Reverse Dependencies of sortedcontainers
The following projects have a declared dependency on sortedcontainers:
- firanka — Calculations on real functions
- fishbowlpy — Python package to interact with fishbowlapp.
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- fixtrate — Tools for interacting with the FIX protocol.
- flaightkit — Flyte SDK for Python (Latch fork)
- Flask-Copilot — Simple navbar generation for Flask applications.
- flask-flac — Flask based library to help structure an application with an eye towards CLI apps, not just web.
- flask-restx-marshmallow — A successful practice combining flask_restx with marshmallow
- flora-blockchain — Flora blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- forte — Forte is extensible framework for building composable and modularized NLP workflows.
- — NLP pipeline framework for biomedical and clinical domains
- fractionalindex — Fractional index library with multiple backends
- fractuversalis — Shattered world mod generator for EU4
- fudstop — no summary
- fullscript.spellbook — A simple package to make your life easier.
- FuzzySortedDict — A sorted dictionary with nearest-key lookup
- galahad — Machine learning model server that can predict AND train
- galaxy-tool-util — Galaxy tool and tool dependency utilities
- gatenlp — GATE NLP implementation in Python.
- Gedi — Generating Event Data with Intentional Features for Benchmarking Process Mining
- Generic-Util — A collection of frequently used (mostly functional) utilities not found in the standard library
- genometools — GenomeTools: A Python Toolkit for Working with Genomic Data.
- genutility — A collection of various Python utilities
- Geocoding — geocoding is an address search engine for France
- geopolygonize — Convert geographic rasters into simplified polygons
- gerrytools — Tools for processing and visualizing districting plans.
- gevopy — Genetics for Evolutionary Algorithms in Python.
- Gewel — Python animation tools.
- gid_tasks — GidTasks
- gink — a system for storing data structures in lmdb
- gitlab-project-configurator — Manage, deploy and update your gitlab projects configuration as source.
- gplugins — gdsfactory plugins
- graphslim — Slimming the graph data for graph learning
- graphtomation — An AI utility package to build and serve Crew and LangGraph workflows as FastAPI routes, packed with reusable components for AI engineers.
- — A simple python library for parsing, editing and writing GTFS files
- gtirb — GrammaTech Intermediate Representation for Binaries
- guerrilla_aaron — demo
- guipy — An easy plotting GUI for Python
- halmos — A symbolic testing tool for EVM smart contracts
- hdhog — Find and delete big disk space consumers
- health-check-helper-thanhnv — no summary
- hear —
- heksher — no summary
- Help-Tool-ThanhNv — no summary
- hf-webdriver-manager — Library provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers.
- hfr_api — A Python library to interface with
- hg-systematic — A library and examples to show how HGraph can be used for systematic trading.
- hgraph — A functional reactive platform used to process time-series streams. Provides support for backtest (simulation) and realtime time-series processing. Using a forward propagation graph with a microtask scheduler for the runtime engine.
- hipar — Hierarchical Pattern-aided Regression
- hivemind — Decentralized deep learning in PyTorch
- hstrat — hstrat enables phylogenetic inference on distributed digital evolution populations
- hwtSimApi — RTL simulator API
- hypertiling — hypertiling is a high-performance Python library for the generation and visualization of regular hyperbolic lattices
- hypothesis — A library for property-based testing
- hypycube — HyPyCube framework
- ignite-simple — Easily train pytorch models with automatic LR and BS tuning
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- incdbscan — Implementation of IncrementalDBSCAN clustering.
- indegreeparser — A modified resume parser built on the pyresparse library used for extracting information from resumes
- indentml — indentml is a simple general-purpose indent-based language suitable to describe tree-like structures
- indicator-management — A library to help management of fully customized indicators
- indy-plenum — Plenum Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol
- infmidi — Manipulate midi and create music with a simple and high level interface.
- ingestr — ingestr is a command-line application that ingests data from various sources and stores them in any database.
- intervaltree — Editable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3
- iotile-support-prod-pod1m-1 — no summary
- iTheraPY — Environment for iThera Python tools
- jk_utils — This python module provides various utility functions and classes.
- jsonplus — Custom datatypes (like datetime) serialization to/from JSON.
- jubeatools — A toolbox for jubeat file formats
- jumpDB — A simple kv store
- kaldiprep — no summary
- kbve — ATLAS
- kevo — Key-value store with 3 backend engines
- keycloak-exporter-bot — Import data into KeyCloak server
- keyframed — no summary
- kiara — Data-centric workflow orchestration.
- kibitzr — Self hosted web page changes monitoring
- kind-wycliffwasonga — For querying documents from Korea Investor's Network for Disclosure(KIND)
- kisstdlib — System programming with conceptually and algebraically simple primitives.
- kiwi-blockchain — Kiwi blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- kloppy — Standardizing soccer tracking- and event data
- kryptoflow — Add a short description here!
- kuplift — A User Parameter-free Bayesian Framework for Uplift Modeling
- kwcoco — The kwcoco module and cli for image datasets
- KwoksTool — no summary
- kyzylborda-lib — no summary
- laboneq — Zurich Instruments LabOne Q software framework for quantum computing control
- lager-cli — Lager Command Line Interface
- lassonet — Reference implementation of LassoNet
- lazyllm — A Low-code Development Tool For Building Multi-agent LLMs Applications.
- lazyllm-beta — A Low-code Development Tool For Building Multi-agent LLMs Applications.
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- lgblkb-navigation — Tools to navigate easier)
- lgblkb-tools — Helper tools for lgblkb)
- libhum — Libhum is a Python GPU-accelerated library to extract and compare Electricity Frequency Signals (ENF)
- linkedin-auto-scraper — A tool to scrape infomation of people in a particular based on their job title and location
- linkedin-information-collections-scraper — a scrpit to get all the links about peaple who are intersted by given keyword
- linkedin-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for twitch
- linkedinpdfextractor — Add a short description here!