Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autoapi
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autoapi:
- menelaus — This library implements algorithms for detecting data drift and concept drift for ML and statistics applications.
- menrva — Generalized Dask Client for GraphViper Framework
- metator — A pipeline for binning metagenomic datasets from metaHiC data.
- mexca — Emotion expression capture from multiple modalities.
- miles-credit — no summary
- miniscons — SCons builders.
- mkinit — Autogenerate files
- mloptimizer — mloptimizer is a Python library for optimizing hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms using genetic algorithms.
- mloq_template — Automate project creation following ML best practices.
- modeci-mdf — ModECI (Model Exchange and Convergence Initiative) Model Description Format
- modelspec — A common JSON/YAML based format for compact model specification
- modular-backtest — Backtesting Framework for Algorithmic Trading
- momics — A package to create and manage genome-related TileDB arrays
- more-decorators — Python decorators library
- morphinder — From gloss to lexicon ID
- morphology-workflows — Workflows used for morphology processing.
- motile-plugin — Tracking with motile
- motile-tracker — Application for interactive tracking with global optimization
- motulator — Motor Drive and Grid Converter Simulator in Python
- moyopy — Python binding of Moyo
- mp-pyrho — Tools for re-griding periodic volumetric quantum chemistry data for machine-learning purposes.
- mqt.bench — MQT Bench - A MQT tool for Benchmarking Quantum Software Tools
- mqt.core — The Backbone of the Munich Quantum Toolkit
- mqt.debugger — A quantum circuit debugging tool
- mqt.predictor — MQT Predictor - A MQT tool for Determining Good Quantum Circuit Compilation Options
- mqt.qudits — A Framework For Mixed-Dimensional Qudit Quantum Computing
- multidms — Joint modeling of multiple deep mutational scanning experiments.
- mvdate — Move files to directories based on created date
- my_lib_gens — Useless library to perform basic computations
- nada-dsl — Nillion Nada DSL to create Nillion MPC programs.
- ndsampler — Fast sampling from large images
- nedextract — extract specific information from annual report files
- neo4j-etl-lib — Building blocks for ETL pipelines.
- nessai — Nessai: Nested Sampling with Artificial Intelligence
- nessie — Annotation error detection and correction
- net-dl — Download web pages and files from the internet using CLI or as a Python module.
- networkx-algo-common-subtree — A networkx implemention of algorithms to find common ordered subtree minors and isomorphisms
- NeuralFoil — NeuralFoil is an airfoil aerodynamics analysis tool using physics-informed machine learning, in pure Python/NumPy.
- new-project-orl — no summary
- newclid — Symbolic solver for geometric problems.
- nifi.flowfile — NiFi FlowFile Serializer
- nipoppy — Standardized organization and processing of neuroimaging-clinical datasets
- noisepy-seis-io — no summary
- nrel.hive — HIVE is a mobility services research platform developed by the Mobility and Advanced Powertrains (MBAP) group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, USA.
- nspyre — Networked Scientific Python Research Environment.
- nussl — A flexible sound source separation library.
- odtlearn — A package for tree-based statistical estimation and inference using optimal decision trees.
- omnisolver-pt — Parallel-tempering solver compatible with omnisolver.
- onc — Oceans 3.0 API Python Client Library
- ontolearn — Ontolearn is an open-source software library for structured machine learning in Python. Ontolearn includes modules for processing knowledge bases, inductive logic programming and ontology engineering.
- ontoviz — no summary
- openapi2callables — Parse and project OpenAPI endpoints into OpenAI/GenericLLM compatible Tools
- opengenome — no summary
- openvino-xai — OpenVINO™ Explainable AI (XAI) Toolkit: Visual Explanation for OpenVINO Models
- optree — Optimized PyTree Utilities.
- orangearg — Argument mining and reasoning add-on on Orange3 platform.
- orbix — A JAX library of functions useful for exoplanet simulations
- ordinalgbt — A library to build Gradient boosted trees for ordinal labels
- orquestra-sdk — Compose Orquestra workflows using a Python DSL
- osmg — OpenSees Model Generator
- otx — OpenVINO™ Training Extensions: Train, Evaluate, Optimize, Deploy Computer Vision Models via OpenVINO™
- outpost-barbican — Outpost-OS build system
- pade-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- pade-python-dependencies — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Dependencies
- pagekey-docgen — Generate documentation sites for PageKey projects.
- pagekey-sitegen — Generate documentation sites for PageKey projects.
- Paidiverpy — A library to preprocess image data.
- palma — no summary
- Pandora — Pandora is a stereo matching framework that helps emulate state of the art algorithms
- pandora-plugin-libsgm — Pandora plugin to optimize the cost volume with the LibSGM library
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- pd-cldf — Read and write CLDF datasets with pandas.
- pdstools — Open source tooling that helps Data Scientists to analyze Pega models and conduct impactful analyses.
- pelicun — Probabilistic Estimation of Losses, Injuries, and Community resilience Under Natural hazard events
- perun — Measure the energy used by your MPI+Python applications.
- petrelpy — Utilities for working with Petrel imports and exports.
- pgfinder — Peptidoglycan analysis
- phasellm — Wrappers for common large language models (LLMs) with support for evaluation.
- pibrary — A package of reusable code for ML projects
- piel — Photonic Integrated Electronics: microservices to codesign photonics, electronics, communications, quantum, and more.
- pikepdf — Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
- plangym — Plangym is an interface to use gymnasium for planning problems. It extends the standard interface to allow setting and recovering the environment states.
- plot-serializer — A simple tool for serializing scientific diagram to (FAIR) data.
- plotID — The plotID toolkit supports researchers in tracking and storing relevant data in plots. Plots are labelled with an ID and the corresponding data is stored.
- plottool-ibeis — Plottool - tools for matplotlib computer vision plots
- pmfp — A simple package manager and scaffold for python & some other languages.
- pointsecio — PointSecIO - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- polartoolkit — Helpful tools for polar researchers
- poliastro — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics
- PourPy — A Python-based library to generate Pourbaix diagrams (potential/pH diagram)
- profit — Probabilistic response model fitting with interactive tools
- propulate — Massively parallel genetic optimization through asynchronous propagation of populations
- ps2ff — Approximated rupture distances from point source
- py-dev-deps — A package for common python development dependencies
- py-uds — UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services) protocol handler.
- pyAFQ — pyAFQ: Automated Fiber Quantification ... in Python
- pyansys-tools-variableinterop — Optional variable specifications for interoperability between languages and capabilities.
- pybop — Python Battery Optimisation and Parameterisation
- pycanha-core — Python bindings for pycanha-core with Pybind11
- pycasx — A Python implementation of ACAS XA and ACAS XU for Flightgear.