Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autoapi
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autoapi:
- funkyheatmappy — Generate heatmap-like visualisations for benchmark data frames.
- galahad — Machine learning model server that can predict AND train
- geeservermap — Interactive map for Google Earth Engine in python
- geetools — A collection of tools to work with Google Earth Engine Python API
- genelastic — Generate and store genetic data into an Elasticsearch database.
- geolia — Geometry and mesh tools
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- ght — GIT Template Render (GITTR)
- git-well — The git_well module
- GitLabChangelog — Produces GitLab changelog release notes for projects that follow SemVer
- gittr — GIT Template Render (GITTR)
- gmpacket — ANSS Ground Motion Packet
- gmprocess — USGS Automated Ground Motion Processing Software
- graphid — The graph identification algorithm from Jon Crall's thesis
- graphviper — Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction for Radio Astronomy
- guikit — Small tool to simplify the creation of GUIs
- guitool-ibeis — Guitool - tools for PyQt5 guis
- gumnut-assembler — Gumnut Assembler written in Python
- gumnut-server — gumnut-server
- gumnut-simulator — Gumnut Simulator written in Python
- gwpopulation — Unified population inference
- hapsira — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- harlow — Adaptive surrogate modelling
- hcoop-meetbot — Plugin for Limnoria to help run IRC meetings
- helios-ml — A light-weight system for training AI networks using PyTorch
- hipose — Human whole-body pose estimation using MARG multi-sensor data.
- humidifier — Create human-friendly IDs from strings.
- hydra-config — Enhanced Hydra structured configs
- hyphi-gym — Gymnasium benchmark suite for evaluating robustness and multi-task performance of reinforcement learning algorithms in various discrete and continuous environments.
- i3pyblocks — A replacement for i3status, written in Python using asyncio.
- icclim — Python library for climate indices calculation.
- idi-manageorders-sdk — ShopWorks ManageOrders API SDK
- improv — Platform for adaptive neuroscience experiments
- imsosorry — Sometimes it can be necessary to call upon the ancient arts...
- imsosorrybutinc — Sometimes it can be necessary to call upon the ancient arts... but in C!
- incawrapper — General Repository for Omics Data Handling tools
- intake-sqlite — An Intake driver to access local or remote SQLite databases by URL.
- invert4geom — Constrained gravity inversion to recover the geometry of a density contrast.
- ipyaladin — no summary
- isofit — Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
- ITR — Assess the temperature alignment of current targets, commitments, and investment and lending portfolios.
- jaxoplanet — Probabilistic models for exoplanet inference in JAX
- jekyll-to-hugo — Python library for converting jekyll md files to Hugo.
- jgdv — no summary
- jiraone — A REST API Implementation to Jira Cloud APIs for creating reports and for performing other Jira queries.
- kailo-beewell-dashboard — Tools to support creation of #BeeWell survey dashboards for Kailo
- kedro-onnx — Adds ONNX support to Kedro
- keggtools — Enrichment analysis and visualisation toolkit for KEGG pathways
- khard — A console address book manager
- kithairon — A library for the Echo liquid handler.
- kivymd — Set of widgets for Kivy inspired by Google's Material Design
- kivymd-extensions.akivymd — A set of fancy widgets for KivyMD
- kivymd-extensions.example-extension — Example extension that adds beautiful button
- kivymd-extensions.filemanager — File manager for desktop
- kivymd-extensions.sweetalert — Beautiful, responsive, customizable and accessible popup replacement
- kivymd-extensions.title-bar — File manager for desktop
- kivymd2 — Set of widgets for Kivy inspired by Google's Material Design
- km3astro — Astronomical utilities for KM3NeT
- km3compass — Light weight package to read and exploit km3net compass data
- km3db — KM3NeT Database Library
- km3dia — Python module providing access to DIA DB information.
- km3io — "KM3NeT I/O library without ROOT"
- km3irf — KM3NeT instrument response functions
- km3net-testdata — KM3NeT TestData
- km3pipe — "An analysis framework for KM3NeT"
- km3services — Microservices for KM3NeT
- kr8s — A Kubernetes API library
- kunefe — A Python package to run containers on HPC systems
- kwandl — Keyword arguments handled
- kwarray — The kwarray module
- kwcoco — The kwcoco module and cli for image datasets
- kwcoco-dataloader — The kwcoco_dataloader module
- kwgis — The kwgis module
- kwimage — The kwimage module
- kwplot — The kwplot module
- kwutil — The kwutil module
- latex-jinja — Latex templating with Jinja and PDF conversion.
- lcdp-connexion — LCDP Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- letsbuilda-pypi — A wrapper for PyPI's API and RSS feed
- lf-metric-emitter — no summary
- liberator — static code extractor for Python
- libSGM — libSGM is a CNES version of H.Hirschmuller Semi-Global Matching
- lightly-train — Train models with self-supervised learning in a single command
- lightning-template — A template wrapper for pytorch-lightning.
- lightopic — Slimmer version of BERTopic for transforming new data with an existing, trained model.
- lilio — python package for generating calendars for machine learning timeseries analysis.
- lingtreemaps — Plot data on linguistic trees and maps.
- lod-unit — A simple python library with an astropy unit for λ/D
- logitorch — LogiTorch is a pytorch-based library for logical reasoning in natural language
- logseg — Python logging for multi-process and multi-threaded applications.
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- luminal — A lightweight, modular, and atomic photon, a.k.a plugin, loader.
- maestral — Open-source Dropbox client for macOS and Linux.
- mantelo — ✨ Keycloak Admin REST Api Client for Python ✨
- masspy — MASSpy is a package for dynamic modeling of biological processes.
- matplotlib-radar — Radar chart for matplotlib
- mcfonts — A module for exporting, manipulating, and working with Minecraft fonts
- mdsanima — The package contains modules that will help in calculating rendering time.
- mechanoChemML — A machine learning software library for computational materials physics
- medkit-lib — A Python library for a learning health system