web applications
- aser — An AI Agent
- asgi_aws — Build API with ASGI in AWS Lambda with API Gateway HTTP API or REST API, or with Function URL ✨
- asgi-babel — Internationalization (i18n) support for ASGI applications
- asgi-replay — Record and replay ASGI web page loads
- asgi-sessions — Signed Cookie-Based HTTP sessions for ASGI applications
- asgi-tools — ASGI Toolkit to build web applications
- asgi_ws — no summary
- asgineer — A really thin ASGI web framework
- ASGIWebDAV — An asynchronous WebDAV server implementation, support multi-provider.
- AsicVerifier — Asic Verifier for X-Road
- ask-terminal — Chat with your terminal, getting things done using natural langauge.
- askastro — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- asp-chef-cli — A simple CLI to run ASP Chef recipes
- asphalt-web — Web framework integrations for the Asphalt framework
- assem — A flexible and secure JWT authentication framework for FastAPI applications
- assertical — Assertical - a modular library for helping write (async) integration/unit tests for fastapi/sqlalchemy/postgres projects
- assistance — no summary
- assistancechat — no summary
- astra-logs — AI Observability and Evaluation
- astrobasecloud — astrobase
- asure — no summary
- asymmetric — The async framework that calls you back! Enable ridiculously fast and easy module-to-API transformations. Learn in minutes, implement in seconds. Batteries included.
- async-processor — no summary
- async-rotating-proxy — Run an API on your local machine that reroutes traffic through rotating proxies. Useful for pyppeteer proxy rotation.
- asyncapi — asyncapi
- asyncapi-contracts — Contract driven development of Async API applications in Python
- asyncio-foundationdb — FoundationDB drivers for asyncio
- atb-lib — A Python package for Advanced Trading Bot