Reverse Dependencies of ray
The following projects have a declared dependency on ray:
- rayleaf — RayLEAF: a flexible, highly-scalable benchmark for federated learning
- raynest — raynest: Parallel nested sampling based on ray
- raysecretsproxy — A Ray native mechanism of interacting with cloud-provider secrets management.
- rayvens — Rayvens augments Ray with events.
- rcmodel — 3R2C Resistor Capacitor Model for simplified building thermal simulation
- reaction-network — Reaction-network is a Python package for synthesis planning and predicting chemical reaction pathways in inorganic materials synthesis.
- recbole — A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library
- reciprocalspaceship — Tools for exploring reciprocal space
- redis-admin-client — High level redis client
- RelevanceAI-Workflows-Core — no summary
- relik — Fast and Accurate Entity Linking and Relation Extraction on an Academic Budget
- remoterl — Remote RL for training and inference on AWS SageMaker
- rems — Robotics Educational Middleware System
- ReplicantDriveSim — A Unity Traffic Simulation
- res-reg-lmnt-awikner — Package for testing regularization performance on reservoir computer predictions
- riann — A Neural Network for attitude estimation using IMU data
- ride — Training wheels, side rails, and helicopter parent for your Deep Learning projects using Pytorch
- rizemind — RIZE DML: suite of Flower extensions for Decentralizing Machine Learning
- rl-games — no summary
- rl-games-y — no summary
- rld — A development tool for evaluation and interpretability of reinforcement learning agents.
- rldec — RLDec is a decomposition tool that analyzes the source code of a monolithic Java application and suggests the recommended microservices for each class in the system using a Deep Reinforcement Learning based method.
- rlgraph — A Framework for Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning
- rllib-emecom — Framework for Emergent Communication using RLlib
- rlskyjo — Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Environment for the card game SkyJo, compatible with PettingZoo and RLLIB
- roadtrip-tools — Generally useful tools built for AI-enabled EV navigation
- roboml — Machine learning models optimized for robotics experimentation and deployment
- rt-stoppers-contrib — Additional stoppers for ray tune
- sail — Python package for streaming data and incremental learning
- sbmlsim — sbmlsim are utilities for simulation of SBML.
- scalingtheunet — This project is the source code to our paper.
- scikit-decide — The AI framework for Reinforcement Learning, Automated Planning and Scheduling
- scikit-longitudinal — Scikit-longitudinal is an open-source Python library for longitudinal data analysis, building on Scikit-learn's foundation with tools tailored for repeated measures data.
- sconce-scms — Spherical and Conic Cosmic Web Finders with Extended SCMS Algorithms
- scTenifoldpy — scTenifoldpy
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- sdap-os — Demo of usage of object storage for SDAP
- secretflow — SecretFlow Full
- secretflow-rayfed — A multiple parties joint, distributed execution engine based on Ray,to help build your own federated learning frameworks in minutes.
- segar — no summary
- selector-ac — Selector: Ensemble-Based Automated Algorithm Configuration
- selfreplicator — no summary
- sem-desc — Package providing basic functionalities for the semantic modeling problem
- sentinelhub — Python API for Sentinel Hub
- serverless-llm — no summary
- sf-hamilton — Hamilton, the micro-framework for creating dataframes.
- sf-hamilton-sdk — Hamilton SDK for reading and writing to the Hamilton backend APIs that support the UI.
- shrike — Python utilities for compliant Azure machine learning
- siatune — no summary
- sim_rl — Simulation Driven RL Package Utilized to Optimize Queueing Systems
- simlify — Simplify your molecular simulation workflow.
- SimplePipeline — no summary
- simplepytorch — Setup and train deep nets with PyTorch. Opinionated and Simple.
- sinagot — Python lightweight workflow management framework with data exploration features
- skeletor-ml — A lightweight module for research experiment reproducibility and analysis
- skypilot — SkyPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- skypilot-im — SkyPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- skypilot-impala — SkyPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- skypilot-nightly — SkyPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- SLP — Speech, Language and Multimodal Processing models and utilities in PyTorch
- slurmray — SlurmRay is a module for effortlessly distributing tasks on a Slurm cluster using the Ray library.
- smallpond — A lightweight data processing framework built on DuckDB and shared file system.
- smart-parallelize — no summary
- smarts — no summary
- smnsr — SMNSR
- snapper-ml — A framework for reproducible machine learning
- space-datasets — Unified storage framework for machine learning datasets
- spaceray — Integration of HyperSpace with Ray Tune search automation.
- spacy-ray — Parallel and distributed training with spaCy and Ray
- spamdfba — no summary
- sparrow-python — no summary
- spelunker — spelunker: a library to extract guidestar data and observe technical and stellar events
- stabilizer-toolkit — A toolkit for working with the stabilizer formalism: stabilizer states, rank, decompositions, etc.
- star-ray — A multi-agent simulation platform based on the distributed computing platform `ray`.
- statsforecast — Time series forecasting suite using statistical models
- stDiff-sc — a diffusion model to impute ST data by learn scRNA-seq data
- stellarmortis — A package to synthesise populations of dead stars and calculate microlensing events caused by this population.
- steps-autoencoder — An Autoencoder for Steps Data
- streaming-infer — streaming_infer
- Streamlined — Make ML or generic pipeline more streamlined
- StrucPy — Object Oriented Structural Analysis
- stubborn — An Environment for Evaluating Stubbornness between Agents with Aligned Incentives
- sudocode — A simple Python library
- sun-dic — Stellenbosch University Digital Image Correlation Library
- sunray — More robust ray
- supply-depot — Useful python components for research
- swarming — Swarming is a library that features both parallel and serial implementation of the PSO algorithm.
- Syllabus-RL — A library for training RL agent with curriculum learning
- synapse-sdk — synapse sdk
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- synthesized — Synthesized SDK
- synthetic-aia-mia — AIA and MIA attack versus synthetic and real data.
- sysflow — A utility to saving time (time is flow)
- syspop — no summary
- tabensemb — A framework to ensemble model bases and evaluate various models for tabular predictions.
- tacc-inf — Efficient LLM inference on Slurm clusters using vLLM (for TACC).
- tamu-axolotl — 2021.04.08
- tasrif — no summary
- teby — A simple Python library
- tensor-evolution — Evolutionary algorithm for neural network structure