Reverse Dependencies of tomlkit
The following projects have a declared dependency on tomlkit:
- pylint — python code static checker
- pylint-gitlab — This project provides pylint formatters for a nice integration with GitLab CI.
- pylint-pa — python code static checker, but passive-aggressive
- pymedphys — Medical Physics library
- pyMHF — python Modding and Hooking Framework
- pyobf2 — An in-place obfuscator for python 3.11
- pypaperless-cli — no summary
- pypastry — PyPastry machine learning experimentation framework
- pypelinez — no summary
- pyproject-freeze — pip freeze for pyproject.toml
- pyproject-migrator — Convert setup.cfg, etc. to pyproject.toml files
- pyproject-patcher — Collection of convenience functions to patch `pyproject.toml` in place
- pyproject-pip — Install and manage pyproject.toml with pip commands.
- pyproject-pipenv — Sync requirements from Pipfile to pyproject.toml
- pyproject-toml-format — Add your description here
- pyproject-version — Utilities for maintaining the version in python projects.
- pyprojectx — Execute scripts from pyproject.toml, installing tools on-the-fly
- pyprojen — Minimal, spiritual fork of projen. No JSII. Python focused.
- pyRDF2Vec — Python implementation and extension of RDF2Vec
- pyreqpp — Takes requirements.txt file without module versions and annotates it with the latest set of module versions that won't result in build/runtime errors.
- pyrgo — no summary
- pyrobud — A clean selfbot for Telegram with an emphasis on quality and practicality.
- pyrunjvm — no summary
- PyScaffold — Template tool for putting up the scaffold of a Python project
- pysen — Python linting made easy. Also a casual yet honorific way to address individuals who have entered an organization prior to you.
- PySerials — no summary
- pysh-stub — A bunch of shortcuts and import magic to simplify scripting in python
- pystack3d — Pystack3D: A Python package for fast image stack correction
- pystarport — Spawn local devnets for cosmos-sdk chains
- pysurfex-experiment — Pysurfex experiment
- pytest-mypy-plugins — pytest plugin for writing tests for mypy plugins
- pytest-pyvenv — A package for create venv in tests
- python-artifact-signer — no summary
- python_pyenv_poetry_template — A GitHub template for Python projects using Pyenv and Poetry
- python-rektor-monitor — no summary
- python-semantic-release — Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects
- python-semantic-release-viettel — Custom Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects
- python3-cyberfusion-yavb — Version bumper for software projects.
- PythonEasyApplication — Easy Application in Python
- pythonrunscript — pythonrunscript runs scripts installing their dependencies in cached, isolated environments.
- pyx-core — All core functionalities for using PyXMake as a build system
- pyxcp — Universal Calibration Protocol for Python
- qaspen — no summary
- qBitrr — A simple script to monitor Qbit and communicate with Radarr and Sonarr
- qBitrr2 — "A simple Python script to talk to qBittorrent and Arr's"
- qiskit-aws-braket-provider — A provider for qiskit to access quantum devices through AWS Braket
- qualia-core — Qualia toolchain Core
- quickconf — Simple and flexible TOML-file based configurations framework
- quittance — Génère des quittances de loyers.
- ragna — RAG orchestration framework
- random-standup — Standup Randomizer
- rapids-build-backend — Custom PEP517 builder for RAPIDS
- rapids-dependency-file-generator — Tool for generating RAPIDS environment files
- RCAEval — no summary
- rdetoolkit — A module that supports the workflow of the RDE dataset construction program
- redfetch — Download and publish EverQuest scripts and software using the RedGuides API
- reduct-cli — CLI client for ReductStore
- refind-btrfs — Generate rEFInd manual boot stanzas from Btrfs snapshots
- reflex — Web apps in pure Python.
- relationalai — RelationalAI Library and CLI
- release-new — logilab's tool to make easy releases on our forge with mercurial
- release-tools — Set of tools to generate Python releases.
- releaserr — Simple, purpose-built release manager for @gotmax23's projects
- remarshal — Convert between CBOR, JSON, MessagePack, TOML, and YAML
- renku-lock — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform. lock package
- repo-on-fire — A thin wrapper around Google's repo tool, adding some extras on top!
- RepoDynamics — no summary
- reptor — reptor allows you automating pentest reporting with SysReptor.
- reqs-cli — no summary
- reqs-sync — null
- requirementslib — A tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements.
- resc-backend — Repository Scanner - Backend
- resc-vcs-scanner — Repository Scanner - Version Control System - Scanner
- restful-starlette — A restful API kit for starlette
- reuse — reuse is a tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations.
- rift-framework — The magical Python -> TON Portal
- rio-ui — Build modern Websites and Apps just with Python
- robotpy-installer — Installation utility program for RobotPy
- rogerluo-duck — A software framework for the duck (operator learning) renormalization group.
- rolabesti — CLI app to manage, search, and play collections of mp3 tracks.
- rooster-client — Rooster Python client
- route-halo — Halo the route optimizer tool
- route_tracker — Keep track of routes/choices in VNs, text-based adventures, etc.
- rs232-to-pdu — Converts RS232 serial data to SNMP commands to control PDUs.
- rs232-to-tripplite-pdu — no summary
- rstms-pymod — Top-level package for rstms-pymod.
- rsynccheck — Check the completeness of an rsync operation.
- rtm-fast — A fast unification ds code package
- runpod — 🐍 | Python library for RunPod API and serverless worker SDK.
- rvtools-python — Simple app to collect information from vSphere
- rye-tui — Rye meets Textual. Manage your python projects with a Tui
- sachi — Terminal media files renamer (FileBot alternative)
- saitama — A python toolset to manage postgres migrations and testing
- SanicKit — A web framework that applies some of the ideas of SvelteKit to Sanic
- satori-gensokyo — Gensokyo style spellcard fight generator
- saul — A simple license generator, based on
- sbump — SimpleBump, bump a static project.version in pyproject.toml, no config, no hassle
- scalewiz — A graphical user interface for chemical performance testing designed to work with Teledyne SSI MX-class HPLC pumps.
- scargo — C/C++ package and software development life cycle manager inspired by RUST cargo idea.
- schema-automator — Infer models, enrich with meaning for terms including enum permissible values