Reverse Dependencies of pyserial
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyserial:
- ectool — A tools for EC modules, like EC618/EC616/EC718
- edgeprotecttools — Python tools for provisioning Cypress/Infineon MCUs
- edm-arch — Total stations for archaeologists
- edwardsserial — Python API implementing the serial protocoll from edwards vacuum.
- eegsynth — Converting real-time EEG into sounds, music and visual effects
- eepromino — no summary
- ekmmeters — Python API for V3 and V4 EKM Omnimeters
- el800-control — el800 export reads from a serial device connected to a EL800 the last read plate and exports it as pdf.
- electronsourcecontroller2-tspspi — Python library and CLI for our custom electron gun slow-control system
- elgas — A Python library for the ELGAS protocol
- elio — elio board python interface
- elitech-datareader — Elitech rc4 data access tool and library.
- elkplot — A library for making and executing generative art for the Axidraw line of pen plotters.
- elliptec — Simple control of Thorlabs Elliptec devices.
- eltako14bus — Library for participating in the Eltako Series 14 RS485 bus
- EmBCI — no summary
- embedded-utils — CLI Program for Embedded Programming Utils
- embody-serial — Communicate with the embody device over a serial port
- embutils — Python utilities for embedded projects
- emdbg — Embedded Debug Tools
- emonpi-sensors — A Python interface for receiving updates from emonPi sensors.
- emp-wsb — EMP-IDE Websocket-Serialport-Bridge
- emptool — Easy MicroPython toolchain
- emu-power — A Python3 API to interface with Rainforest Automation's EMU-2
- encukou-ampy — ampy (Adafruit MicroPython tool) is a command line tool to interact with a CircuitPython or MicroPython board over a serial connection.
- endaq-device — Python API for enDAQ data recorders
- energymeter — A Python module for interfacing with several energy meters
- engi1020 — Software library for Engineering 1020: Introduction to Programming at Memorial University.
- enocean — EnOcean serial protocol implementation
- enocean-tempfixup — EnOcean serial protocol implementation
- enocean4ha — EnOcean serial protocol implementation
- enoceanx — EnOcean serial protocol implementation with support for 4BS teach-in. This is just a fork of enocean by kipe. Credits belong to the original author.
- eo-man — Tool to managed EnOcean Devices and to generate Home Assistant Configuration.
- eopra-switcher — CLI interface to the eOPRA port switcher
- epc-tofcam-toolkit — "Toolkit for ESPROS TOFcam's"
- epcpm — no summary
- ephys-link — A Python Socket.IO server that allows any Socket.IO-compliant application to communicate with manipulators used in electrophysiology experiments.
- epibox — EpiBOX is a Raspberry Pi tool for easy signal acquisition.
- eprism — no summary
- ericnuno — Erics common functions
- eros_core — EROS-core Package
- esdn-sensing — Python library to deliver sensor specific support to ESDN infrastructure
- esensorlib — Python driver package for Epson Sensing System devices
- esp-flasher — ESP8266/ESP32 Tasmota firmware flasher for ESP
- esp-idf-monitor — Serial monitor for esp-idf
- esp-rainmaker-cli — A python utility to perform host based claiming
- esp2_gateway_adapter — Protocol adapter from esp3 to esp2 for Home Assistant Eltako Integration
- — ESP8266 python library, a wrapper for AT commands (Hayes command set) using UART serial.
- esphome — ESPHome is a system to configure your microcontrollers by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
- ethoscope-shaferlab — The API of the Ethoscope device.
- etplib — Embedded Tester Protocol (ETP) Library
- etptool — Embedded Tester Protocol (ETP) Tool
- ev3-python — Simple library to control 'Lego™ EV3' controller
- expliot — Expliot - IoT security testing and exploitation framework
- explorepy — Python API for Mentalab biosignal aquisition devices
- external-counter-dilshan — Python API for USB seven segment display module
- extremeflash — no summary
- eyes17 — Python package for ExpEYES17
- eyes17lib — Python package for SEELab3/ExpEYES17 library
- eyes17win — Python package for ExpEYES17
- eyesjr — Python package for Expeyesjr
- eyesonline — Python package for Remote Access of Eyes17 and other hardware
- ezarduino — A library designed to facilitate communication between Python and Arduino devices.
- EZMotionMMS2 — Python wrapper built around minimalmodbus for controlling EZMotion MMP/ MMS 740 and 760 series servo motors and driver modules via serial-to-RS485 converter.
- f-tools-pkg — some common tools(bmp/crypt/excel/log ...)
- f1-2021-race-strategist — Display telemetry data and spot anomalies.
- f3ts-hardware-utils — FixturFab Functional Test System Hardware Utilities Library. Connect and control test hardware for your FixturFab Functional Test System.
- factorytest-pinephone — Factory test tool for the PinePhone
- fancontrolbridge — A MQTT-enabled bridge for the Arduino fan controller.
- faraday — FaradayRF amateur radio open source software
- fast-serial — Fast serial terminal with macros and filtering
- fatek-fbs-lib — Fatek FBs communication lib
- faultier — A library to control the Faultier fault-injection tool.
- fermy — Fermy is a toolkit to empower fermentation data analysis from Pandas DataFrame.
- fieldedge-utilities — Utilities package for the FieldEdge project.
- filipid — UMAK utils module
- findus — Library to perform fault injection attacks with the PicoGlitcher, Chipwhisperer Husky or Chipwhisperer Pro
- finitude — Controls and shows status of Carrier Infinity and Bryant Evolution HVAC systems.
- finometerdl — A data logger for the Finometer Medical Device
- firepydaq — Facilitated Interface for Recording Experiments (FIRE), a python-based Data Acquisition package for nidaqmx, Alicat, and ThorlabsCLD101X devices.
- firestarter — EPROM programmer software for the Relatively Universal ROM Programmer
- firmatazero — firmatazero
- firmetix — Remotely Control And Monitor Arduino and Esp devices
- fixate — Framework for hardware test fixtures and automated test environments
- FlashGBX — Reads and writes Game Boy and Game Boy Advance cartridge data
- flashkit — Drive the Krikzz FlashKit Programmer MD to flash Sega Genesis carts from the command-line.
- flask-serial — Flask extension for the Serial
- fletchck — Machine monitor
- flightctl — Rocket Monitoring reimagined
- flipdigit — Small flip digit library
- FlipperNested — Recover keys from collected nonces
- flipperzero-protobuf — Python bindings for Flipper Zero protobuf protocol
- flippydot — A package that can be used to control AlfaZeta FlipDots
- flirptu — Controller for FLIR E-series pan-tilt units
- flitter-lang — Flitter is a functional programming language and declarative system for describing 2D and 3D visuals
- flockwave-server — Skybrush server component
- flora-tools — Tool and library for interfacing with the PermaSense Flora nodes, enabling programming, configuring and measuring.
- flowchem — Flowchem is a python library to control a variety of instruments commonly found in chemistry labs.
- fluke-28x-dmm-util — Utility for interacting with Fluke 289 and 287 Series multimeters.
- fluxamasynth — A library for the Modern Device Fluxamasynth board.