Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- sfdc-merlion — Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
- sforecast — A framework for running forecasting models within a sliding/expanding window out-of-sample forecast fit (train/test) and prediction (forecasts). The package includes support of classical forecasting models, SK Learn supervised learning ML models, and TensorFlow deep learning models.
- sh-powerpeak-predict — Sunghan Power Peak Prediction
- sh-weather-predict — Sunghan Weather Prediction
- shap-app — A comprehensive application for interpreting machine learning models using SHAP values
- sherlockpipe — Search for Hints of Exoplanets fRom Lightcurves Of spaCe based seeKers
- ShiftAI — ShiftAI - smart energy management for Home Assistant with load shifting recommendations.
- shinybroker — Python API for Interactive Brokers
- shipgrav — Functions for marine gravity data processing and reduction
- siat — Securities Investment Analysis Tools (siat)
- siate — Securities Investment Analysis Tools in English (SIATE)
- sigmet — A Python package to find and measure negative price shocks in financial time-series data
- sigproextractor — Extracts mutational signatures from mutational catalogues
- SigProfilerAssignment — Mutational signatures attribution and decomposition tool
- SigProfilerClusters — SigProfilerClusters tool
- SigProfilerExtractor — Extracts mutational signatures from mutational catalogues
- SigProfilerHotSpots — SigProfilerHotSpots tool
- SigProfilerTopography — SigProfilerTopography provides topography analyses for substitutions, dinucleotides and indels for all given samples.
- SigProfilerTopographyCombiner — SigProfilerTopographyCombiner combines separate SigProfilerTopography runs.
- sigproSS — Decomposes mutational catalogues to mutational signatures
- sigtech — SigTech Python SDK
- siibra-jugex — siibra-jugex - Differential analysis of gene expression in brain regions using the siibra framework
- silicone — Automated filling of detail in reported emission scenarios
- Simba-UW-no-tf — Toolkit for computer classification of complex social behaviors in experimental animals
- Simba-UW-tf — Toolkit for computer classification of complex social behaviors in experimental animals
- Simba-UW-tf-dev — Toolkit for computer classification of complex social behaviors in experimental animals
- simd-structts — SIMD StuctTS Model with various backends
- simplevec — SimpleVec: Elementary Examples of Vector Modeling
- simpliml — Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics
- SimplyEDA — A simple library for exploratory data analysis
- simpml — SimpML is an open-source, no/low-code machine learning library in Python that simplifies and automates machine learning workflows.
- simvi — Spatial Interaction Modeling using Variational Inference
- singlecellmultiomics — Tools to deal with one or more measurements from single cells
- singlefactortest — 单因子的测试(日级别and分钟级别)
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- sixsigmaspc — Statistical Process Control library
- skcredit — scorecard
- skforecast — Skforecast is a Python library for time series forecasting using machine learning models. It works with any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API, including popular options like LightGBM, XGBoost, CatBoost, Keras, and many others.
- sklearn-contrib-py-earth — A Python implementation of Jerome Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines.
- sklearn-linear-model-modification — Wraps sklearn linear_model regression functions to allow Drop1, Add1, and VIF calculations
- sklearn-viz — no summary
- sklearn2 — small scikit-learn extension
- skpro — A unified framework for tabular probabilistic regression, time-to-event prediction, and probability distributions in python
- skquantreg — Scikit wrapper for quantreg
- skrub — Prepping tables for machine learning
- sktime — A unified Python toolbox for machine learning with time series
- sktime-legacy — scikit-learn compatible toolbox for learning with time series/panel data
- sktools — Tools to extend sklearn
- SL-regression-quality — simple linear regression quality
- slade — A package for doing great things!
- sleapyfaces — A package for extracting facial expressions from SLEAP analyses
- sleepkit — AI driven sleep monitoring kit for ultra low-power wearables.
- slickml — SlickML: Slick Machine Learning in Python
- slidingRP — Quality metric from spike trains
- Slpapy — Spatial_lipomic_and_proteomic_analysis
- smadi — Add a short description here!
- SMAK — A MicroAnalysis Toolkit.
- smana — Repairing tool for time series with weekly seasonality
- SMART-BS-Seq — Specific Methylation Analysis and Report Tool 2
- smartdataai — SmartDataAI: Intelligent Data Cleaning, Transformation, Charting, and Analysis with LLM
- smartdataai-test — A package for SmartData management and operations.
- smartpyml — smartpyml: A Comprehensive Machine Learning Library
- smartstats — Pretty Statistics
- smc-movement-models — Projet pour le cours Hidden Markov models and Sequential Monte-Carlo methods de l'ENSAE.
- smeagol-bio — no summary
- smqpp — Smartseq2 preprocessing toolkit
- SNAF — A Python package to predict, prioritize and visualize splicing derived neoantigens, including MHC-bound peptides (T cell antigen) and altered surface protein (B cell antigen)
- SnapFISH — A computational pipeline to identify chromatin loops from multiplexed DNA FISH data
- SnapHiC-D — A computational pipeline to identify differential chromatin contacts from single cell Hi-C data
- snetcr — Pairwise distance calculation and neighborhood enrichment analysis of TCR repertoires
- snowflake-snowpark-python — Snowflake Snowpark for Python
- sntn — Sum of a normal and a truncated Normal (SNTN)
- soam — Tools for time series analysis, plotting and reporting.
- socialdataanalysis — Funções personalizadas para análise de dados nas ciências sociais.
- SoEasyData — 快速获取数据的简洁程序库
- soft-search — searching for software promises in grant applications
- solarforecastarbiter — Core framework for Solar Forecast Arbiter
- solas-ai — A Python Library of Curated Disparity Testing Metrics for Use in Real-World Settings
- somata — State-space Oscillator Modeling And Time-series Analysis
- SPACEc — SPatial Analysis for CodEX data (SPACEc)
- spaco — Smooth and probablistic PARAFAC decomposition with covariates
- spacr — Spatial phenotype analysis of crisp screens (SpaCr)
- sparsecca — A full implementation of sparse CCA.
- spartan2 — collection of data mining algorithms on big graphs and time series
- spateo-release — Spateo: multidimensional spatiotemporal modeling of single-cell spatial transcriptomics
- spatialaudiometrics — For calculating spatial audio metrics
- SpatialDM — SpatialDM: Spatial co-expression Detected by bivariate Moran
- spd-trading — Estimates the Risk Neutral Density and Historical Density of an underlying and suggests trading intervals based on the Pricing Kernel.
- spearmint — Refreshing hypothesis testing in python!
- specification-curve — Specification_Curve
- spflow — Sum Product Flow: An Easy and Extensible Library for Sum-Product Networks
- sphinx-gallery — A Sphinx extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from any set of Python scripts.
- sphractal — Package to estimate fractal dimension of 3D surfaces formed from overlapping spheres via box-counting algorithm.
- sphynxml — no summary
- spi-pack — A module to run analysis
- spider-st — Identifying spatially variable interactions
- spiderYa — Identifying spatially variable interactions
- spiketools — Module for analyzing spiking data.
- spinspotter — Fast, autocorrelation-based algorithm for finding stellar rotation periods from light curves.
- splineplot — no summary