Reverse Dependencies of sortedcontainers
The following projects have a declared dependency on sortedcontainers:
- a10sa-script — A10SA Script
- accasim — An HPC Workload Management Simulator
- acquifer-napari — Loader plugin for napari, to load Acquifer Imaging Machine datasets in napari, using dask for efficient lazy data-loading.
- adaptive — Parallel active learning of mathematical functions
- adfluo — Pipeline-oriented feature extraction for multimodal datasets
- adversarial-robustness-toolbox — Toolbox for adversarial machine learning.
- AeroSandbox — A Python 3 package for playing around with aerodynamics ideas related to vortex lattice methods, coupled viscous/inviscid methods, automatic differentiation for gradient computation, aircraft design optimization, and the like. Work in progress!
- aifeynman — AI Feynman: a Physics-Inspired Method for Symbolic Regression
- aima — Artificial Intelligence a Modern Approach 4th Ed by Peter Norvig and Stuart Russel
- aiotdlib — Python asyncio Telegram client based on TDLib
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- alifedata-phyloinformatics-convert — alifedata-phyloinformatics-convert helps apply traditional phyloinformatics software to alife standardized data
- AllUtils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- alluxio — Alluxio Python library 1.0.0 provides API to interact with Alluxio servers.
- alluxio-python-library — Alluxio Python library 1.0.0 provides API to interact with Alluxio servers.
- alluxiofs — Alluxio Fsspec provides Alluxio filesystem spec implementation.
- alphaclops-core — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- alphaclopsv1 — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- am_algorithms — no summary
- amazon-login — Log into amazon seller central or vendor central using selenium.
- anaximander — The rapid application development framework for data-intensive Python
- anchorscad-core — A Python 3D modelling API for generating OpenSCAD source code. This library simplifies the creating of 3D models. This contains only the core API and some generic basic models.
- Andreani-QA-Scanner — SeleniumFramework para ejecución de casos automatizados
- angr — A multi-architecture binary analysis toolkit, with the ability to perform dynamic symbolic execution and various static analyses on binaries
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- annotation-tool — Tool for annotating time series data from sources such as IMUs, MoCap, Videos and more.
- antistasi_logbook — Antistasi Logbook
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apidriver — api test framework cli
- aqueue — An async task queue with live progress display
- arctic-ai — Python package for Arctic Workflow. Mirrors jupyter developments.
- arduino-dbg — Interactive debugger for Arduino device sketches
- arginfer — Infer the Ancestral Recombination Graph
- argos-toolkit — Software tools to facilitate tracking multiple objects (animals) in a video.
- argos-tracker — Software utility for tracking multiple objects (animals) in a video.
- aries-staticagent — Python Static Agent Library and Examples for Aries
- arm-jupyter-kernel — Jupyter kernel for ARM Assemble language.
- arm-kernel — Jupyter kernel for ARM Assemble language.
- asamint — Adds high-level, convenience, integration related functions for several opensource projects.
- asolytics — ASO automation software tool on Google Play. Trend analysis, keyword popularity analysis and evaluation, competitor app analysis and keyword parsing.
- astar — generic A-Star path searching algorithm
- asyncua — Pure Python OPC-UA client and server library
- asyncua-fork-for-eta-utility — Pure Python OPC-UA client and server library - Forked for ETA Utility
- atomicgraphs — This is a library to split an RDF Graph into atomic graphs.
- augmentation-engine — Solar Filaments data augmentation demo package
- AutoChromedriver2 — A cross-platform one-line solution that automatically manages chromedriver installation for Selenium
- autonon — Organon Automated ML Platform
- AutoReg-MrPaC6689 — AUTOREG - Operação automatizada de Sistemas - SISREG & G-HOSP
- autovpn — A CLI wrapper for Cisco's Anyconnect VPN tool
- availability-profile — Data Structure for Tracking Computing Resource Availability
- azucar-web-driver — Automatización de navegadores con Selenium
- bakplane-python-sdk — A Python Client for Bakplane
- bankruptcy — A bankruptcy document parser.
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- bcex — Websocket Client and interface for Exchange
- beige — Python exchange engine
- BigFastAPI — Adding lots of functionality to FastAPI
- binsync — A Collaboration framework for binary analysis tasks.
- biobit — Rust-powered Python library for biological data analysis
- biscuit-api — The uncompromising code editor
- biscuit-editor — A lightweight, fast, and extensible code editor with a growing community
- bitflyer-rt — Bitflyer Realtime and Rest API
- bitmex-tools — Bitmex Tools
- bitmex-trio-websocket — Websocket implementation for BitMEX cryptocurrency derivatives exchange.
- blinkpy — A Blink camera Python Library.
- Bliss — BeamLine Instrumentation Support Software
- blocknative-sdk — Blocknative's Python SDK.
- bonn — Created for ONS. Proof-of-concept mmap'd Rust word2vec implementation linked with category matching
- bootFacebookAccountCreator — no summary
- breeze-historical-options — A Python package for easily downloading historical options data
- bylexa — Control your PC using Bylexa voice commands.
- byml — A simple Nintendo BYML or BYAML v2/v3 parser and writer
- bytestring-splitter — Among the simplest imaginable ways to serialize: concatenate and split.
- camkes-deps — Metapackage for downloading build dependencies for CAmkES
- cascadia — De novo sequencing for DIA mass spectrometry data
- casm-bset — CASM cluster expansion basis set generation
- cassiopeia — Riot Games Developer API Wrapper (3rd Party)
- cbpro — The unofficial Python client for the Coinbase Pro API
- cbpro-notbroken — The unofficial Python client for the Coinbase Pro API
- cbpro-SCR — The newly edited unofficial Python client for the Coinbase Pro API for use by SCR only.
- cdev — CLI for cdev sdk
- cdx-tf — Basic Python tools
- cdxbasics — Basic Python tools
- changepoint-online — A Collection of Online Methods for Changepoint and Anomaly Detection
- chemcoord — Python module for dealing with chemical coordinates.
- ChemScraper — Scraping chemical vendors for pricing/availability info.
- chia-blockchain — Chia blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- chia-tea — A library dedicated to chia-blockchain farmer.
- chiadoge — Chiadogecoin full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- chik-blockchain — Chik blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- chima-rufus — no summary
- cirq-core — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- cirq-dev — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- cirq-unstable — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- clavier — A light and not-so-bright CLI framework for Python
- cle — CLE Loads Everything (at least, many binary formats!) and provides a pythonic interface to analyze what they are and what they would look like in memory.
- clickpoints — Scientific toolbox for manual and automatic image evaluation.
- clodius — Tile generation for big data
- cloud-pak-operations-cli — IBM Cloud Pak Operations CLI