Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- MtbTk — MtbTk: Genomics Analysis Toolkit for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
- muldoon — A package for sifting meteorological data to look for and analyze vortex encounters
- multicopula — Multivariate probability distributions using copula theory.
- MultiDataPlotting — A package for plotting multiple datasets
- multidst — no summary
- multimedeval — A Python tool to evaluate the performance of VLM on the medical domain.
- multiple-inference — A statistics package for comparing multiple parameters.
- multisoc — A package to simulate and analyze networks with multidimensional interactions.
- multivis — MultiVis is a data visualisation package that produces both static and interactive visualisations targeted towards the Omics community.
- mustache-hic — Mustache is a Hi-C analysis tool
- mutagene — Mutational analysis with Python
- mutation_motif — mutation_motif, software for naalyses of point mutations, see
- muvi — MuVI: A multi-view latent variable model with domain-informed structured sparsity for integrating noisy feature sets.
- mvbep — Measurement and Verification Building Energy Prediction (MVBEP) is an open-source framework for developing data-driven models for predicting the building baseline energy consumption and estimating savings associated with retrofitting in the post-retrofit period.
- mvSPC — Plug and play statistical process control functions for Python
- mydstools — Data Science Toolbox
- myeventstudy — Python package for event study analysis
- myinternshipcalculator2024 — A simple internship hours calculator.
- nabo — Python library to perform memory efficient cross-sample cell mapping using single cell transciptomics (scRNA-Seq) data
- nanocompore — Software package that identifies raw signal changes between two conditions from resquiggled dRNA-Seq data.
- nanome-jax — NANOME (Nanopore methylation) pipeline developed by Li Lab at The Jackson Laboratory
- nanoscipy — A package containing compiled functions, to make data-handling and -analysis easier.
- napari-brainways — Brainways
- napari-metroid — This napari plugin creates several regions of interest of similar area over cells in a fluorescence video (2D+time). It then gets ROIs means over time and performs signal denoising: fixes photobleaching and separates signal from noise by means of blind source separation (with or without wavelet filtering).
- napatrackmater — Import Trackmate XML files for Track Visualization and analysis in Napari.
- naplib — Tools and functions for neural data processing and analysis in python
- naszilla — python framework for NAS algorithms on benchmark search spaces
- navicat-spock — Volcano Plot fitting tool
- nctpy — Python implementation of concepts from network control theory
- nemos — NEural MOdelS, a statistical modeling framework for neuroscience.
- neptune-automate — Machine Learning automation module
- neptune-prophet — Prophet integration library
- neptyne-kernel — The Neptyne kernel
- NetAnalyzer — Python package for network analysis, operations and priorization.
- netcoloc — no summary
- neteval — Package for standardization and evaluation of biological networks
- NetLogoDOE — NetLogoDOE provides a GUI that allows for easy design, execution and analysis of NetLogo experiments
- network-spatial-coherence — Network Validation using the Spatial Coherence Framework.
- networksns — Complex Network library
- netZooPy — Python implementation of netZoo
- neuralstockprophet — LSTM-ARIMA with attention mechanisms and multiplicative decomposition for sophisticated stock forecasting.
- neuroflex — An advanced neural network framework with interpretability, generalization, robustness, and fairness features
- neurojit — A Python package for calculating the commit understandability features of Java projects.
- neuropsydia — A Python Module for Creating Experiments, Tasks and Questionnaires.
- neurosum — Runs a statistical summary for electrophysiology data.
- newstrends — Tools for modeling news
- nextstep — USEP price prediction
- ngs-toolkit — A toolkit for NGS analysis with Python.
- ngsfragments — Python package for Next Generation Sequencing fragment manipulation
- nicaviz — Python Visualization Package
- NiChart-Viewer — Viewer to visualize neuroimaging chart (NiChart) image descriptors and biomarkers
- NiChartHarmonize — Harmonization tools for multi-center neuroimaging studies.
- nidmd — Dynamic Mode Decomposition of time-series fMRI
- nightingale — Python library for simplifying statistical analysis and making it more consistent
- nima — Numerical IMage Analyses.
- NiMARE — NiMARE: Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis Research Environment
- njab — not Just Another Biomarker
- nlntest — A Package for nonlinearity test of nuivariate and multivariate time series
- nlpaf — Implementation of different NLP tools.
- NMFProfiler — NMFProfiler: an integrative supervised Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to extract typical profiles of groups of interest combining two different datasets.
- nnetsauce — Quasi-randomized (neural) networks
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- NonlinTest — Package for nonlinearity test of nuivariate and multivariate time series
- normet — normet: NORmalising METeorology on air quality
- northgravity-utils — Python Utils for NorthGravity platform tasks
- nostredame — forecasts
- nPYc — National Phenome Centre toolbox
- npyx — Python routines dealing with Neuropixels data.
- NREL-jade — Provides HPC workflow automation services
- nrpcalc — Non-Repetitive Parts Calculator - Automated design and discovery of non-repetitive genetic parts for engineering stable genetic systems
- ntrfc — Numerical Test Rig for Cascades. A workflows-library for CFD analysis of cascade-flows
- nullsweep — A comprehensive Python package for managing and analyzing missing data in pandas DataFrames, starting with detection and expanding to complete handling.
- nullval — A package for the treatment of nullvalues and outliers in your data set using various mathematical approaches
- num-fh — numeric fused-head identification and resolution
- oceanAlgorithmPrivate — PYPI ocean Algorithm private file written by Terry
- octavvs — Open Chemometrics Toolkit for Analysis and Visualization of Vibrational Spectroscopy data
- ODAMNet — Study molecular relationships between chemicals and rare diseases
- odin-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel Keras wrapper for forecasting timeseries
- odmammogram — Outlier Detection for Mammograms (ODM) is a Python package for medical image analysis...
- ogidn — Indonesia (IDN) Calibration for OG-Core
- ogphl — Philippines Calibration for OG-Core
- ogusa — USA calibration for OG-Core
- ogzaf — South Africa Calibration for OG-Core
- okrolearn — A machine learning library created by Okerew, which is supposed to be a raw implementation of combining pytorch with scikit-learn
- oligopoolio — no summary
- olscheck — A library to check OLS assumptions.
- olspow — Python package for conducting power analysis given ratio metrics, clustered data, and covariate adjustment.
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- OmicsAnalysis — General omics data analysis tools
- omicscope — OmicScope: from quantitative proteomics to systems biology.
- omicsone-diff — OmicsOneDiff: do differential expression analysis on two groups
- omicspylib — A python library for omics data analysis
- omicverse — OmicVerse: A single pipeline for exploring the entire transcriptome universe
- omni-python-sdk — A Python SDK for Omni API
- omniclip — no summary
- omniplate — For analysing and meta-analysing plate-reader data
- omniplot — To draw scientific plots easily
- omnixai — OmniXAI: An Explainable AI Toolbox
- omnixai-community — OmniXAI: An Explainable AI Toolbox