Reverse Dependencies of sortedcontainers
The following projects have a declared dependency on sortedcontainers:
- liso — Python API for LInac Simulation and Optimization
- litedb — A pure Python NoSQL database
- litedis — Litedis 是一个类似 Redis 的轻量级的、本地的、开箱即用的 NoSQL 数据库。Litedis is a lightweight, local, out-of-the-box NoSQL database similar to Redis.
- LLM-PCT — A package for taking and scoring the PCT
- logicsponge-processmining — A real-time data processing pipeline
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- lst-pressure — Determine periods of "LST pressure" by querying for intersections between LST/Solar intervals
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- luminescent — A description of your package
- lytekit — Flyte SDK for Python
- MAGINE — Package to analyze biological data.
- mak-framework — Automation Framework Using Playwright Python
- mango-explorer-v4 — no summary
- mapillary — A Python 3 library built on the Mapillary API v4 to facilitate retrieving and working with Mapillary data
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- mass-spec-utils — Some useful MS code
- materials-commons — The Materials Commons tool set
- materials-commons-cli — Materials Commons CLI
- matrix-sydent — Reference Matrix Identity Verification and Lookup Server
- matrix-synapse — Homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-jitsi — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-ray — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- mecapacktools — Outils de base pour Mecapack
- megatron-energon — Megatron's multi-modal data loader
- memtrace — Valgrind tool for tracing memory accesses
- midas-goa — A MIDAS module for the grid operator agent.
- mikelja — A Python library to aggregate job listings from various APIs.
- mitmproxy — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- mitmproxy-ban — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- mitmproxy-lin-customization — 基于mitmproxy,根据自己的使用习惯定制的内容,加入接口花费时间排序,按照定义规则自动跑接口造数据,graphqlview的功能
- mktdata — no summary
- ML-Navigator — ML-Navigator is a tutorial-based Machine Learning framework. The main component of ML-Navigator is the flow. A flow is a collection of compact methods/functions that can be stuck together with guidance texts.
- mlgw-bns — Accelerating gravitational wave template generation with machine learning.
- modelscope — ModelScope: bring the notion of Model-as-a-Service to life.
- mpf — The Mission Pinball Framework (MPF)
- msa-toolbox — MSA Toolbox
- mtmitm — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- musc — A library to construct concept drift adaptive model services.
- my-quart-app — no summary
- mycloud-cli — myCloud Command Line Interface
- mytiktok — A Simple Python Package for Scarping and Downloading Tiktok Videos
- nada-dsl — Nillion Nada DSL to create Nillion MPC programs.
- nbapredictdaily — A tool to predict the outcome of daily NBA games
- ncc-reactor — Runs custom filters on Elasticsearch and alerts on matches
- ndsampler — Fast sampling from large images
- ndstorage — N-dimensional, multiresolution file format for Micro-Manager
- ndtiff — Python libraries for NDTiff datasets
- neatadjacency — An adjacency list implementation.
- negotium — A lightweight and easy to use task queue/scheduler
- neoscore — A graphical musical notation library
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.
- ngsderive — Forensic analysis tool useful in backwards computing information from next-generation sequencing data.
- nitpick — Enforce the same settings across multiple language-independent projects
- nobidev-ovs — Open vSwitch library
- NodeRAG — NodeRAG, a graph-centric framework introducing heterogeneous graph structures that enable the seamless and holistic integration of graph-based methodologies into the RAG workflow
- nPhase — nPhase is a command line ploidy agnostic phasing pipeline and algorithm which phases samples of any ploidy with sequence alignment of long and short read data to a reference sequence.
- npl — Nanoparticle Library for computational analysis of nanoparticles
- nsg-python-sdk — NetSpyGlass SDK
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- numpy-extension — This Python package extends the functionality of numpy by introducing additional methods for data manipulation, and a specialized format for reading and writing numpy arrays.
- ocr-loc — Add your description here
- OctoBot-Commons — OctoBot project common modules
- odd-cli — Command line tool for working with OpenDataDiscovery.
- odex — Python object index for fast, declarative retrieval
- omnibus — no summary
- onegov.activity — Summer activities by Pro Juventute for OneGov Cloud
- — Elasticsearch integration for OneGov Cloud
- oneidentity-safeguard-sessions-plugin-sdk — One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions Plugin SDK
- ontolearn — Ontolearn is an open-source software library for structured machine learning in Python. Ontolearn includes modules for processing knowledge bases, inductive logic programming and ontology engineering.
- ontosample — Ontosample is a package that offers different sampling techniques for OWL ontologies.
- open-mafia-engine — Open Mafia Engine - a framework for mafia/werewolf games.
- open-web-calendar — Embed a highly customizable web calendar into your website using ICal source links
- OpenFisca-Core — A versatile microsimulation free software
- Optimo-API-Testing — Package for testing optimo API
- osrt — Implementation of Optimal Sparse Regression Trees
- osst — Implementation of Optimal Sparse Survival Trees
- ovs — Open vSwitch library
- owlapy — OWLAPY is a Python Framework for creating and manipulating OWL Ontologies.
- pacer-tools — no summary
- palmettobug — A GUI for (imaging) mass cyometry analysis predominantly based on the popular Steinbock and CATALYST image processing and data analysis packages and written in customtkinter.
- palpable — A multiprocessing task server
- pandas-ml-utils — Augment pandas DataFrame with methods for machine learning
- paramtools — Library for parameter processing and validation with a focus on computational modeling projects
- pathaia — procedures for wsi analysis
- pcapng-utils — A set of Python scripts to manipulate PCAPNG files
- pdpipe — Easy pipelines for pandas.
- peyecoder — Software for coding eye movements
- phas — PICSL Histology Annotation Server (PHAS)
- pingsafe-cli — [Deprecated] PingSafe CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with PingSafe.
- plagdef — A tool which makes life hard for students who try to make theirs simple.
- plann — Simple command-line CalDAV client and planning tool, for adding and browsing calendar items, todo list items, etc.
- pm4py-pn-unfoldings — Library for Petri net unfoldings based on pm4py
- policyengine-canada — Microsimulation model for Canada's tax-benefit system.
- PolicyEngine-Core — Core microsimulation engine enabling country-specific policy models.
- policyengine-italy — Microsimulation model for Italy's tax-benefit system.