Reverse Dependencies of ray
The following projects have a declared dependency on ray:
- p2pfl — A p2p federated learning framework
- paddlenlp — Easy-to-use and powerful NLP library with Awesome model zoo, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications, including Neural Search, Question Answering, Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis end-to-end system.
- paddlets — PaddleTS (Paddle Time Series Tool), PaddlePaddle-based Time Series Modeling in Python
- pandera — A light-weight and flexible data validation and testing tool for statistical data objects.
- parameter-sweep — no summary
- pbgca — Physically based galaxy clustering algorithm
- pdf2dataset — Easily convert a subdirectory with big volume of PDF documents into a dataset, supports extracting text and images
- peegy — Tools to pipeline bulk analyses of EEG and other modalities.
- peptide-encoder — An encoder for peptides (short amino acid sequences) based on BLOSUM similarity.
- percent-max-diff — Percent Maximum Difference
- perspective-ray-dashboard — A scalable ray dashboard built with perspective
- pfeed — Data pipeline for algo-trading, getting and storing both real-time and historical data made easy.
- pgeon-xai — pgeon (or pgeon-xai) is a Python package that produces explanations for opaque agents using Policy Graphs (PGs)
- pgse — Progressive Genome Sequence Enhancement (PGSE)
- phoenix-sdk — Python SDK for codeflare client
- phoss — A hyperparameter search simulation platform for distributed testing of scheduling algorithms.
- pj-opus — Opus: An auto-launcher for ray clusters on clouds
- pjlab-opus — Opus: An auto-launcher for ray clusters on clouds
- plangym — Plangym is an interface to use gymnasium for planning problems. It extends the standard interface to allow setting and recovering the environment states.
- PlugBoard — Plugboard is an event driven modelling and orchestration framework for simulating and driving complex processes with many interconnected stateful components.
- pms-inference-engine — Inference Engine for pms
- pms-ray-cluster — repos for pms ray cluster
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- poker-gym — OpenAI Gym environment for Poker including No Limit Hold'em(NLHE) and Pot Limit Omaha(PLO)
- PokerRL — A framework for Reinforcement Learning in Poker.
- polygone-nms — Efficient and distributed polygon Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) library
- popgym — A collection of partially-observable procedural gym environments
- posggym — A standard API and diverse set of reference environments for reinforcement learning and planning in Partially Observable Stochastic Games (POSGs).
- pre-ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- predictnow-client — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful api.
- prefect-ray — Prefect integrations with the Ray execution framework.
- prolothar-common — algorithms for process mining and data mining on event sequences
- psfit — Parallel Sparse Fitting Toolbox for Distributed Sparse Model Training.
- py-data-juicer — A One-Stop Data Processing System for Large Language Models.
- py-data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- pyAFQ — pyAFQ: Automated Fiber Quantification ... in Python
- pyavrio — Python client library for Avrio
- pycaret — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-core — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-ni — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-nightly — Nightly version of PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycaret-ts-alpha — PyCaret - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pycity-scheduling — A Python framework for the development, testing, and assessment of optimization-basedpower scheduling algorithms for multi-energy systems in city districts
- PyDGN — A Python Package for Deep Graph Networks
- pydrex — Dynamic CPO calculations for olivine-enstatite polycrystal aggregates
- pyDVL — The Python Data Valuation Library
- pyebsdindex — Python based tool for Radon based EBSD indexing
- pyemits — python package for easy manipulation on time series data for quick insight
- PyEMP — no summary
- pyiceberg — Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets
- pyllars — This package contains supporting utilities for Python 3.
- pyluna-pathology — Transformation functions and services for multi-modal oncology data
- pymars — MARS: a tensor-based unified framework for large-scale data computation.
- pymetagen-datalabupo — MetaGen: A framework for metaheuristic development and hyperparameter optimization in machine and deep learning.
- pynb-dag-runner — no summary
- pynb-dag-runner-snapshot — no summary
- pyparfor — A simple implementation for embarrassingly parallel for supporting multiple backends.
- pypef — A command-line interface (CLI) tool for performing data-driven protein engineering by building machine learning (ML)-trained regression models from sequence variant fitness data (in CSV format) based on different techniques for protein sequence encoding. Next to building pure ML models, "hybrid modeling" is also possible using a blended model optimized for predictive contributions of a statistical and an ML-based prediction.
- PyProBE-Data — no summary
- pyquokka — Quokka
- pyquokka-dev — Quokka
- pyscreener — pythonic interface to virtual screening software
- pysimenv — A framework for performing numerical simulation of dynamic systems
- PYSNN — Framework for engineering and simulating spiking neural networks, built on top of PyTorch.
- pystddic — Standard Dictionary Management(Korean Ver)
- pytabkit — ML models + benchmark for tabular data classification and regression
- pytorch-hyperlight — PyTorch Hyperlight is ML micro-framework built as a thin wrapper around PyTorch-Lightning and Ray Tune frameworks to push the boundaries of simplicity even further.
- pytorch-mppi — Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) implemented in pytorch
- pytorch-quik — functions to make working in pytorch quik-er
- pytorchrl — Disributed RL implementations with ray and pytorch.
- qdpy — Quality-Diversity algorithms in Python
- qiskit-serverless — no summary
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quantum-serverless — no summary
- r3po — A library built on top of Ray to make embarassingly parallel tasks embarassingly easy
- radCAD — A Python framework for designing, testing, and validating complex systems through modelling and simulation.
- ragbits — Building blocks for rapid development of GenAI applications
- ragbits-document-search — Document Search module for Ragbits
- ramba — Distributed Numpy-like arrays in Python
- raven-framework — RAVEN (Risk Analysis Virtual Environment) is designed to perform parametric and probabilistic analysis based on the response of complex system codes. RAVEN C++ dependenciences including a library for computing the Approximate Morse-Smale Complex (AMSC) and Crow probability tools
- ray-beam — A Ray runner for Apache Beam
- ray-ease — Switch from serial to parallel computing without requiring any code modifications.
- ray-elasticsearch — Unified, type-safe access to web archive APIs.
- ray-graph — Help to build ray actor graph
- ray-haystack — Haystack pipelines with Ray
- ray-launcher — An out-of-the-box ray cluster launcher
- ray-lightning — Ray distributed strategies for Pytorch Lightning.
- ray-on-golem — Golem Network integration with Ray
- ray-proxy — A library which enables the creation of proxy variables for remote python interpreter in ray cluster.
- ray-quickstart — Wrapper around the Ray library to make it easier for you to set up your ML project to use Ray to train/tune your models remotely on a GPU-enabled computer
- ray-skorch — Skorch on Ray Train
- raycut — A convenience library for Ray that allows you to run a function on a remote
- raydar — A perspective powered, user editable ray dashboard via ray serve
- raydbg — A tool for debugging Ray programs
- raydp — RayDP: Distributed Data Processing on Ray
- raydp-nightly — RayDP: Distributed Data Processing on Ray
- RayEnvWrapper — OpenAi's gym environment wrapper to vectorize them with Ray
- rayfed-nightly — A multiple parties joint, distributed execution engine based on Ray,to help build your own federated learning frameworks in minutes.
- raylab — Reinforcement learning algorithms in RLlib and PyTorch.