Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autoapi
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autoapi:
- pycgdescent — Python wrapper for the CG_DESCENT library
- pycgtool — Generate coarse-grained molecular dynamics models from atomistic trajectories.
- pyclustree — Visualize cluster assignments at different resolutions
- pycoeus — Segment (georeferenced) raster data in an interactive fashion. Retrain models in seconds. Only small amounts of labeled data necessary because of our use of pretrained base models as feature extractors.
- pydata-sphinx-theme — Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community
- pyemu — pyEMU is a set of python modules for interfacing with PEST and PEST++
- PyExifTool — Python wrapper for exiftool
- pyfax — a Python library for generating teletext tti files
- pyfmu — A set of tools for developing functional-mockup-units (FMUs) using the full capabilities of Python.
- pyfsr — Python implementation of the FortiSOAR REST API
- pygaul — Easy access to administrative boundary defined by FAO GAUL from a Python script.
- pyguitemp — Small tool to simplify the creation of GUIs
- pyhershey — pyhershey enable simple usage of Hershey fonts within python.
- pyinduct — Toolbox for control and observer design for infinite dimensional systems.
- pyiono — Ionosphere-related processing based on the input from space-geodetic data
- pylicense3 — Apply license information to a git project.
- pylingdocs-gui — A rudimentary GUI editor for pylingdocs.
- pymcdm — Python library for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
- pymcdm-reidentify — Python library for reidnetification of multi-criteria models
- pymeilisearch — A Python library for effortless indexing and searching of documentation using MeiliSearch.
- pymodulon — Python package for analyzing and visualizing iModulons.
- pyMOR — Library for building model order reduction applications with Python
- pynterlinear — Formatting IGT with python.
- pyosPackage — A package that adds numbers together
- pypackage-skeleton — An automatic build of the @12rambau/pypackage copier template
- pyqpanda-alg — A Quantum Algorithm Development and Runtime Environment Kit, based on pyqpanda.
- pyradigms — Composing and decomposing linguistic paradigms.
- pyranges1 — GenomicRanges for Python.
- pyrcf — A Python Robot Control Framework for quickly prototyping control algorithms for different robot embodiments.
- pyrestsdk — a toolkit to make writing SDKs in python simple
- pysap-fmri — Python Sparse data Analysis Package external fMRI plugin.
- pyteseo — Python package developed to simplify and facilitate the setup and processing of TESEO simulations (
- pytest-copie — The pytest plugin for your copier templates 📒
- pytest-gee — The Python plugin for your GEE based packages.
- python-keycloak-async — python-keycloak-async is a Python package providing access to the Keycloak API.
- python_project_alban_magerand_203 — Final Project of the Python Programming course of the MSc 203
- pytimings — MPI Aware section timings
- pytomography — Package to perform tomographic image reconstruction
- pytorch-benchmark — Easily benchmark PyTorch model FLOPs, latency, throughput, max allocated memory and energy consumption in one go.
- pytorch-cortex — A modular architecture for deep learning systems.
- pytspl — A Python library for Topological Signal Processing and Learning.
- pytximport — A python implementation of `tximport` to transform transcript into gene counts
- pywaterflood — Physics-inspired waterflood performance modeling
- pyxc — Python point-to-point correlation library.
- pz-rail — no summary
- pz-rail-hub — no summary
- pz-rail-projects — RAIL Project files
- pz-rail-service — RAIL service to generate photometric redshifts, umbrellla
- pzserver — no summary
- qc-BFit — Fitting a convex sum of Gaussian functions to any probability distribution.
- qc-gbasis — A module for evaluating, differentiating, and integrating Gaussian functions.
- qcs-api-client-common — Contains core QCS client functionality and middleware implementations.
- qiskit-rigetti — Provider for running Qiskit circuits on Rigetti QPUs and simulators.
- qp-flexzboost — no summary
- qp-prob — no summary
- quantify-scheduler — Quantify-scheduler is a Python package for writing quantum programs featuring a hybrid gate-pulse control model with explicit timing control.
- quantify-zurich-instruments — Zurich Instruments backend for Quantify.
- quantum-gates — Quantum Noisy Gates Simulation with Python
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quask — A software framework to speed up the research in quantum machine learning
- quimb — Quantum information and many-body library.
- Qulacs — Quantum circuit simulator for research
- rcd-dev-kit — Interact with OIP ecosystem.
- reachy — Open source interactive robot to explore real-world applications!
- reachy-2019 — Open source interactive robot to explore real-world applications!
- regularizepsf — Point spread function modeling and regularization
- RelevanceAI-dev — no summary
- renamed-project-orl — no summary
- review-bot — A Python library to automatically generate suggestions and improvements for patches in GitHub PRs by leveraging the power of OpenAI.
- rhino_health — Standard Development Kit for interacting with the Rhino Health Federated Learning Platform
- ride — Training wheels, side rails, and helicopter parent for your Deep Learning projects using Pytorch
- rm-lite — A mini versions of RM-Tools
- robotframework-pyocd — PyOCD interface library for robotframework
- root-signals — The Python SDK for API of Root Signals
- routingblocks — A package for the implementation of vehicle routing problems with intermediate stops
- rpaudio — Rust audio api binding for python
- rtichoke — interactive visualizations for performance of predictive models
- rust_nurbs — A Python API for evaluation of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) curves and surfaces implemented in Rust
- rwskit — Utility methods I've found useful.
- rxnDB — A Python Shiny app for reaction database management
- s2spy — python package for s2s forecasts with ai
- sainsc — Segmentation-free Analysis of In Situ Capture data
- sbmlutils — sbmlutils are utilities for working with SBML.
- sc3nb — SuperCollider3 (sc3) for Python and Jupyter notebooks
- schema-salad — Schema Annotations for Linked Avro Data (SALAD)
- scicom — Simulating various aspects of scientific communication via Agent-based models.
- science-jubilee — Make science with Jubilee
- scikit-sundae — SUNDIALS bindings to differential aglebraic equation solvers.
- scikit-talk — Short description of package
- scorepyo — This is the scorepyo repository.
- scriptconfig — Easy dict-based script configuration with CLI support
- segmentmytif — Segment (georeferenced) raster data in an interactive fashion. Retrain models in seconds. Only small amounts of labeled data necessary because of our use of pretrained base models as feature extractors.
- sensirion-driver-adapters — Adapter classes to use sensirion_i2c_driver package
- sensirion-driver-support-types — Supporting classes for Sensirion drivers
- shareloc — Simple geometry library
- shell-command-launcher — A simple tool to launch shell command many times.
- simple-dvc — The simple_dvc module
- sirius — Simulation of Radio Interferometry from Unique Sources
- sirup — Simple IP rotation using python.