Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- golden-qlib-alpha — Separate the qlib factor calculation for independent use and simplify its usage.
- goodman_photometry — Pipeline for reducing Goodman HTS data.
- goodstats — Statistics models and tests that return 'tidy' classes
- gopher-enrich — Gene ontology enrichment analysis using protein expression.
- gopiscator — CLI tool for performing gene set enrichment analysis using the GO database.
- goreverselookup — Python library for Gene Ontology Reverse Lookup
- gps-building-blocks — Modules and tools useful for use with advanced data solutions on Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform and Google Cloud.
- gpsea — Discover genotype-phenotype correlations with GA4GH phenopackets
- grading-tools — Tools for evaluating student submissions.
- gramex — Gramex: Low Code Data Solutions Platform
- graphcompass — Spatial metrics for differential analyses of cell organization across conditions
- graphpype — Graph analysis for neuropycon (using nipype, and ephypype); based on previous packages dmgraphanalysis and then dmgraphanalysis_nodes and graphpype
- GraphSTAM — Graph Based Spatio-Temporal Attention Models For Demand Forecasting
- graspologic — A set of Python modules for graph statistics
- GRATIOSA — no summary
- greatpy — Implementation of GREAT in Python
- gregory — Python framework to manage time series structured as one-level dictionaries
- grey-model — 灰色系统包,目前只有一个功能,未来会有很多!
- greykite — A python package for flexible forecasting
- grid-toolkit — A toolkit for generating grid-frequency deviation scenarios over 15 minute timesteps.
- grimoire-elk — GrimoireELK processes and stores software development data to ElasticSearch
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- Grimsel — GeneRal Integrated Modeling environment for the Supply of Electricity and Low-temperature heat
- grmpy — grmpy is a Python package for the simulation and estimation of the generalized Roy model.
- gs-quant — Goldman Sachs Quant
- gsc-rank-tracker — A basic rank tracker using Plotly and Google Search Console API.
- gscipy — Gabba Scientific utilities
- GSForge — Feature (gene) selection package for gene expression data.
- gspWeb — Fitting ols model in python
- gssnng — Gene Set Scoring on the Nearest Neighbor Graph (gssnng)
- GuangBEAT — BEAT
- GuangTestBeat — This package contains several methods for calculating Conditional Average Treatment Effects
- gumly — Gumly
- gutmetrics — Analysis of blood metabolome prediction of gut microbiome α-diversity in humans
- gwnrtools — A collection of tools for academic research in gravitational-wave astronomy & astrophysics
- gxusthjw — the python packages of gxusthjw.
- gytoolkit — 用于PB业务管理的工具集
- hades-nlp — Homologous Automated Document Exploration and Summarization - A powerful tool for comparing similarly structured documents
- halla — HAllA: Hierarchical All-against All Association Testing
- halophot — K2 halo photometry with total variation.
- handystuff — Handy stuff that I end up copy-pasting from here and there
- HAPI-Nile — Distributed hydrological-model
- happy-learning — Toolbox for reinforced developing of machine learning models (as proof-of-concept)
- happyfeat — Package for HappyFeat
- hav — This HAV (hierarchical ABM validation) package helps you to comprehensively validate agent-based models.
- hazelbean — Collection of geospatial algorithms, parallel computation utilities and project management tools.
- hcl-model — Simple time series forecasting based on multiple linear regression
- hds-stats — Useful functions for EDA, Statistics and Machine Learning
- heifetslab-unravel — UNRAVEL: UN-biased high-Resolution Analysis and Validation of Ensembles using Light sheet images
- hemlock-ax — A hemock extension for adaptive experimentation.
- hexpot — Realtime quantitative trading tools
- hichip-peaks — A tool to find peaks from hichip data
- hicrep — Python implementation of HiCRep stratum-adjusted correlation coefficient of Hi-C data with sparse contact matrix support
- hictools — Tools for handling hic data
- hidrocomp — Developed for hydrological studies
- hierdiff — Clustering high-dimensional instances (e.g. T cell receptors) and testing whether clusters of instances are differentially abundant in two or more categorical conditions, with interactive tree visualization.
- HiPart — A hierarchical divisive clustering toolbox
- hits-x — Updated and modified from Jeff's version.
- hiutils — Utilities for health informatics
- HLR — HLR - Hierarchical Linear Regression for Python
- hmp — Package for fitting Hidden Multivariate pattern model to time-series
- hnet — Graphical Hypergeometric Networks
- hnoca — Human Neural Organoid Cell Atlas Toolbox
- hommmer — A simple Marketing Mix Modeling library in Python
- hotspotsc — Identifying informative genes (and gene modules) in a single-cell dataset.
- hptpy — Hypothesis Testing Python Library
- hsmm-mvpy — DEPRECATED new name under HMP, see
- hstrat — hstrat enables phylogenetic inference on distributed digital evolution populations
- hurst-exponent — Hurst exponent estimator
- hurst-fitter — Library to estimate Hurst index of time series.
- hybrid-vector-model — Package to model the traffic of invasive species and disease vectors
- hyclib — Commonly used tools across my own personal projects.
- hydrocomp — Desenvolvido para estudos hidrológicos
- hydroDL — Hydrological Deep Learning
- hygraph-core — A package for managing and analyzing HyGraph data
- hyp3lib — Common library for HyP3 plugins
- hypermapper — HyperMapper is a multi-objective black-box optimization tool based on Bayesian Optimization.
- hyperts — no summary
- hypex — Fast and customizable framework for Causal Inference
- HyPyP — The Hyperscanning Python Pipeline.
- iar — Irregularly Observed Autoregressive Models
- IBATS-Common — IBATS(Integration Backtest Analysis Trade System)的公共模块,所有Feeder, Trader均集成这个模块,并使用其提供的一些公共工具
- ibeis — IBEIS - Image Based Ecological Information System
- ibicus — ibicus provides a flexible and user-friendly toolkit for the bias correction of climate models and associated evaluation.
- ibl-pipeline — Datajoint schemas for IBL
- ibm-metrics-plugin — IBM Watson OpenScale Metrics library
- ic-use-cases — Infers the use case of an intelligent contact using clustering.
- IDEAfactortest — 单因子的测试(日级别and分钟级别),非交互式
- idoctorai — Idoctor AI is a Python library that integrates generative artificial intelligence capabilities into Pandas.
- idsw — Full workflow for ETL, statistics, and Machine learning modelling of (usually) time-stamped industrial facilities data.
- iloscar — iLOSCAR
- iloscar-win — iLOSCAR_win
- imgMS — Package for data reduction of LA-ICP-MS data.
- imgraph — Graph Neural Network Library Built On Top Of PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric
- imitatebias — Package for imitatebias
- imputena — Package that allows both automated and customized treatment of missing values in datasets using Python.
- imputetspy — Re-written R package "imputeTS" in python code with some other imputation in time series method
- iMSminer — iMSminer provides user-friendly, partially GPU- or compiler-accelerated multi-condition, multi-ROI, and multi-dataset preprocessing and mining of larger-than-memory imaging mass spectrometry datasets in Python.
- imsy-htc — Framework for automatic classification and segmentation of hyperspectral images.
- indsl — Industrial Data Science Library by Cognite