Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- sports2d — Detect pose and compute 2D joint angles from a video.
- spotfire-dsml — Toolkit for data science and machine learning built by Spotfire
- spotify-confidence — Package for calculating and visualising confidence intervals, e.g. for A/B test analysis.
- sprm — Sparse Partial Robust M Regression, including plot functions
- sptk — The Spectral Parameters Toolkit (SPTK) is a Python package for investigating the ability of a multispectral imaging system to identify distinct materials and material groups through differences in reflectance spectra.
- spychhiker — Various python class for speech analysis and speech synthesis
- spyking-circus — Fast spike sorting by template matching
- sqlflow-models — Premade Models for SQLFlow.
- squidpy — Spatial Single Cell Analysis in Python
- sreg — Stratified Randomized Experiments
- ss-test — A python module just to test publish
- ssalib — Singular Spectrum Analysis Library (SSALib)
- ssb-statstruk — SSB Statstruk
- sslearn — A Python package for semi-supervised learning with scikit-learn
- ssos — The ssos Pipeline - Detection of Solar System Objects in astronomical images
- stamox — Accelerate Your Statistical Analysis with JAX.
- starmatch — A package to handle the Star chart matching and astrometric positioning
- starplugs — DESCRIPTION
- stat-analysis — A Python library providing hands on implementation of a collection of common statistical methods for data analysis.
- stat-arb-tools — This package provides statistics arbitrage tools for traders
- stat-tests — Easy-to-use statistical tests in Python
- state-space — State Space Models in Python
- stationarizer — Smart, automatic detection and stationarization of non-stationary time series data.
- Statistic-Project-2024 — A package for temperature analysis
- statistics-library — A custom statistics library/ resampling technqiues for chi-abs, boostrapting analysis and other statistical functions.
- statkit — Confidence intervals and p-values for sci-kit learn.
- statmanager-kr — Open-source statistical package in Python based on the Pandas
- stats-advanced — Making statistics easier with python
- statsassume — Automating Assumption Checks for Regression Models
- statscend — A Python package for performing various statistical analyses
- statsforecast — Time series forecasting suite using statistical models
- statstables — A package for making custom LaTeX, HTML, and ASCII statistical tables
- statsToolkit — Statistical Methods for Data Science Toolkit
- StatsWithSahira — Making statistics easier with python
- statworx-theme — A color theme for matplotlib using the offical statworx design
- stemlab — Mathematical Computing and Analysis in STEM
- stepsel — Stepwise selection for statsmodels GLM.
- stepwise-regression — A Python package to implement stepwise regression
- stldecompose — A Python implementation of seasonal trend with Loess (STL) time series decomposition
- stldecomposemod — A Python implementation of seasonal trend with Loess (STL) time series decomposition MODIFIED
- StochasticProcessSimulator — A package for simulating and plotting stochastic processes using discretization of SDEs.
- stock-analyser — Classes for technical analysis of stocks.
- stock-pairs-trading — stock-pairs-trading is a python library for backtest with stock pairs trading using kalman filter on Python 3.8 and above.
- stockdatamanager — A comprehensive library for financial analysis
- Stoner — Library to help write data analysis tools for experimental condensed matter physics.
- storm-modules — no summary
- streamad — An anomaly detection package for data streams.
- streaming-anomaly-detection — A pure python implementation of
- strkit — A toolkit for analyzing variation in short(ish) tandem repeats.
- struct-bias — BIAS toolbox: Structural bias detection for continuous optimization algorithms
- structuremap — An open-source Python package of the AlphaPept ecosystem
- student-success-tool — School-agnostic lib for implementing Student Success Tool workflows.
- subcellular-sprawl — Subcellular Patterning Ranked Analysis With Labels
- subgroups — subgroups is a python library which contains a collection of subgroup discovery algorithms and other data analysis utilities.
- subsampwinner — A package for feature selection using Subsampling Winner Algorithm
- sungear — Web based Sungear visualization.
- sunpeek — Large Solar Thermal Monitoring Tool. Implements the Performance Check Method of ISO 24194
- suntm — A Python package for the SUN topic model
- survey-stats — survey_stats a simple and powerfull package for data processing and statistics
- surveyequivalence — Code for calculating survey equivalence
- survshap — Implementation of the SurvSHAP(t) explanation method for time-dependent explainability of machine learning survival models
- susee — suSEE - Energy Monitoring Platform
- svlearn — Utils for ML
- svtools — Tools for processing and analyzing structural variants
- syncontrol — Python package for synthetic control generation and testing
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- synthdid — Synthdid
- synthimpute — Python package for data synthesis and imputation using parametric and nonparametric methods, and evaluation of these methods.
- syriskmodels — 信用风险模型工具包
- SysTool — Set of high level funcions that optimize our work as transport planners. Should work along with spyder=5.4.4
- tablegpt-agent — no summary
- tableone — tableone is a package for creating 'Table 1' summary statistics for a patient population.
- tablespoon — Simple probabilistic time series benchmark models
- tacco — TACCO: Transfer of Annotations to Cells and their COmbinations
- tad — Twitter's Anomaly Detection Implementation in Python
- take-forecast — This module performs time series forecasting using Kedro pipelines.
- take-icusecases — A clustering based approach to inferring the use case of an intelligent contact. Developed by A3Data, packaged by D&A Research - Take Blip.
- takeusecases — A clustering based approach to inferring the use case of an intelligent contact. Developed by A3Data, packaged by D&A Research - Take Blip.
- talos — Talos Hyperparameter Tuning for Keras
- tapir-rna — Transcriptional Analysis in Python Imported from R
- taplib — Python package to make statistical test and add statistical annotations on plots generated with Plotly
- targeted — Python package for targeted inference.
- taxontabletools — TaxonTableTools - A comprehensive, platform-independent graphical user interface software to explore and visualise DNA metabarcoding data
- tba-pydata — Wrapper for working with the Blue Alliance API in pandas
- tcapy — Tranasction cost analysis library
- tcbench — A ML/DL framework for Traffic Classification
- tealang — Tea: A High-level Language and Runtime System to Automate Statistical Analysis
- tekkare-dev-kit — Interact with OIP ecosystem.
- telemed-sk — Lo scopo di questa libreria è fornire uno strumento completo per il rilascio di modelli predittivi basati su serie temporali nell'ambito della Telemedicina, al fine di supportare la gestione e la pianificazione delle attività sulla Piattaforma Nazionale di Telemedicina (PNT)
- tempodev — Time Series Foundation Model - TEMPO: Prompt-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Time Series Forecasting
- Teneto — Temporal network tools
- tensorflow-empirical-privacy — Tests for empirical privacy.
- tensorflow-ml — Tensorflow ML
- tensorly-viz — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- TeremokTSLib — Easy-to-use box ML solution for forcasting consumption
- TEST-TC — Lo scopo di questa libreria è fornire uno strumento completo per il rilascio di modelli predittivi basati su serie temporali nell'ambito della Telemedicina, al fine di supportare la gestione e la pianificazione delle attività sulla Piattaforma Nazionale di Telemedicina (PNT)
- test0313 — no summary
- testhistpackage — tutorial
- Testpycalib-rt — calib_rt
- texpro — Create, view and export LaTeX assets (equations, figures, tables, etc.)