Reverse Dependencies of pyserial
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyserial:
- UliSerial — Serial port utilities to save time with your electronics projects
- Ullr — A serial <-> MQTT interface for sports timing.
- ultraheat-api — Reading usage data from the Landys & Gyr Ultraheat heat meter unit
- UltrasonicUSBDemo — Demonstrates communication with different USB ultrasonic devices
- um7py — Redshift Labs Pty Ltd UM7 Python Driver
- umirobot — UMIRobot control code and GUI for Python.
- uModbus — Implementation of the Modbus protocol in pure Python.
- uModbus-extended — Implementation of the Modbus protocol in pure Python.
- umrx-app-v3 — Communication with COINES firmware for humans
- unicorn-multiverse — Multi USB serial display driver
- unidev — Library for universal connecting to VISA or Serial devices
- unilogger — A flexible interface for various sensor bus systems
- UOFC-SOAR — A simulation package for aerospace research
- uos-hardware — A hardware abstraction layer for microcontrollers running UOS compliant firmware.
- uphy-device — no summary
- upydevice — Python library to interface with MicroPython devices
- uPyExplorer — Explorer for Micropython Device
- upyt — no summary
- urwid — A full-featured console (xterm et al.) user interface library
- usb-can-analyzer — Python library for the usb can analyzer.
- usb-iss — Python library for the USB-ISS board.
- usb-joc — Send and receive JSON over USB CDC
- USBSerial — HC-USBSerial Python library via Serial protocol, using pySerial library as API
- usbserial4a — Python package for Kivy Android USB serial port.
- usbwde-mccrab — A client class for the USB-WDE1 receiver by ELV.
- use-minimon-dj — To make use of Renesas' MiniMonitor
- usim800 — usim800 is a Python driver module for SIM800 GSM/GPRS .
- usim800-hamilkar — usim800_hamilkar is a Python driver module for SIM800 GSM/GPRS .
- usim800forutf8 — usim800 is a Python driver module for SIM800 GSM/GPRS (utf-8 support).
- uterm — Micropython-friendly terminal
- utilityhelper — assistant tool for coding
- uun-qrdoorlock — Decode a signed QR code and open electronic door lock.
- uvicmuse — Stream and visualize EEG data from the Muse headset.
- uvicmuse-debug — Stream and visualize EEG data from the Muse headset.
- v-bootstrap — Units bootstrap tool
- valve-gfx-ci.salad — Valve GFX CI's serial multiplexer
- vedirect — Interfaces with Victron VE.Direct devices
- vedirect-jmfife — Read Victron VEDirect Devices
- vedirect-m8 — Victron VE.Direct decoder for Python
- velbus-aio — Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3.
- veles — Python package for VelesLabs devices
- vernierpygatt — Python Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) and GATT Library
- vfd-display — A module to interface with VFD displays via serial communication.
- vibrance — Crowd-based concert lighting system
- virtualreality — python side of hobo_vr
- visiomode — An open-source platform for touchscreen-based visuomotor tasks in rodents.
- visionseed — python-sdk for VisionSeed - a camera module with AI ability
- vkessm-sdk — vkessm SDK 3. python package
- vl53_400_lib — Python library for using the VL53-400 laser rangerfinder via serial port
- vmilog-py — log library for vmilabs
- vmipy — SDK for vmilabs
- vn100-inm-pt — VectorNav VN-100 INM interface server
- VNH5019-Serial-Controller — A library for controlling a Pololu VNH5019 Motor Controller Shield via USB Serial and I2C.
- volcano-poller — Serial poller satellite for Volcano
- volcano-x — VolcanoX on Python
- voltcraft — library for controlling Voltcraft PPS power supplies
- volttron-lib-modbustk-driver — ModbusTK Driver supported and maintained by the Volttron team.
- voyage-touch — Open-source low-cost robot touch sensor hardware and controls.
- vpf-730 — a library to read data from the Biral VPF-730 Present weather sensor
- vrc_t70 — Module to support VRC-T70 hardware
- vserialport — Uma livraria de controle das portas seriais
- vsr53 — Python Library to interface with Thyracont's VSR53 vacuum gauges
- vt-ugcs — VT Universal Ground Control Station Software
- watlow — Python driver for Watlow EZ-Zone temperature controllers.
- wattrex-driver-bk — Driver to gather power measures from a BK Precision device.
- wattrex-driver-flow — Driver to get measures from a flowmeter.
- wattrex-driver-rs — Driver to control a RS power load via SCPI.
- wave-rover-serial — A package to simplify the wave rover serial communication
- waveline — Library to easily interface with Vallen Systeme WaveLineâ„¢ devices
- waveshare-rpi — A quick-and-dirty library wrapping the native API of the waveshare GPS hat.
- WavinSentioModbus — Python API for interfacing with Wavin CCU-208
- weewx — The WeeWX weather software system.
- weighbridge-agent — An agent for weighbridges to export serial ports communicating with TCP protocol.
- weighbridge-simulator — A command line tool continuously send data to a serial port to simulate weighbridge communicating.
- wfield — Utilities to look at widefield data and align with the allen reference map.
- wfx-common-tools — Silicon Laboratories WFx Wi-Fi tools for all supported platforms
- whad — Wireless protocols hacking framework
- wheecode — Simple GCode generator
- whill — WHILL Model CR series SDK for Python
- whillpy — Unofficial python package for WHILL Model CK control
- wicope — A fast Arduino Oscilloscope
- wiliot-core — A library for interacting with Wiliot's private core functions
- wiliot-deployment-tools — A library for interacting with Wiliot's Deployment Tools
- wiliot-testers — A library for interacting with Wiliot's Testers app
- wiliot-tools — A library for interacting with Wiliot's private tools
- windfreak — Python package for Windfreak Technologies devices.
- winiel-rfid-sensor — PYPI tutorial package creation written by winiel
- winkeyerserial — Talk to K1EL winkeyer
- witmotion — API for Witmotion IMUs, including HWT905
- wks-com — Communicate with your inverter (WKS EKO Circle).
- wled-adapter — A package to interact with WLED devices
- wlkatapython — WLKATA-Mirobot/E4/MT4/MS4220 Multiple robotic arm control!
- wlmodem — Python library for Water Linked underwater modems
- wonderBits — wonderbits by mfeducation.
- wonderbits-ampy — ampy (Adafruit MicroPython tool) is a command line tool to interact with a CircuitPython or MicroPython board over a serial connection.
- wonderguy — wonderbits by mfeducation.
- wquart — wuqi chip7033 uart message resolve
- ws-barcode-scanner — Unofficial Python interface to the Waveshare Barcode Scanner Module
- ws-one — no summary
- wspr-server — no summary