Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-autoapi
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-autoapi:
- skriba — Messaging and logger module for astroVIPER, Dask based ecosystem.
- slade — A package for doing great things!
- slayer-in-the-shadows — Lets Build A Game's entry into PyWeek 35
- slipstream-async — Streamline your stream processing.
- sm64-random-assets — The sm64-random-assets module
- smart-cell — SMART (Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reaction and Transport) is a tool for spatially modeling cell signaling networks
- smartapp-sdk — Framework to build a webhook-based SmartThings SmartApp
- smk2rst — Utility to translate Snakemake codebase into sphinx-like rst files
- solar-wavelength-calibration — A package for calibrating wavelength data.
- sorcha — The survey simulator post processing code for the LSST
- sorcha-addons — no summary
- spateo-release — Spatiotemporal modeling of molecular holograms
- spectpsftoolbox — Library for creation of point spread functions
- speed-benchmark — A generic speed benchmark library.
- sphinx-hoverxref — Sphinx extension to show tooltips with content embedded when hover a reference.
- sphinx-notfound-page — Sphinx extension to build a 404 page with absolute URLs
- sphinxcontrib-skeleton — the skeleton of a sphinx extension in the sphinxcontrib community
- spinifex — Correcting ionospheric Faraday rotation.
- spinpath — Run specimen-level inference on whole slide images.
- spline-basis — no summary
- spotter — Approximate forward models of fluxes and spectra time-series of non-uniform stars.
- sqlalchemy-heavyai — HeavyAI SQLAlchemy Driver
- sqlalchemy-omnisci — OmniSciDB driver for SQLAlchemy
- ssssg — Stupidly Simple Static Site Generator
- stack-to-chunk — Convert stacks of images to chunked datasets
- starspotter — Stellar contamination estimates from rotational light curves
- — A Python wrapper for the Fluxpoint API
- step-kit — STEP, an acronym for Spatial Transcriptomics Embedding Procedure, is a deep learning-based tool for the analysis of single-cell RNA (scRNA-seq) and spatially resolved transcriptomics (SRT) data. STEP introduces a unified approach to process and analyze multiple samples of scRNA-seq data as well as align several sections of SRT data, disregarding location relationships. Furthermore, STEP conducts integrative analysis across different modalities like scRNA-seq and SRT.
- stormvogel — User-friendly frontend to the Storm model checker
- storynavigator — Narrative analysis add-on for the Orange 3 data mining software package.
- structlog-sentry-logger — Log without the setup via a pre-configured structlog logger with optional Sentry integration
- supersolids — Simulate and animate supersolids.
- suricata-check — A command line utility to provide feedback on Suricata rules.
- symfem — a symbolic finite element definition library
- synthesis-workflow — Workflow used for synthesis and its validation.
- synthgauge — A package for evaluating synthetic data
- tables-io — Input/output and conversion functions for tabular data
- taolib — 道可道,非恒道
- tcx2gpx — Convert Garmin TCX GPS tracks to GPX
- tekkare-dev-kit — Interact with OIP ecosystem.
- tensortrax — Differentiable Tensors based on NumPy Arrays
- tethys — A flexible open-source platform for data streams management
- text-quality — A package to determine the quality of a a digitized text, from a handwritten script or scanned print (HTR/OCR output).
- thanosql — ThanoSQL SDK for Python
- thepipe — A lightweight, general purpose pipeline framework.
- thevenin — Equivalent circuit models in Python.
- timex_lca — Time-explicit Life Cycle Assessment
- timml — Steady multi-layer AEM Model
- tisane — no summary
- tjpcov — Covariances for LSST DESC
- toolviper — no summary
- topostats — Automated Analysis for Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Biomolecules
- torch-book — 道法自然
- torchgfn — A torch implementation of GFlowNets
- traccuracy — Utilities for computing common accuracy metrics on cell tracking challenge solutions with ground truth
- traders-copilot-mzza-25 — The package is designed to signal traders, and thus helping with streamlining investment decision-making and optimizing trading strategies.
- travo — Management tools for gitlab-based assignment workflows
- trustero-api — Trustero Receptor API Python Proto File Bindings
- trx-python — Experiments with new file format for tractography
- tshistory-refinery — no summary
- ttim — Transient multi-layer AEM Model
- ubelt — A Python utility belt containing simple tools, a stdlib like feel, and extra batteries
- uciparse — Parse and emit OpenWRT uci-format files
- uniparser-yawarana — A UniParser implementation for morphologically parsing and annotating Yawarana material.
- unique-uncertainty — UNIQUE is a Python package for benchmarking uncertainty estimation and quantification methods for Machine Learning models predictions.
- utool — Useful utilities and the kitchen sink
- vbvarsel — Quickly identify clusters of variables by using a scalable, computationally efficienty annealed variational Bayesian algorithm.
- vinvelivaanilai — Vinvelivaanilai
- vtool-ibeis — vision tools for IBEIS
- wcps — Python client library for WCPS (OGC Web Coverage Processing Service) backends.
- wcs — Python client library for WCS (OGC Web Coverage Service) backends.
- wettingfront — Wetting front analysis tool
- whylogs — Profile and monitor your ML data pipeline end-to-end
- workshop-schedules — One-liner to describe the package
- wsic — Whole Slide Image (WSI) conversion for brightfield histology images
- wsinfer — Run patch-based classification on pathology whole slide images.
- wsinfer-mil — Run specimen-level inference on whole slide images.
- xarray-regrid — Regridding tools using xarray and flox.
- xcookie — The xcookie cookie-cutter Module
- xdev — An excellent developer tool for excellent developers
- xdoctest — A rewrite of the builtin doctest module
- xhydro — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xhydro-temp — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xinspect — The xinspect module
- xradio — Xarray Radio Astronomy Data IO
- xscen — A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with xclim/xarray.
- xyzstyle — xyzstyle 主题
- yardang — Easily generate sphinx documentation
- yieldlang — no summary
- yieldplotlib — A Python pipeline to generate plots for exoplanet yield simulations.
- yippy — A Python and JAX wrapper to create a coronagraph object from a yield input package
- zarr — An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python
- zlmdb — Object-relational zero-copy in-memory database layer for LMDB.