Reverse Dependencies of tomlkit
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomlkit:
- 12factor-configclasses — Like dataclasses but for config.
- a-poem — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- aact — An actor model library for multi-agent/environment interaction in Python based on Redis.
- abacura — Multi-session MUD client written in Python with Textual library
- abeja-sdk — ABEJA Platform Software Development Kit
- abejacli — ABEJA Platform Command line tool
- abilian-devtools — A curated set of dependencies for quality software development
- abk-bwp — Bing wallpaper wrapper
- accomate — Accoladez + Automate = Accomate
- active-list-mc — Facade to simplify usage of Gtk.TreeView
- active-record-mc — Simple ORM for basic operations in SQLite databases
- add-pyproject — CLI to add python dependencies to pyproject.toml
- adsctl — Google Ads Control CLI and Prompt
- advarchs — Data retrieval from remote archives
- advice-animal — Suggests incremental improvements for existing projects
- aerich — A database migrations tool for Tortoise ORM.
- agenshindot — GenshinDot for Python, powered by Graia-Ariadne.
- agent-os-py — A library and runtime to build autonomous AI agents.
- aiconsole — Run and expand your personal AI tools
- aigents — Adapters for Large Language Models and Generative Pre-trained Transformers APIs
- ailingbot — An all-in-one solution to empower your IM bot with AI.
- aiotaskq — A simple asynchronous task queue
- aissist — A simple GPT command line chat interface
- algobattle-base — The Algobattle lab course package.
- amass — Vendor libraries from cdnjs
- amdreader — A Markdown document viewer for the terminal
- andoya-core — The Andoya Core package.
- angr-management — GUI for angr
- anyrepo — Multi Repository Management Tool
- aoc-lube — Proper Advent of Code lubricant.
- appcensus-dynamic-repos — Dynamic Poetry Repositories for AppCensus
- application-settings — For providing a python application with configuration and/or settings
- aptos-verify — A small example package
- arcade-ai — Arcade AI Python SDK and CLI
- archimedes-config — no summary
- arrnounced — Notify Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr of tracker IRC announcements
- ascend-io-cli — The Ascend CLI
- assignment-autograder — A simple, secure, and versatile way to automatically grade programming assignments
- atckit — AccidentallyTheCables Utility Kit
- atomkraft — Testing for Cosmos Blockchains
- attribution — Generate changelogs based on tag messages and shortlogs
- aura-security — Security auditing and static analysis for python
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- autocopyright — Script for adding copyright notes at the top of files.
- autoeagle — Automate tasks in Autodesk's Eagle software by invoking Python scripts from the program's command line.
- autograder — A simple, secure, and versatile way to automatically grade programming assignments
- autohooks — Library for managing git hooks
- autohooks-gk-fork-wip — Library for managing git hooks
- autopub — Automatic package release upon pull request merge
- ava-shared-resources — Pydantic classes
- aw-core — Core library for ActivityWatch
- aws-okta-processor — Resource for fetching AWS Role credentials from Okta
- aws-sam-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-cli-without-docker — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-rw-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications. This build allows lambda to write to the mounted filesystem.
- axedit — Modal Editor
- — Backend.AI Account Manager
- — Backend.AI Installer
- — Backend.AI WSProxy
- backtest-view — An analysis tool for viewing and replaying backtesting results
- ballad — For when Poetry just doesn't work.
- balto — BAlto is a Language independent Test Orchestrator
- basedosdados — Organizar e facilitar o acesso a dados brasileiros através de tabelas públicas no BigQuery.
- bb_clients — Simple python clients for the Gravitate BestBuy Services
- bb7 — A TDD coding bot
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- beambusters — no summary
- beets-playlistc — A beets plugin to create playlists from query strings
- being — Robotic core for the PATHOS project.
- berx — Gitea and Forgejo CLI extension tools, providing some extra functionality that is missing.
- bgmi — BGmi is a cli tool for subscribed bangumi.
- biogeme — Estimation and application of discrete choice models
- biogeme-optimization — Various optimization algorithms for teaching and research
- biorepo — no summary
- birdwell-mapping — file-object mapping submodule of the birdwell namespace package
- boards — Recursive kanban tool in the command line
- botroyale — A battle royale for bots.
- box-packager — Automatic packaging and installers of your GUI with PyApp
- bpkio-cli — A command line interface to the APIs, with additional helpers
- bukowski — A pyproject.toml conversion tool for Poetry to uv migration
- bump-my-version — Version bump your Python project
- bump-pep621 — A simple comment to build package version defined in `project.version`
- bumpdeps — Utility for bumping dependency versions specified in pyproject.toml files
- bumpify — Semantic versioning automation tool for software projects
- bumpsemver — Bump semver for git repos with a single command
- bundlewrap — Config management with Python
- calendruparser — Parser for a list of official and unofficial holidays from
- camci — no summary
- cardio — A simple web-based viewer for 4D ('cine') medical imaging data.
- carica — Python module that populates variables from TOML config documents, and generates config documents from python variables.
- cascadetoml — Command for cascading toml files together
- casoar — Git hooks made easy with local dev dependencies
- catalyst — Catalyst. Accelerated deep learning R&D with PyTorch.
- catalyst-pdm — Catalyst fork compatible with PDM
- cattrs — Composable complex class support for attrs and dataclasses.
- cellulose-sdk — Cellulose Python SDK
- cff2toml — A module to synchronize metadata between TOML and CFF files, including between pyproject.toml and CITATION.cff files.
- changeguard — CLI to check if any of the original files in a repository/directory change over the course of a precommit script.
- chango — CHANgelog GOvernor for Your Project