Reverse Dependencies of ray
The following projects have a declared dependency on ray:
- ablator — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test2 — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test3 — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- abmarl — Agent Based Simulation and MultiAgent Reinforcement Learning
- active-transformers — Active Learning for Transformer with focus on Sequence Tagging tasks
- actorch — Deep reinforcement learning framework for fast prototyping based on PyTorch
- adam-assist — ADAM Core Propagator class using ASSIST
- adam-core — Core libraries for the ADAM platform
- adaptdl-ray — Dynamic-resource trainer and scheduler for deep learning
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- ADToolbox — A tool for modeling and optimization of anaerobic digestion process.
- advanced-data-processing — An advanced data processing pipeline for machine learning workflows
- agent-actors — a proof-of-concept inspired by BabyAGI, the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA) cycle, and the actor model of concurrency
- agent-flow-project — A flexible and extensible framework for building and managing AI agents and workflows
- agentic-framework — An opinionated framework for building sophisticated AI Agents
- agentlab — Main package for developing agents and experiments
- aglite-test.core — AutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
- ai-app-lab — no summary
- ai-transform — no summary
- aiearth-predict — AIEarth Spatio-temporal data and AI development kit
- aineko — Aineko, a data integration framework.
- airflow-provider-ray — An Apache Airflow provider for Ray
- airflow-ray-executor — Airflow executor implemented using ray
- airi-test-task — This library contains the code used to run a test job to AIRI.
- aisfx — Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries (ISMIR 2022): Deep audio embeddings pre-trained on UCS & Non-UCS-compliant datasets.
- aladindb — 🔮 Super-power your database with AI 🔮
- alibi — Algorithms for monitoring and explaining machine learning models
- alluxiofs — Alluxio Fsspec provides Alluxio filesystem spec implementation.
- alpa — Alpa automatically parallelizes large tensor computation graphs and runs them on a distributed cluster.
- alpyperl — An open source library for connecting AnyLogic models with Reinforcement Learning frameworks through OpenAI Gymnasium
- altai — AffectLog's Trustworthy AI: Tools for model transparency, explainability, and regulatory compliance.
- aMGSIM — aMGSIM: simulate ancient metagenomes for multiple synthetic communities
- amplfi — Accelerated Multi-messenger PE with Likelihood Free Inference
- anoteai — An SDK for interacting with the Anote API
- anticor-features — Anti-correlation based feature selection for single cell datasets
- anyscale — Command Line Interface for Anyscale
- appfl — An open-source package for privacy-preserving federated learning
- apteryx — Utilities and useful things for Apteryx Labs
- aquacropgym — openai-gym crop simulation environment
- archai — Platform for Neural Architecture Search
- argus-rico — Transient alert generation and database interaction for Argus and Evryscope
- astro-provider-ray — An Apache Airflow provider package built by Astronomer to integrate with Ray.
- atom-ml — A Python package for fast exploration of machine learning pipelines
- atomdriver-qc — An standardized interface to QM Codes
- auto-clustering — Automatic Clustering selection with Ray Tune
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- autocode-py — autocode: Auto Code Improvement by Metrics Optimization.
- autogenesis — A simple Python library
- autogluon.bench — A benchmarking tool for AutoML
- — Train and deploy AutoGluon backed models on the cloud
- autogluon.core — Fast and Accurate ML in 3 Lines of Code
- automl-self-improvement — Autonomous AI model optimization framework with meta-learning and hybrid tuning
- automlkiller — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autotonne — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- awswrangler — Pandas on AWS.
- ax-platform — Adaptive Experimentation
- bark-simulator — A tool for Behavior benchmARKing
- basenet-api — Basenet API: A simpler way to build ML models.
- baygaud — profile decomposition tool
- beam-ds — Beam Datascience package
- bears — no summary
- beobench — Beobench is a toolkit providing easy and unified access to building control environments for reinforcement learning (RL).
- bespokelabs-curator — Bespoke Labs Curator
- beta-rec — Beta-RecSys: Build, Evaluate and Tune Automated Recommender Systems
- bfast-ray — The bfast-ray package provides a highly-efficient parallel implementation for the `Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFASTmonitor) proposed by Verbesselt et al. The implementation is based on Ray
- bigdl-chronos — Scalable time series analysis using AutoML
- bigdl-chronos-spark2 — Scalable time series analysis using AutoML
- bigdl-chronos-spark3 — Scalable time series analysis using AutoML
- bio-pyminer — PyMINEr: automated biologic insights from large datasets.
- bio-pyminer-norm — PyMINEr Norm: A normalization package for scRNAseq
- bio-transformers — Wrapper on top of ESM/Protbert model in order to easily work with protein embedding
- BioFusion — Multilayer networks for biological multimodal data fusion and analysis.
- bioimage_embed — no summary
- biome-text — Biome-text is a light-weight open source Natural Language Processing toolbox built with AllenNLP
- bioneuralnet — A comprehensive framework for integrating multi-omics data with neural network embeddings.
- blades — A Unified Benchmark Suite for Byzantine Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning
- blazectl — no summary
- boltzmann-policy-distribution — Code for the ICLR 2022 paper "The Boltzmann Policy Distribution: Accounting for Systematic Suboptimality in Human Models"
- boppf — Bayesian optimization of particle packing fractions.
- btrdb — Bindings to interact with the Berkeley Tree Database using gRPC.
- buildflow — BuildFlow, is an open source framework for building large scale systems using Python. All you need to do is describe where your input is coming from and where your output should be written, and BuildFlow handles the rest.
- byzerllm — ByzerLLM: Byzer LLM
- cabrnet — Generic library for prototype-based classifiers
- Caml — Extensions & abstractions of advanced econometric techniques leveraging machine learning.
- capcruncher — An end-to-end solution for processing Capture-C, Tri-C and Tiled-C data
- careless — Merging crystallography data without much physics.
- CASCADe-filtering — CASCADe filtering: Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data filtering module.
- CASCADe-jitter — CASCADe-jitter: Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data jitter detection module.
- CASCADe-spectroscopy — CASCADe : Calibration of trAnsit Spectroscopy using CAusal Data
- casegenmc — Case generator, optimizer, and summarizer for models.
- ccflow — Composable Configuration Flow
- CDmetrics — Calculate case difficulty within datasets
- cdst — Calvin's Data Science Toolbox
- cell-decipher — Spatial-omics data embedding and analysis
- celldisect — Cell DISentangled Experts for Covariate counTerfactuals (CellDISECT). Causal generative model designed to disentangle known covariate variations from unknown ones at test time while simultaneously learning to make counterfactual predictions.
- celltraj — Toolset for single-cell trajectory modeling.
- CFEDemands — Tools for estimating and computing Constant Frisch Elasticity (CFE) demands.
- chanalyze — A simple WhatsApp Chat Analyzer ( for both Private & Group chats ), made with <3