Reverse Dependencies of ray
The following projects have a declared dependency on ray:
- lbl2vec — Lbl2Vec learns jointly embedded label, document and word vectors to retrieve documents with predefined topics from an unlabeled document corpus.
- lean-dojo — LeanDojo: Machine Learning for Theorem Proving in Lean
- lenskit — Toolkit for recommender systems research, teaching, and more.
- levanter — Scalable Training for Foundation Models with Named Tensors and JAX
- lgopy — LgoPy is an open-source library for building and createing multimodal data science pipelines.
- lighteval — A lightweight and configurable evaluation package
- lightray — Distribute a LightningCLI hyperparameter search with Ray Tune
- liionpack — A battery pack simulator for PyBaMM
- liveeo_prefect_utils — Common Prefect (2.0) utils.
- llama-lime — Explainable AI with Large Language Models
- llshash-package — A locality sensitive hashing implementationoptimized for large data processing.
- llumnix — Efficient and easy multi-instance LLM serving
- llvm-ir-dataset-utils — Infrastructure to build LLVM IR-based Datasets.
- lm-buddy — Ray-centric library for finetuning and evaluation of (large) language models.
- locan — Analysis software for single-molecule localization microscopy
- lohrasb — This versatile tool streamlines hyperparameter optimization in machine learning workflows.It supports a wide range of search methods, from GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCVto advanced techniques like OptunaSearchCV, Ray Tune, and Scikit-Learn Tune.Designed to enhance model performance and efficiency, it's suitable for tasks of any scale.
- lpath — A user-friendly, Python tool for clustering pathways from molecular dynamics simulations.
- lpath-md — A user-friendly, Python tool for clustering pathways from molecular dynamics simulations.
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- magda — Library for building Modular and Asynchronous Graphs with Directed and Acyclic edges (MAGDA)
- maldives — Tools for systematic commodities analysis.
- mammut-py — Mammut framework is an open library for computational linguistics.
- MANAclust — Multi Affinity Network Association
- marlben — Marlben is a multi-agent reinforcement learning benchmark based on the NeuralMMO game engine.
- matsci-opt-benchmarks — A collection of benchmarking problems and datasets for testing the performance of advanced optimization algorithms in the field of materials science and chemistry.
- mbGDML — Create, use, and analyze machine learning potentials within the many-body expansion framework
- mdp-playground — A python package to design and debug RL agents
- medflux — Temporal modeling of patients and diseases
- medgpt — Temporal modeling of patients and diseases
- medimage-pkg — MEDimage is a Python package for processing and extracting features from medical images
- meds-torch — A MEDS PyTorch Dataset, leveraging a on-the-fly retrieval strategy for flexible, efficient data loading.
- meerkat-ml — Meerkat is building new data abstractions to make machine learning easier.
- megamind-actor — Megamind Actor
- memoraith — Advanced lightweight model profiler for deep learning frameworks
- mergekit — Tools for merging pre-trained large language models
- MetaCerberus — Versatile Functional Ontology Assignments for Metagenomes via Hidden Markov Model (HMM) searching with environmental focus of shotgun meta'omics data
- michaelvll-skypilot — An intercloud broker above the cloud
- minihack — MiniHack The Planet: A Sandbox for Open-Ended Reinforcement Learning Research
- mirp — A package for standardised processing of medical imaging and computation of quantitative features.
- mixnet-bci — MixNet: Joining Force of Classical and Modern Approaches toward The Comprehensive Pipeline in Motor Imagery EEG Classification
- ML2 — Machine Learning for Mathematics and Logics
- mlflow-ray-serve — Ray Serve MLflow deployment plugin
- MLGLUE — a Python implementation of the (M)ulti(l)evel (G)eneralized (L)ikelihood (U)ncertainty (E)stimation (MLGLUE) algorithm and utility functions
- mlsquare — Machine Learning for Machine Learning
- mltrainer — toolkit for training pytorch models
- mlwiz — Machine Learning Research Wizard
- mmray — Add your description here
- mnistvit — A vision transformer for training on MNIST
- model-creator-bird-sing-v2 — Autoencoder singing
- modifier — CAMEL: Context-Aware Modifier for Efficient Language model
- modin — Modin: Make your pandas code run faster by changing one line of code.
- moebius — Python package for optimizing peptide sequences using Bayesian optimization (BO)
- mopet — The mildly ominous parameter exploration toolkit
- morpheus-spatial — no summary
- mozi-ai — 墨子AI:军事人工智能领航者, developed by HSFW
- mrkwatkins-oakemuai — AI extensions for mrkwatkins.oakemu.
- mrmustard — Differentiable quantum Gaussian circuits
- MultiTaxiLib — My short description for my project.
- muzero-baseline — Baseline implementation of MuZero agent
- mvtk — Model validation toolkit
- mw-adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- mwptoolkit — no summary
- my-happy-flow — From data to information. Peformance first with easy use.
- my-happy-modin — The simple version for modin.
- my-test-pkg-tnfru — Brief test pkg
- myray — my ray desc
- nanomix — Methods for cell type deconvolution from Oxford Nanopore methylation calling
- nappo — Disributed RL implementations with ray and pytorch.
- nataili — Nataili: Multimodal AI Python Library
- nba-dataloader — A python client to query the various resources
- nclustRL — Toolbox to learn biclustering and triclustering task using Ray's rllib and torch
- nessai — Nessai: Nested Sampling with Artificial Intelligence
- NetMedPy — NetMedPy evaluates network localization (statistical analysis of the largest connected component/subgraph or LCC), calculates proximity and separation between biological entities, and conducts screenings involving a large number of diseases and drug targets.
- neural-mmo — Neural MMO is a massively multiagent environment for artificial intelligence research inspired by Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) role-playing games
- NeuralFoil — NeuralFoil is an airfoil aerodynamics analysis tool using physics-informed machine learning, in pure Python/NumPy.
- neuralforecast — Time series forecasting suite using deep learning models
- neurenix — Empowering Intelligent Futures, One Edge at a Time.
- neuronbridge-python — Python API for NeuronBridge
- nevopy — An open source neuroevolution framework for Python.
- nextai-prism — Prism: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- nextai-star — An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model based chatbots by next ai
- nfflr — neural force field learning toolkit
- ning — A simple Python library
- nixtla — Python SDK for Nixtla API (TimeGPT)
- nixtlats — Python SDK for Nixtla API (TimeGPT)
- nmmo — Neural MMO is a platform for multiagent intelligence research inspired by Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) role-playing games. Documentation hosted at
- nomadic — Nomadic is an enterprise-grade toolkit for teams to continuously optimize compound AI systems
- notebooktester — A simple linting tool to check if all notebooks execute
- nums — A numerical computing library for Python that scales.
- oagdedupe — oagdedupe is a Python library for scalable entity resolution, using active learning to learn blocking configurations, generate comparison pairs, then clasify matches.
- ochat — An efficient framework for training and serving top-tier, open-source conversational LLMs.
- offlinerl — A Library for Offline RL(Batch RL)
- omacase — a tool to analyze optical mapping data, with _de novo_ repeat motif detection and analysis capabilities
- omniplot — To draw scientific plots easily
- openrl — unified reinforcement learning framework
- openrlhf — A Ray-based High-performance RLHF framework.
- opilot — OpenPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- optima-ml — Distributed hyperparameter optimization and input variable selection for artificial neural networks.
- oracle-automlx — Automated Machine Learning with Explainability
- orquestra-workflow-runtime — Execute Orquestra workflows