Reverse Dependencies of statsmodels
The following projects have a declared dependency on statsmodels:
- libbiosmoother — On-the-fly processing of interactome data
- lightautoml — Fast and customizable framework for automatic ML model creation (AutoML)
- lightningnbeats — A Pytorch Lightning implementation of the N-BEATS algorithm with some extended functionality.
- lightweight-mmm — Package for Media-Mix-Modelling
- likelycause — Likely cause finds creative ways to identify causes
- likelycause2 — Likely cause finds creative ways to identify causes
- LIMBR — Learning and Imputation for Mass-spec Bias Reduction
- lime-stability — A package to evaluate Lime stability
- linearmodels — Linear Panel, Instrumental Variable, Asset Pricing, and System Regression models for Python
- linex2 — Lipid Network Explorer 2 (LINEX2) package. Python backend to the LINEX web-app
- lingam — LiNGAM Python Package
- LingerGRN — Gene regulatory network inference
- LinkingLines — Process linear geospatial data and link them using the Hough Transform and Agglomerative Clustering
- linmo — Package for Lineage Motif Analysis. Extracts statistically over- or under- represented cell fate patterns within a set of lineage trees.
- lionheart — LIONHEART is a method for detecting cancer from whole genome sequenced plasma cell-free DNA. Check README for additional installation steps.
- lite-bo — Efficient and generalized blackbox optimization (BBO) system
- little-helpers — little helper functions
- llm2geneset — llm2geneset
- lmdiag — Diagnostic Plots for Lineare Regression Models. Similar to plot.lm in R.
- localprojections — This module implements the local projections models for single entity time series and panel / longitudinal data, as well as threshold versions.
- loci-st — LOCI is a component providing functionalities for analysing, mining, and visualizing spatial and temporal data.
- logistic-regression-module-universal-bank — 로지스틱회귀 예제 1
- logisticbank — 로지스틱회귀 예제 1
- logloss-beraf — A tool for costructing a limited sized diagnostic panels based on methylation data
- logouslibrary — LogoUS machine learning utility package
- longeval — Prepare your summarization data in a format compatible with the longeval guidelines for human evaluation.
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lottokit — Lotto Kit Package
- lotus-regression — Regression model developed for the LOTUS project
- lowess-grouped — Apply groupwise lowess smoothing to a dataframe
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- lrasm — A package containing functions to test linearity assumptions for linear regression performed on single or multiple linear regression for a specified dataset
- lspr — lspr is a Python 3 scientific package for modelling UV-Vis spectral behaviour of metallic nanoparticle-dieletric composites.
- lspr-library-Piast-Kolodziej — LSPR-library is a Python 3 scientific package for modelling UV-Vis spectral behaviour of metallic nanoparticle-dieletric composites.
- lsprlib — lsprlib is a Python 3 scientific package for modelling UV-Vis spectral behaviour of metallic nanoparticle-dieletric composites.
- lsqfitgp — A general purpose Gaussian process regression module
- lstm-forecast — A package for LSTM-based financial time series forecasting
- LUBEAT — This package contains several methods for calculating Conditional Average Treatment Effects
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- lumin — LUMIN Unifies Many Improvements for Networks: A PyTorch wrapper to make deep learning more accessable to scientists.
- luminaire — Luminaire is a python package that provides ML driven solutions for monitoring time series data
- LWTools — Tool for LMT data analysis
- lxfx — lxfx is a comprehensive library designed for time series analysis and experimentation.
- lyzr — no summary
- LZBEAT — This package contains several methods for calculating Conditional Average Treatment Effects
- M-Ana-package — A Python Package for Data Manipulation and Analysis
- machine-learner — A comprehensive Python module for feature engineering, target computation, rolling window modeling, feature selection, and model evaluation, tailored for time-series forecasting and stock price analysis.
- machine-learning-tools — Utility functions for sklearn and other machine learning utilities
- MachineLearningComparisonPipeline — Pipeline for analysis of the machine learning applications in Sci-Kit Learn
- macode — Package for Implementing MaCoDE
- macrobond-data-api — Exposes a common API in Python for the Macrobond Web and Client Data APIs
- macrodemos — Demo programs to learn macroeconomics and macro-econometrics concepts
- macrosynergy — Macrosynergy Quant Research Package
- mAdvisor — An automated AI/ML solution from Marlabs
- magenpy — Modeling and Analysis of Statistical Genetics data in python
- magical-il — MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for robust imitation learning
- magicBatch — MAGICbatch
- magicpandas — A dead simple interface for manipulating pandas dataframes
- MAGINE — Package to analyze biological data.
- MagmaPandas — Pandas based tool set for geochemical processing and modelling.
- MAIVE — Mathematics and Ariticial Intelligence and Visualization Extended
- malariagen-data — A package for accessing and analysing MalariaGEN data.
- mannkendall — Implementation of the Mann-Kendall statistical test associated with the Sen's slope, following the prescriptions of Collaud Coen et al., 2020, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 6945–6964,
- many — Statistical methods for computing many correlations
- marchalib — A. Marchal library
- marginaleffects — Predictions, counterfactual comparisons, slopes, and hypothesis tests for statistical models.
- marketing-analytics-toolkit — Advanced marketing analytics toolkit for customer segmentation and analysis
- MarketQuant — A quantitative market analysis tool builder library
- markowitzify — Markowitzify will implement a variety of portfolio and stock/cryptocurrency analysis methods to optimize portfolios or trading strategies. The two primary classes are portfolio and stonks.
- mass-composition — For managing multi-dimensional mass-composition datasets, supporting weighted mathematical operations and visualisation.
- masscube — Accurate and fast data processing for metabolomics
- mastml — MAterials Simulation Toolkit - Machine Learning
- matador-db — MATerial and Atomic Databases Of Refined structures.
- matchering — Audio Matching and Mastering Python Library
- mbf-comparisons — Add a short description here!
- mc-simulation — A package for monte carlo simulations for time series
- mc-tk — A Monte-Carlo toolkit for educational purposes
- mcglm — Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models
- mcmc-statphys — A library project of Monte Carlo simulation algorithms for some statistical physics models (in particular, the Ising model and its variants).
- mcmcplot — A library to plot and analyze chains from mcmc simulations
- mdgo — A codebase for MD simulation setup and results analysis.
- mdproptools — mdproptools contains MD analysis tools
- mdspy — Mnubo Data Science Library
- mean-reversion-util — Time Series mean reversion utilities
- mean-reversion-utilities — Time Series mean reversion utilities
- medusa-kernel — Advanced biosignal processing toolbox
- meegkit — M/EEG denoising in Python
- megaprofiler — megaprofiler is a highly customizable and extensible data profiling library designed to help data scientists and engineers understand their datasets before performing analysis or building models.
- mermaid — Image registration toolbox based on pyTorch
- mesmer-emulator — Modular Earth System Model Emulator with spatially Resolved output
- metabodirect — Analyze FT-ICR-MS data
- metaccm — 2024-04-25 10:53:48This is an algorithm for building a Case-Ctrl matching cohort to minimize the influence of confusing variables.
- metaquant — Quantitative microbiome analysis
- MetaXTools — MetaXTools is a novel tool for linking peptide sequences with taxonomic and functional information in Metaproteomics.
- methcomp — methcomp: method comparison for clinical chemistry
- methpype — Python-based Illumina methylation array processing and analysis software composite package
- MethSCAn — a command line tool for Single-Cell Analysis of Methylation data
- methylize — EWAS Analysis software for Illumina methylation arrays