Reverse Dependencies of tomlkit
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomlkit:
- screwdrivercd — Python helper utilities for screwdriver CI/CD
- searchlauncher — Search multiple websites using a single shortcut.
- sekvo — Your project description
- semvergit — Manage your project's version numbers.
- sentient-switchblade — Unleash Dev Tool Mastery with a Flick of Your Wrist
- seqdat — sequencing data manager
- serviceit — Turn any Python function into a service that receives JSON payloads on some port.
- setuptools-pyproject-migration — Create a pyproject.toml file from setuptools configuration
- sfkit — Some CLI Tools For The Secure Multi-party Genomic Analysis Website
- shapelets-platform — Data Scientist platform
- shell-themer — Use consistent color themes for a variety of command line tools.
- shelloracle — ShellOracle is a pluggable terminal utility that takes a natural language description of a command and substitutes it into your terminal buffer.
- shellserver — Server to aid shell navigation.
- si-utils — an opinionated set of utilities designed to be easily included in any number of projects
- silene — Silene is an open source web crawler framework built upon Pyppeteer.
- silverback — Ape SDK for the Silverback platform
- simonsays-drgreengiant — A Twitch Plays style programme to allow users in Twitch chats to control the broadcasters mouse and keyboard
- simple-bump — Simple Semantic Versioning for Python projects
- Simple-TOML-Configurator — A simple TOML configurator for Python
- SimpleApplication — Simple Application in Python
- simplebuilder — Simple build script for packages
- singlecon — One config to rule them all
- slap-cli — Slap is a command-line utility for developing Python applications.
- slpkg — Package manager utility for Slackware Linux
- slrkit — Tools to automatize systematic literature reviews
- slurm-viewer — View a SLURM cluster and inspect nodes and jobs.
- smile-config — Generate command line options from dataclasses.
- smirnybot9001 — A twitch chatbot for displaying LEGO sets, minifigs and parts on an HTML overlay
- smol-evm — 👨🔬 An extensible Python implementation of the Ethereum yellow paper from scratch.
- snappiershot — Snapshot testing library.
- snekpy — Template tool for a Python projects
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- snowflake-cli — Snowflake CLI
- snowflake-connector-python — Snowflake Connector for Python
- snowflake-connector-python-nightly — Nigthly build of Snowflake Connector for Python
- solarkat — Solar imaging pipeline for solar interference mitigation in MeerkAT
- somesy — A CLI tool for synchronizing software project metadata.
- sora-device-client — A client to stream device location data to a sever for the SORA api
- sou-meraki — no summary
- soutools — no summary
- sparkles — Just utilities made by Jim Vogel
- sparx-lib — Sparx Implementation
- specsanalyzer — Python package for loading and converting SPECS Phoibos analyzer data.
- sphinxcli — no summary
- sprinkles-config — Generate config files from AWS Secrets
- SpriteSheet-Bella — no summary
- spriteutil-detection — A small example package
- spriteutil-KV — spriteutil-KV can detect and create a new image contain the original image sprites
- spriteutilNhungLai — no summary
- Spriteutils-Ngoc-Dang — A Sprite dectection tool
- squaz — An app to quiz the user on trivia
- squirrel-writer — A command line program to track writing progress
- src-astitva1905 — DTaaS CLI
- staging — Execute pipeline stages and steps
- Stat-o-Matic — no summary
- stb-mnt — A universal tool for local microservice management.
- stela — Organize your project settings and secrets with ease
- stestr — A parallel Python test runner built around subunit
- strangeworks — Strangeworks Python SDK
- strangeworks-core — Strangeworks Core provides the infrastructure to interact with the platform.
- strangeworks-python-core — Strangeworks Core provides the infrastructure to interact with the platform.
- streamrip — A fast, all-in-one music ripper for Qobuz, Deezer, Tidal, and SoundCloud
- studatio — Personal tool for my violin teaching database
- sun — Tray notification applet for informing about package updates in Slackware.
- surfactant — Modular framework to gather file information, analyze dependencies, and generate an SBOM
- svada — SVD parsing for Python.
- sync-version — Sync __version__ in with version in pyproject.toml
- talked — Call recording for Nextcloud Talk
- tartufo — tartufo is a tool for scanning git repositories for secrets/passwords/high-entropy data
- task-spooler-utils — A Task Spooler Swiss Army Knife
- taskbadger — The official Python SDK for Task Badger
- tbump — Bump software releases
- team13hackertype — An example of a package developed with pyenv, built with build using setuptools, uploaded to PyPI using twine, and distributed via pip.
- tenable-aws-sechub — Tenable Vulnerability Management to AWS Security Hub
- tenb2jira — Tenable Vulnerability Management to Jira Cloud issue manager
- tenint — Add your description here
- terminaider — AI assistant for your terminal
- textualitty — no summary
- thorod — A CLI utility for torrent creation and manipulation.
- tibanna — Tibanna runs portable pipelines (in CWL/WDL) on the AWS Cloud.
- tibanna-ff — Tibanna runs portable pipelines (in CWL/WDL) on the AWS Cloud.
- tickerdax — A python client for with a built-in caching system.
- timedctl — CLI for timed
- timeturner — no summary
- tjutils — Python Utilities for TJ P
- tok2me-python — A fancy CLI of Tok2Me.
- tomcatmanager — A command line tool and python library for managing a tomcat server.
- tomcli — CLI for working with TOML files. Pronounced "tom clee."
- tomillo — Configuration system.
- toml-bench — Benchmarking for python toml libraries
- toml-cli — Command line interface to read and write keys/values to/from toml files
- toml-sort — Toml sorting library
- toml-validator — Simple TOML file validator using Python.
- tomlantic — marrying pydantic models and tomlkit documents
- tomlconf — The tiny TOML configuration tool.
- tomlize — Move all your configuration to pyproject.toml
- tomlkit-extras — A Python package that extends the functionality of tomlkit, allowing for advanced manipulation, validation, and introspection of TOML files, including handling comments and nested structures
- tool-bump-version — CLI tool to bump Python project versions according to semver
- toot — Mastodon CLI client
- toot-tooi — Mastodon terminal user interface