Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- tsfresh — tsfresh extracts relevant characteristics from time series
- tsfuse — Automated feature construction for multiple time series data
- tslumen — A library for Time Series exploratory data analysis
- tsma — (time series model analyses) This package offers tools for analyzing models that generate multivariate time series as output.
- tsml — A development sandbox for time series machine learning algorithms.
- tspymfe — Univariate time-series expansion for Pymfe package
- tstoolbox — Command line script and Python library to manipulate time series.
- TSUtilities — Various utilities for time series forecasting.
- tswidgets — Some functions and datasets to work with time series
- tti — Trading Technical Indicators, python library. Where Traditional Technical Analysis and AI are met.
- tuanalyzes — no summary
- tui-dsg — everything you need for our jupyter notebooks
- TumorDecon — Deconvolution Methods for Digital Cytometry
- tuneup — Global optimizer comparison and combination
- turbustat — Statistics of Turbulence
- tw-experimentation — Wise AB platform
- u8darts — A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
- u8timeseries — A collection of easy-to-use timeseries forecasting models
- UCTB — Urban Computing ToolBox
- uganda-uber-switching-reg — A robust estimator to machine learning prediction misclassification
- ugd — Drawing graphs uniformly at random subject to partition constraints (Partition Adjacency Matrix). Used for network testing.
- ukbb-py — An ensemble of functions for analysing UKBB records on DNA Nexus.
- ulrm — A module that can make Univariate Linear Regression Model
- unbiasedness — Functions for estimating unbiasedness regressions.
- unimortal — Tools to get inference from the Global Mortality Rate in Python
- unique-uncertainty — UNIQUE is a Python package for benchmarking uncertainty estimation and quantification methods for Machine Learning models predictions.
- unismod — no summary
- unitvelo — Temporally unified RNA velocity inference
- universal-portfolios — Collection of algorithms for online portfolio selection
- unpast — A novel method for unsupervised patient stratification.
- unsupervised-multimodal-trajectory-modeling — trains mixtures of state space models with expectation maximization
- urbansim — Platform for building statistical models of cities and regions
- urbansim-templates — UrbanSim extension for managing model steps
- urbansim-wfrc — Urbansim library originally by Paul Waddell, customized by WFRC Analytics
- urbantrips — A library to process public transit smart card data.
- url-image-module — Image Module of REACT
- validar-modelos — Ferramentas e Instruções para Validação de Modelos Clássicos
- validate-models — Tools and Instructions for Validation of Classical Models
- validmind — ValidMind Developer Framework
- vartests — Statistic tests for Value at Risk (VaR) Models.
- vbp — Value Based Prioritization
- vdeh — no summary
- vectice — Vectice Python library
- vectorlab — A lab for vectors.
- veda-lib — veda_lib is a Python library designed to streamline the data preprocessing and cleaning workflow for machine learning projects. It offers a comprehensive set of tools to handle common data preparation tasks
- velocycle — Bayesian model for RNA velocity estimation of periodic manifolds
- verifai — A toolkit for the formal design and analysis of systems that include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) components.
- verispy — Parses VCDB json data into a Pandas DataFrame and provides summary functions and basic enumeration plotting.
- vetiver — Version, share, deploy, and monitor models.
- vf-forecaster — A portable optimized time-series forecasting framework for Python
- vf-portalytics — A consistent interface for creating Machine Learning Models compatible with VisualFabriq environment
- views-stepshift — The code used to run modelling pipelines at ViEWS
- vimms — A framework to develop, test and optimise fragmentation strategies in LC-MS metabolomics.
- viprs — Variational Inference of Polygenic Risk Scores (VIPRS)
- viroconcom — ViroCon is a software to compute environmental contour
- vital-sqi — Signal quality control pipeline for electrocardiogram and photoplethysmogram
- vitalDSP — A comprehensive toolkit for Digital Signal Processing in healthcare applications.
- vitalSQI-toolkit — A toolkit for signal quality analysis of ECG and PPG signals
- vogel — vogel Python Package
- vortexasdk — Vortexa SDK
- voyagerpy — Python library for Voyager, the geo-spatialist R library.
- vplotly — A small package for plotting based on plotly. This package is accompanying the package vstats.
- VRAresultsTest — Set of tools to measure and run test laid out by the 1982 Voting Rights Amendment
- VSRstats — VSR statstics compute util
- vstats — A small Python package providing tools for statistics
- vtool-ibeis — vision tools for IBEIS
- wa-analyzer — Code for the Master of Applied Data Science course Data Analysis and Visualization
- wammodels — library for customization modeling .WA
- water-masses — Analysis of the northern European shelf seas
- wbia-vtool — Vtool - Image Tools for Wildbook IA
- we-factor-quad — Factor Quad, a data structure for factor analysis
- we-report — Wealth Engine ReportData Generator
- wearablehrv — Wearablehrv: A Python package for the validation of heart rate and heart rate variability in wearables.
- webviz-subsurface — Webviz config plugins for subsurface data
- weedout — no summary
- wetterdienst — Open weather data for humans
- wgcpy — Data analysis and PMML model framework!
- wildbook-ia — Wildbook IA (WBIA) - Machine learning service for the WildBook project
- wildboottest — Wild Cluster Bootstrap Inference for Linear Models in Python
- wiliot-deployment-tools — A library for interacting with Wiliot's Deployment Tools
- wisdem — Wind-Plant Integrated System Design & Engineering Model
- wisestork — Within-sample CNV calling
- wishbone-dev — Wishbone algorithm for identifying bifurcating trajectories from single-cell data
- witcher — Automated AI tool including: recommender system, deep Learnings ...
- woe-scoring — Weight Of Evidence Transformer and LogisticRegression model with scikit-learn API
- wqio — wqio: Water Quality Inflow/Outflow
- wrangle — Wrangle - Data Preparation for Deep Learning
- WSIPeruDB — Water Stable Isotope Database in Peru
- wuggy — Wuggy: A multilingual pseudoword generator
- wwdata — Data analysis package aimed at data obtained in the context of (waste)water
- wzyFunc — My Python Package
- xaiz — Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Library
- XBBO — A Python toolbox for performing Black-Box Optimization.
- xbout — Collect data from BOUT++ runs in python using xarray
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xclone — Inference of clonal Copy Number Alterations in single cells
- xdatbus — A Python package enhancing VASP AIMD simulation
- xdeen — AI trading network for cryptocurrencies
- xeofs — Comprehensive EOF analysis in Python with xarray: A versatile, multidimensional, and scalable tool for advanced climate data analysis