Reverse Dependencies of tomlkit
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomlkit:
- git-mirror — Make your local git repos look like github or gitlab. See readme for how this differs from the many other multi-repo tools.
- git-ws — Git Workspace - Multi Repository Management Tool
- gitarootools — command line tools to work with Gitaroo Man game data
- gitflow-pyproject-version-bumper — Automatic pyproject.toml based app version bumper
- gitlab-bm — Schedule/Run Gitlab Backups
- gitlab-projects-downloader — A simple service for downloading your projects from GitLab in tgz format
- globsim — Using global reanalysis data for local permafrost simulation
- go-vendor-tools — Tools for handling Go library vendoring in Fedora
- go2rpm — Convert Go packages to RPM
- gogadget — gogadget is a toolkit for producing immersion and priming materials for language learning. It is capable of downloading audio and video files, automatically transcribing subtitles from videos and podcasts, and automatically producing filtered Anki decks with sentence audio / translations / screenshots / definitions.
- gogoweb — Command-line tool that converts .txt or .md files into .html files.
- goodconf — Load configuration variables from a file or environment
- google-music-scripts — A CLI utility for interacting with Google Music.
- goPEST — A TOUGH2/Waiwera interface to PEST
- gpkgstatus — Get Current Package Status from Fedora Updates System
- gpt-readme-reader — A utility to extract setup commands from a GitHub repository
- gptcommits — aicommit: A tool that leverages AI to automatically generate Git commit messages.
- gptdb — GPT-DB is an experimental open-source project that uses localized GPT large models to interact with your data and environment. With this solution, you can be assured that there is no risk of data leakage, and your data is 100% private and secure.
- gptme — Personal AI assistant in your terminal that can use the shell, run code, edit files, browse the web, and use vision. An unconstrained local alternative to ChatGPT's Code Interpreter.
- graiax-cli — Command line tool for Graia Framework.
- graphqler — A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
- greyhorse — Greyhorse core library
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- guarneri — guarneri
- ha-services — Helpers to send periodic information via MQTT to Home Assistant
- hacktegic — Hacktegic CLI
- harlequin — The SQL IDE for Your Terminal.
- hatch — Modern, extensible Python project management
- hatch-polylith-bricks — Hatch build hook plugin for Polylith
- hatlib — Tools for HAT (Header Annotated with TOML) packages
- haven-spc — Tools and GUI for running the spectroscopy group beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source.
- headlight — A database migration toolkit.
- herenow-demo — Demo of Approximate Retrieval capability of LLMs appplied to build a product for Mindful Exploration of Urban Events.
- hexproof — A comprehensive library of Magic the Gathering API utilities.
- hidet — Hidet: a compilation-based DNN inference framework.
- homecloud — A command line tool for generating the template files needed to integrate fastapi, uvicorn, and a requests based client into a Python project.
- hugo-gettext — I18n with gettext for Hugo
- hyper-bump-it — A version bumping tool
- hyper-shell — A cross-platform, high-throughput computing utility for processing shell commands over a distributed, asynchronous queue.
- iambic-core — IAMbic is a multi-cloud IAM control plane that unifies cloud identity management for AWS, Okta, Azure Active Directory, Google Workspace and more into Git.
- iccicd — A collection of utilities to manage ICHEC project CI/CD pipelines.
- id3manager — The ID3 metadata manager for MP3 files.
- idiap-devtools — A *pot-pourri* of various tools required to develop python packages at Idiap's GitLab infrastructure
- ifoam — Python Interface to OpenFOAM Case (Configured Using YAML)
- ign8 — Ignite it all.
- iliad — A monorepo tool for Poetry
- imake — iMake is a command line tool to simplify commands in Python projects, discarding the usability of a Makefile file.
- importmod — A CLI tool to import mods into the Portmod repository format
- ims_client — Simple python client for the capspire IMS Server
- ini2toml — Automatically conversion of .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents
- injecta — Dependency Injection Container Library
- inspirems — Helping to integrate Spectral Predictors and Rescoring.
- insta-science — A tool to help with installing and using `science` in Python projects.
- invisible-hand — Automate your workflow with github classroom
- invokees — Common python project tasks
- ipilot — IP Information Lookup Tool
- isomer — isomer
- ispras-crisp — Coding Rules at ISP
- itg-cli — no summary
- iutility — My Utils
- jammies — A helper for constructing, managing, and patching projects
- jeeves-yeti-pyproject — Opinionated Jeeves plugin for Python projects.
- jetty — no summary
- jira-amt — Manage Jira assets.
- jiratag-commitizen — Python commitizen client tool
- jobflow-remote — Jobflow Remote is a Python package to run jobflow workflows on remote resources
- jolly-github-toolbelt — A collection of tools around Git and GitHub to make developers' lives easier.
- jupyter-packaging — Jupyter Packaging Utilities.
- juv — A toolkit for reproducible Jupyter notebooks, powered by uv.
- kaas-cli — Command line utility for K as a Service
- kadabra-client — Share your code, data and visuals, directly from Jupyter
- kamuidrome — Modern Minecraft modpack builder
- kapla-cli-core — no summary
- kapla-cli-v2 — Python monorepo package manager
- kapow — no summary
- kattis_cli — A command-line tool for Kattis
- kedro-databricks — A plugin to run Kedro pipelines on Databricks.
- kedro-init — A simple CLI command that initialises a Kedro project from an existing Python package
- kegstandcli — The Developer's Toolbelt For Accelerating Mean-Time-To-Party on AWS
- keras2trt — CLI to convert TensorFlow models to TensorRT engines
- kirami-cli — CLI for KiramiBot
- Kit-Big-Data-To-Do-List — To Do List helps you manage your agenda by creating a list of your tasks
- kkt — A tool for kaggle kernel
- kohlrahbi — Tool to generate machine readable files from AHB documents
- kraken-build — no summary
- langchain-cli — CLI for interacting with LangChain
- lanpartydb — Python library for the OrgaTalk LAN Party Database
- lapis-gen — Python API client generator
- ldb-alpha — A command line tool for data-centric science and machine learning projects
- leanblueprint — Lean prover blueprint plasTeX plugin.
- LeBot — A Multi-Purpose Discord Bot
- lexer-sdk — Lexer Python SDK
- libinsdb — Library to access InstrumentDB databases
- liblaf-toolkit — Add your description here
- licencia — no summary
- licensepy — licencepy is a Python dependency license check library with recursive dependency handling for pip.
- litebird-sim — Simulation tools for the LiteBIRD experiment
- litestash — The LiteStash Python project offers a lightning-fast, lightweight key-value storage solution. LiteStash provides a NoSQL API for seamless integration into your applications. The LiteStash database handles the data with SQLite transparently. Optimal use for caching, session management, and other high-performance use cases.
- litoid — 💡Sequence DMX lighting 💡
- llm-context — Share code context with LLMs via MCP or clipboard. Profile-based customization enables easy switching between different tasks (like code review and documentation). Code outlining support is available as an experimental feature.