Reverse Dependencies of pyserial
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyserial:
- kimtaewoncoding — Python functions for controlling Arduino devices
- kissfix — Python KISS Module.
- kitsat — CLI and python library for communicating with the Kitsat educational satellite
- kiwrious — Package for interacting with Kiwrious sensors
- kld7 — K-LD7 Doppler radar sensor driver
- knikkersorteermachine — KnikkerSorteerMachine Arduino communication library
- kniteditor — An editor for knitwork.
- knitty-gritty — A tool for managing knitting machine patterns
- kobukidriver — A simple python driver for Kobuki mobile robot
- kscale-imu — Python interface for interacting with IMUs
- kt-ai-iot — A library for controlling KT AI IOT devices
- ktaga-lab — Drivers and dependencies for the experimental setup and tools for data acquisition and analysis.
- ktwcoding — Python functions for controlling Arduino devices
- kuttyPy — Python package for KuttyPy and KuttyPyPlus AVR trainer
- lab-control — Remote control lab instruments
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- labcams — Multicamera video acquisition,online compression and automation
- labdevices — SDK for typical devices found in an atomic physics research lab.
- labelprinterkit — A library for creating and printing labels for Brother P-Touch devices
- LabExT-pkg — LabExT is a software environment for performing laboratory experiments on silicon-photonic devices.
- labphew — Fun with computer-controlled experiments for beginners
- labscript-devices — Device drivers for hardware controlled by the labscript suite
- lakeshore — A package to connect to and interact with Lake Shore instruments.
- lamp-ai — A library for controlling LAMP AI devices
- larpix-control — Control the LArPix chip
- laserlib — A library for communication with laser model produced by Micro photons(Shanghai)Technology Co., Ltd.
- lasikservice — connects to a number of lasik boards and provides a service
- LaudaDriver — Simple helper to control the Lauda thermostat
- lcdbackpack — A wrapper library to facilitate writing text and commands to the Adafruit USB / Serial LCD Backpack
- lci-sim-app-device — Sim App Device package
- LDAQ — Data acquisition and generation with live visualization.
- leads — Lightweight Embedded Assisted Driving System
- leakagepro-com — python bindings for leakagePro communication
- lecore — Logic Elements core utilities
- ledfx — A network based light effect controller
- leds — leds is a pure python library for manipulating a wide variety of LED strip based displays, both in strip and matrix form.
- ledsc — Library for communicate with led string controller
- LEDSerialExpander — Expander Board Python Driver
- ledwall — A simple but powerful library to control WS2812b LED panel.
- lewansoul-lx16a — Driver to control LewanSoul LX-16A servos
- lewansoul-lx16a-terminal — GUI to configure and control LewanSoul LX-16A servos
- lgtv-rs232 — LG TV RS-232 client.
- lgtv-rs232-zcline91 — A small package for controlling my LG TV through its serial port
- lhacoding — Python functions for controlling Arduino devices
- libarc1 — Minimal interface library to ArC1
- libclsprot — Library for chipless Reader
- libdgus — no summary
- libFLIR — FLIR TAU Control Library
- libnxctrl — Python Library Emulating Nintendo Switch Controllers
- libstored — Embedded Debugger client for libstored's debug protocol
- lick-detector — no summary
- light-controller — This package aims to manage lights thanks to the FG-PDV400W-24-8T with an UART connection protocol
- lightcon — A set of APIs to Light Conversion devices
- lineproto — Python implementation of the LINE protocol
- linklabs-host-interface — Linklabs module interface
- linx-connection — Module for talking to Arduino by serial port
- lite-fastapi-local — A small example package
- litex.novitus — A Novitus Protocol Fiscal Printer Library
- litex.novitus-xml — A Novitus XML Protocol Fiscal Printer Library
- little-atf-programmer — Little ATF150x Programmer Board utility programs
- live-serial — Real-time serial port plotter/logger.
- llama-bsl — Script to communicate with Texas Instruments CC13xx/CC2538/CC26xx Serial Boot Loader (Fork of
- locid — python bindings
- lockhart-serial — Serial communication for Lockhart devices
- lora-modem — Python library for the Murata TypeABZ LoRaWAN modem
- lora-modem-abz — Python library for the Murata TypeABZ LoRaWAN modem
- lora-rn2483 — rn2483 library
- loramon — LoRa packet sniffer for RNode hardware
- LorenzTelegram — A library to communicate with Lorenz Messtechnik sensors
- lscom — list available active COM ports
- lucipy — Client library for the LUCIDAC analog digital hybrid computer
- luna-usb — Amaranth HDL framework for FPGA-based USB solutions
- lupulo — Framework to build realtime web pages dedicated to monitor robots or IoT devices.
- lx16a — Python library to control the Hiwonder LX-16a digital serial servo motor.
- m1-8-writer — LED name badge writer.
- m3 — Support tools for chips from the M3 ecosystem
- magicpy — Toolbox to control MagVenture TMS stimulators
- magicrf — Library for UHF RFID Soc Reader Chip M100 and QM100
- MagneticReadoutProcessing — This library was created for the Low-Field MRI project and allows processing of data measured by magnetic field sensors. The focus is on visualization, followed by the provision of simple interfaces to work with this data. In general its possible to use this lib on all kinds of sensor data.
- MagPy-TMS — A Python toolbox for controlling Magstim TMS stimulators via serial communication
- maibobo — no summary
- MaixPy3 — MaixPy Python3 library
- makeblock — libraries for makeblock electronic platform
- makersign — The funniest joke in the world
- manta-fpga — A configurable and approachable tool for FPGA debugging and rapid prototyping
- marlin-binary-protocol — Transfer files with Marlin 2.0 firmware using Marlin Binary Protocol Mark II
- mars-uartCmd — no summary
- martypy — Python library for Marty the Robot V1 and V2
- mates-controller — A Python Library developed to be used with Mates Studio Commander and Architect Environments
- matisse-controller — A Python package to control the Matisse 2 TS.
- MatSense — A toolkit for matrix sensor data processing 阵列传感器数据处理工具库
- mavcom — A python package that creates a simplified programming interface for controlling Mavlink-capable flight controllers
- mavcon — A python package that provides simplified drone flight control
- mavsniff — Mavsniff enables you to capture and replay MAVLink communication over serial line or network
- mavva — An extendable MAVLink framework working straight out-of-the-box. I use it, maybe you will too
- max-ble-hci — BLE HCI Test interface for controllers capable of the UART transport
- mayako-core — mayako is a lightweight framework for prototyping interaction techniques in hci research.
- mbed-cli — Command line tool for interacting with Mbed OS projects
- mbed-os-tools — The tools to build, test, and work with Mbed OS
- mbed-tools — Command line interface for Mbed OS.