Reverse Dependencies of pyserial
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyserial:
- flyhostel — no summary
- flySkyiBus — FlySky iBus python library for the raspberry pi.
- fourier-core — Robotics Control System for the All Robotics
- fpga4p — Python package / GNU Linux terminal utility for porting machine learning algorithms to FPGA.
- fprime-gds — F Prime Flight Software Ground Data System layer
- fpscanner — no summary
- framework16-inputmodule — A library to control input modules on the Framework 16 Laptop
- frappy-core — Implementation of SECoP server and client
- freedeck-serial-api — A python lib to speak to the FreeDeck over serial
- freertos-visualizer — A Python tool for real-time FreeRTOS task state visualization
- Freetail-GNURadio — GNU Radio Blocks for the Freetail ultrasonic module
- freewili — no summary
- freshroastsr700 — A Python module to control a FreshRoastSR700 coffee roaster.
- freshroastsr700-phidget — An extended Python module to control a FreshRoastSR700 coffee roaster using a Phidget Temperature Sensor
- friskby — The friskby module
- froeling-proxy — no summary
- fsa-logger — no summary
- FSRray — Python library to communicate with the FSR array
- ft300python — Python module to get sensor values from Robotiq FT300
- ftdu — Client to talk with ftDuino via USB
- ftswarm-py — A Python library for the ftSwarm Python API
- functions26 — Supporting functions for Fu lab 26 room
- funzel-ioc — CAproto-based pure-Python EPICS IOC for the Pharos series of laser controllers
- futurevision — Library that combines Robotics Hardware, iPhone and AI for Everyone
- GalileoFlowSDK — Reading a flow rate from Galileo Flow Sensor
- garmi-parti — Teleoperation between Garmi and Parti
- gazoo-device — Gazoo Device Manager
- geekros — Python development framework for geekros.
- gefran-pid — Unofficial package to control a Gefran PID controller (with Modbus RTU) in Python. Not affiliated with Gefran.
- geigerlog — Preparations for GeigerLog
- generic-scpi-driver — A generic template for creating python object-based drivers for SCPI hardware devices which communicate via VISA. Compatible with ARTIQ installed with [artiq] modifier
- genki-wave — Python API for Wave by Genki
- geoscan-arena-sdk — Programming tools for programming Geoscan arena robots
- gigawave — Official Python SDK for GigaWave™ 6000-Series Oscilloscopes.
- gkbus — High-level KWP over K-line/CANbus library
- gkbus-test — High-level KWP over K-line/CANbus library
- glucid — Configure the Lucid 8824 AD/DA Audio Interface via a Serial Connection
- gmc — GMC Geiger counter api
- gnss-visualizer — Visualize GNSS data in a web browser
- gonio-imsoft — Goniometric imaging software
- goofi — Real-time neuro-/biosignal processing and streaming pipeline.
- gp32-transfer — no summary
- grabserial — Serial dump and timing program
- granola — Generating Real-time Autonomous N-device Output without Linked Apparatuses
- grbl-gamepad — Jog your GRBL-based CNC machines with a gamepad controller.
- grblcom — Rich serial-console client for GRBL
- grblhud — grblhub: a command line tool to handle grbl code.
- greentea-host — greentea-host (htrun) is a command line tool that enables automated testing on embedded platforms.
- grel-electricmeter — Grelinfo Electric Meter, compatible with Iskra MT 174 with USB Optical Probe.
- gridfanapi — For communicating with the NZXT Grid+ v2 fan controller on Linux
- GroundingMeasurementApplication — Jupyter Notebook zur Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Erdungsmessungen.
- groveGPS — Connect to Grove GPS and perform calculations on GPS values
- grovepi — Drivers for using the GrovePi+ in Python
- gs2d — gs2d: The Library for Generic Serial-bus Servo Driver kr-sac001 for Python
- gsm-message — A small package for sending message using gsm
- GSMTC35 — GSM TC35/MC35 controller (Send/Receive SMS/MMS/Call and a lot more!)
- GSOF-ArduBridge — Protocol stack to bridge between an Arduino and Python
- GT-521F52 — Python ADH-Tech GT521F52 library
- gtt-drivers — A driver package for the Matrix Orbital's GTT series of displays
- guerrilla_aaron — demo
- gy-53 — GY-53 ToF lib
- h6 — A Python library to emulate a Zoom H6 recorder remote control
- hackeeg — Python client library for HackEEG Arduino Due shield
- hackPyrateBus — Python library with high-level functions to interact with specific ICs using Bus Pirate
- hades-rpc — no summary
- hadloc — Command line tool to build, emulate and load programs for the HaDLOC 8-bit computer
- HALsn — Host for SharkNinja BDP Python APIs
- Hamamatsu-C11204-01 — Package created to work with a power supply module for MPPC Hamamatsu C11204-01
- haniwers — Analysis tool for TanQ/FunQ project
- hantekpsu — Python interface for Hantek bench power supply
- HaplyHAPI — Python implementation of the haply hAPI
- happyserial — DMA-based framing for serial interaction with an nRF chip
- hard-connect — Connect hard device, socket or serial
- hardpotato — Python API to control programmable potentiostats.
- hardsync — Hardware / software communication made easy
- hardware-communicator — HardwareCommunicator
- hardwarelibrary — Cross-platform (macOS, Windows, Linux, etc...) library to control various hardware devices mostly for scientific applications.
- hat-drivers — Hat communication drivers
- haybox — HayBox firmware config protocol Python library
- HC-05-ConfigTool — A terminal tool for configuring HC-05 with AT mode.
- hcam_devices — Device Communication via WAMP for HiPerCAM
- hcli-hc — HCLI hc is a pypi wrapper that contains an HCLI sample application (hc); hc can can act both as a gcode streamer (e.g. for OpenBuilds Blackbox controller v1.1g) and CNC interface. In other words, this HCLI acts in the same capacity as the OpenBuilds CONTROL software or OpenBuilds Interface CNC Touch hardware to help control a GRBL v1.1g controlled CNC.
- hdcproto — Host Device Communication protocol
- hdicoding — Python functions for controlling Arduino devices
- hdlcontroller — HDLC controller
- hds-821pr — Library to interface with HDS-821PR HDMI 2x1 Multi-Viewer Switch Seamless Switcher w/ PIP Function
- heatmisercontroller — Python implementation of Heatmiser protocol for serial connected thermostats
- heatmiserV3 — A library to interact with Heatmiser Themostats using V3 protocol.
- hedgehog-platform — Hedgehog Platform abstractions
- heisskleber — Heisskleber
- HeliosEthernetSilaaCooling — This package is designed to control a Helios KWL EC 170 W via Modbus TCP/IP
- hello-robot-stretch-factory — Stretch Factory Tools
- hextech-muscle — Hextronics HexTech Muscle serial control library
- hhconfig — Hay Hoist Config Tool
- hlfbt-serial-console — A simple utility to interface with prompt-like (serial) consoles
- hmsysteme — Connection to HM01
- hologram-python — Library for accessing Hologram Cloud at
- homesolar — Server API for the Home Solar Project that integrates InfluxDB, Sqlite and MQTT for Monitoring and Controls
- honeywell-hpma115s0 — An interface for honeywell HPMA115S0 particulate matter sensors