Reverse Dependencies of sortedcontainers
The following projects have a declared dependency on sortedcontainers:
- s1-shift-left-cli — SentinelOne CNS CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with SentinelOne CNS.
- salvia-blockchain — Salvia blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- sampo — Open-source framework for adaptive manufacturing processes scheduling
- samutil — A set of Python utility packages for developing and maintaining quality software.
- satcompression — A python package to compress sat data
- sax4bpm — Open source Python library for deriving explanations about business processes based on process,causal and XAI perspectives
- sbcoyote — SBcoyote: An Extensible Python Based Reaction Editor and Viewer.
- scanbuddy — fMRI Motion Plotting and SNR Calculation
- scikit-mine — Pattern mining in Python
- scikit-multiflow — A machine learning package for streaming data in Python.
- scikit-psl — Probabilistic Scoring List classifier
- score-clustering — A clustering algorithm to divide points into clusters of equal score.
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scriptize — Jarvis most recommended script api!
- scrutinydebugger — Scrutiny debugger Python framework
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- SDSParser — Extract chemical data from Safety Data Sheet documents
- selenium-auto-executor — selenium_auto_executor
- seleniumbase — A complete web automation framework for end-to-end testing.
- semilattices — This package implements a lightweight library for semilattices in python.
- sequencetools — sequencetools -- A package for FASTX stats generation and manipulation
- settingscascade — Cascade settings from multiple levels of specificity
- sfctss — A Service Function Chain (SFC) Traffic Scheduling Simulator
- shravan — Control your PC using shravan voice commands.
- sigfig — Python library for rounding numbers (with expected results)
- sigmond-scripts — Supporting functions for handling the c++ library sigmond
- sil-machine — A natural language processing library that is focused on providing tools for resource-poor languages.
- SimpleApplication — Simple Application in Python
- simpn — A package for Discrete Event Simulation, using the theory of Petri Nets.
- sirius-sdk — SDK for developing Smart-Contracts in Self-sovereign-identity world.
- slicemap — Tiny dict-like structure with key slicing.
- SMAK — A MicroAnalysis Toolkit.
- snapchat-driver-info — A basic profile search bot for snapchat
- snowflake-connector-python — Snowflake Connector for Python
- snowflake-connector-python-nightly — Nigthly build of Snowflake Connector for Python
- solari — Library for high level statistical analysis on bulk match data
- solnlib — The Splunk Software Development Kit for Splunk Solutions
- soonerdb — A LSM-Tree key/value database in Python
- sootty — Displays vcd files to the command line.
- sortedcollections — Python Sorted Collections
- sortedcontainers-pydantic — Pydantic support for the sortedcontainers package.
- sortedcontainers-stubs — Type stubs for sortedcontainers
- spacelock — Author: LanHao
- spade-norms — SPADE Normative Plugin
- spare-blockchain — Spare blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- sparse-transform — Efficiently computing sparse Fourier transforms of functions
- spectrum-io — IO related functionalities for oktoberfest.
- sphynxml — no summary
- spimagine — OpenCL volume rendering in 3D/4D
- splunktalib — Supporting library for Splunk Add-ons
- spotlite — Package to simplify working with Satellogic APIs
- sqlite-memory-vfs — Python writable in-memory virtual filesystem for SQLite
- ss-scrapping — A Python package for top 500 universities
- ssc2ce — A Set of Simple Connectors for access To Cryptocurrency Exchanges
- ssdts_matching — Fast matching of source-sharing derivative time series.
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- staticHL — Convert dynamically styled code and syntax highlighting to static html+css.
- stockmarketmba — no summary
- story-analyzer — no summary
- streamhist — Streaming approximate histograms in Python.
- streamlit-octostar-utils — no summary
- stsdk — this is for at trade strategy module
- sumeru — Sumeru
- SuSMoST — SUrface Science MOdeling and Simulation Toolkit
- swimlane — Python driver for the Swimlane API
- symars — Generate Rust code with Sympy, for both scalars and matrices.
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- syphon — A CSV data storage and management engine.
- tablecache — Simple cache for unwieldily joined relations.
- tardis-client — Python client for - historical tick-level cryptocurrency market data replay API.
- tardis-dev — Python client for - historical tick-level cryptocurrency market data replay API.
- targon — Library for Riot API crawlers
- tc-admin — Administration of Taskcluster runtime configuration
- tcb-sheet-tools — A Collection of Utilities. Not even can be described.
- teaspoon — A Topological Signal Processing Package
- temporal-scheduler — Lightweight temporal scheduler for thread synchronization and code execution
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- tesseract-client — Client for Tesseract API
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- textkit-learn — Helps computers to understand human languages.
- textLSP — Language server for text spell and grammar check with various tools.
- tfields — Tensors, tensor fields, graphs, mesh manipulation, CAD and more on the basis of numpy.ndarrays. All objects keep track of their coordinate system. Symbolic math operations work for object manipulation.
- thglib — thg exploit framework and exploit development library.
- thirdai — A faster cpu machine learning library
- thonny-codelive — Thonny plugin for live collaboration using MQTT
- thorod — A CLI utility for torrent creation and manipulation.
- ticts — A Python library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis.
- tings — Create Python objects from things.
- tisdb — A relational DB based tsdb library for python tsdb project development that inherited and learned from TIDB and OpenTSDB.
- tnetwork — temporal network libary
- tobiiglasses — An open-source Python suite for Tobii Pro Glasses 2
- TokenSwift — Framework for Accelerating LLM Generation
- topicexplorer — InPhO Topic Explorer
- torchcell — An example package
- torchrec-cpu — Pytorch domain library for recommendation systems
- torchrec-nightly-cpu — Pytorch domain library for recommendation systems
- tp_analyzer — A package to identify turning points in time series data