Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- rootwater — Python package to estimate root water uptake (RWU) from rhizosphere soil moisture dynamics and some tools to handle sap flow measurements
- ross-ml — ross-machine-learning
- roufcp — A python package for detecting gradual changepoint using Fuzzy Rough CP (roufCP)
- roux — Convenience functions.
- rpbp — Rp-Bp: Ribosome Profiling with Bayesian Predictions
- rqfactor — Ricequant factor engine
- rqpattr — ricequant performance attribution lib
- rsmtool — Rater scoring modeling tool
- rSTSF — Fast, accurate and explainable time series classification through randomization
- rtm-fast — A fast unification ds code package
- rtm-tsfresh — tsfresh extracts relevant characteristics from time series
- RTOC — RealTime OpenControl
- Rudraya — no summary
- ruins-app — Climate change and uncertainty explorer
- runml-checks — Package for validating your machine learning model and data
- safe-ds — A user-friendly library for Data Science in Python.
- safegraph-eval — Library for evaluating SafeGraph data
- Sagittarius-api-test — no summary
- salesforce-merlion — Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
- sam — Time series anomaly detection and forecasting
- sam-ml-py — a library for ML programing created by Samuel Brinkmann
- sample-explorer — SampleExplorer: A tool for textual and gene set search against ARCHS4 data
- sample-size — A python module implementing power analysis to estimate sample size
- sample-statistics — A package for calculating weighted statistics on a set of samples.
- samplics — Select, weight and analyze complex sample data
- sax4bpm — Open source Python library for deriving explanations about business processes based on process,causal and XAI perspectives
- SC-search — Single-cell search tool
- scAAnet — An implementation of nonlinear archetypal analysis on single-cell RNA-seq data through autoencoder
- scAllele — A versatile tool for the detection and analysis of nucleotide variants in scRNA-seq
- scanpy — Single-Cell Analysis in Python.
- scapyp — A Python package for single-case data analysis.
- scarf — Scarf: A scalable tool for single-cell omics data analysis
- scBoolSeq — scBoolSeq: Linking scRNA-Seq Statistics and Boolean Dynamics.
- scbs — command line tool for the analysis of single-cell bisulfite-sequencing data
- scCloud — scRNA-Seq analysis tools that scale to millions of cells
- scCODA — A Dirichlet-Multinomial approach to identify compositional changes in count data.
- sccross — Single cell multi-omics cross modal generation, multi-omics simulation and perturbation
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- scdrs — Single-cell disease-relevance score
- ScenarioReducer — Scenario Reduction Algorithms in Stochastic Programming
- scFates — scanpy compatible python suite for fast tree inference and advanced pseudotime downstream analysis
- scGCO — single-cell graph cuts optimization
- scgenome — Code for analyzing single cell whole genomes
- scglue — Graph-linked unified embedding for unpaired single-cell multi-omics data integration
- schimpy — Python package for SCHISM
- scientistmetrics — Python package for metrics and scoring : quantifying the quality of predictions
- SciFin — SciFin is a python package for Science and Finance.
- scikeo — Remote Sensing Tools
- scikit-datasets — Scikit-learn-compatible datasets
- scikit-diveMove — Python interface to R package diveMove
- scikit-hts — Hierarchical Time Series forecasting
- scikit-longitudinal — Scikit-longitudinal, an open-source Python lib for longitudinal data analysis, builds on Scikit-learn's foundation. It offers specialised tools to tackle challenges of repeated measures data, ideal for (med.) researchers, data scientists, & analysts.
- scikit-mobility — A toolbox for analyzing and processing mobility data.
- scikit-mobility-unofficial — A toolbox for analyzing and processing mobility data.
- scikit-na — Missing Values Analysis for Data Science
- scikit-posthocs — Statistical post-hoc analysis and outlier detection algorithms
- scilpy — Scilpy: diffusion MRI tools and utilities
- scimotf — no summary
- scipeds — A Python package for working with IPEDS data
- sciRED — single cell interpretable Residual Decomposition
- sciscripts — Scripts for controlling devices/running experiments/analyzing data
- scivae — no summary
- scludam — Star cluster detection and membership estimation based on GAIA data.
- scMDCF — Aligned Cross-modal Integration and Characterization of Single-Cell Multiomic Data with Deep Contrastive Learning
- SCNIC — A tool for finding and summarizing modules of highly correlated observations in compositional data
- scoary-2 — Scoary2: Associate genes with traits!
- score-card-model — Risk Score Card Model
- scorecardpipeline — 评分卡pipeline建模包,封装toad、scorecardpy、optbinning等评分卡建模相关组件,API风格与sklearn高度一致,自持自定义模型报告输出
- scorescanner — scorescanner helps you understand the main factors influencing the target of predictive tabular machine learning models.
- scperturb — Python package with E-distance tools for single-cell perturbation data analysis.
- scpi-pkg — The package computes point estimates and prediction intervals for Synthetic Control methods with multiple treated units and staggered adoption as proposed in Cattaneo, Feng, Palomba, and Titiunik (2024).
- scProject — Transfer learning framework for single cell gene expression analysis in Python
- scpy4reactome — python service for single cell analysis in Reactome
- scrapi — no summary
- scReGAT — A GAT-based computational framework to predict long-range gene regulatory relationships
- scsims — Scalable, Interpretable Deep Learning for Single-Cell RNA-seq Classification
- scUNAGI — A Python package for UNAGI
- scut-ssvep-aperiod — aperiod extract and ssvep measure
- scuteegfe — EEG Signal Feature Exacting, a wrapper of mne_features
- seabass — A hierarchical linear mixed model for analyzing CRISPR screen data.
- seaborn — Statistical data visualization
- SEAGAL — Spatial Enrichment Analysis of Gene Association using L-index
- seamm-util — seamm_util
- secimtools — 'Metabolomics tools from the SECIM project',
- seeline — DESCRIPTION
- segindex — Segregation Index
- segmentheepy-euro — Segmenthee library
- segretini-matplottini — Colorful recipes and utilities for Matplolib and Seaborn, to create publication-ready plots
- sekupy — Detergent for your dirty neuroimaging pipelines
- selective — feature selection library
- SelfCalibratingConformal — A Python implementation of Self-Calibrating Conformal Prediction
- selfish-hic — Hi-C Differential Analysis software created and maintained by the Ay Lab
- sensortoolkit — Library for evaluating air sensor data
- seqabpy — Sequential A/B Testing Framework in Python
- sequana — A set of standalone application and pipelines dedicated to NGS analysis
- serapis — Flood simulation model
- SESAMI — Characterization Tools for Porous Materials Using Nitrogen/Argon Adsorption
- sesd — Anomaly detection algorithm implemented at Twitter
- SEVtras — sEV-containing droplet identification in scRNA-seq data