Reverse Dependencies of pyserial
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyserial:
- simpleiot-cli — SimpleIOT command line interface
- SimpleLoggerV1 — Small library to communicate with SimpleLoggerV1
- SimpleSerial — A tool with easy prebuilt function to communicate through PySerial
- SimpleStepperDriverV1 — Small library to communicate with SimpleStepperDriverV1
- SimpleStepperLoggerDriverV1 — Small library to communicate with SimpleStepperLoggerDriverV1
- sipyconfig — Python replacement for the functionality of SportIdent Config+
- sireader — Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations
- siru — Automated tests on hardware for embedded systems
- sixfab-cellulariot — sixfab linux libraries
- sixfab-gprsiot — sixfab python libraries
- sixfab-nbiot — sixfab nbiot library for rpi
- skytraq — SkyTraq GPS binary protocal implementation
- sleepkit — AI driven sleep monitoring kit for ultra low-power wearables.
- slice-qtc — A package to communicate with a VESCENT Slice-QTC temperature controller.
- slightsTalkie — Contains libraries to communicate with both the web application api and the arduino serial listener. This allows for sending and retrieving messages from both interfaces. uses these libraries to inform the arduino serial interface what messages is next in the queue
- slip39 — Standards-compliant SLIP-39 cryptocurrency seed generation and recovery, compatible with Trezor hardware wallets
- smart-meter-to-openhab — Pushing data of ISKRA MT175 smart meter to openhab
- smartchem-ion3 — Python interface to the SMARTChem-Ion3 ion-selective electrode instrument.
- smartinput-ng-daemon — no summary
- smartleia — Python toolkit for LEIA smartcard reader
- smartmeter-datacollector — Smart Meter Data Collector
- smartmeter-webthing — Smartmeter WebThing
- SmartWaveAPI — A python API for the SmartWave interface.
- smartwheel-core — Keyboard knob/dial controller with a ton of features
- SMASunnyIsland — A Python library for controlling SMA Sunny Island inverters
- smb3-eh-manip — Ingest video data to render smb3 eh manip stimuli
- smc — A python driver library for Pololu's Simple Motor Controllers
- smeterd — Read smart meter P1 packets
- smithspump — A libary to connect smiths medical pump
- smlpy — smlpy enables reading of smart meter language (sml) data from a smart power meter. You need a working IR-reading device for this, e.g. must be connected to an USB port. Please note that this library only supports a small part of the SML-spec, especially the sending part is intentionally omitted
- smpclient — Simple Management Protocol (SMP) Client for remotely managing MCU firmware
- sms-cli — Command-line interface for sending AT (ATtention) commands via serial port to GSM shield module.
- SMWiredPy — Sensemore Wired Python Interface
- snagboot — Generic recovery and reflashing tool for embedded platforms
- snailshell — 싱크대 자동 수전 절수 시스템
- sniffer-positivedegree — The sniffer package is used on the Positive Degree sniffer and control boards. It gathers sensors data, can operate some board control and is used for remote updates.
- snraspi-lib — Convenience utilities for Raspberry Pi
- snweatherstation — Another Raspberry Pi Weatherstation
- socs — Simons Observatory Control System
- software-engineer-assignment-final — Software Engineering assignment for job interview.
- sol-usb — Torii HDL framework for FPGA-based USB solutions
- solo1 — Python library for SoloKeys.
- SoloPy — PYTHON Library for Control Solo Motor
- somanet-test-suite — A collection of different scripts and drivers (PSU, EtherCAT, Labjack,...)
- sovol-xy — Library for controlling the Sovol-SO1 xy plotter using the Marlin Firmware.
- spark-roomba — A CLI tool to control Roomba
- sparki-learning — library to implement the Myro API with the Sparki robot
- sphero-sdk — Sphero SDK to run on Raspberry Pi using Python
- spi-adapter — A simple USB to SPI adapter that works.
- spiderx — 爬虫函数集 爬虫工具类
- spintop-openhtf — An opinionated fork of OpenHTF by the team behind Spintop. OpenHTF is currently vendored-in.
- spirack — Drivers for the QuTech SPI-rack
- splendaq — Generalized offline data acquisition with a focus on the Moku
- spmtool — Read/write SPM motor controller configuration over serial connection
- sportident — Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations
- spplot — command-line serial plotter
- sprotocol — For interfacing with Brooks Instrument Mass Flow Controllers, Meters, and Pressure Controllers with S-Protocol over RS-485.
- spsdk — Open Source Secure Provisioning SDK for NXP MCU/MPU
- spycoprobe — Spycoprobe Python package
- sr.robot3 — Student Robotics API for Python 3
- srsgui — Framework to run instrument-controlling Python scripts in GUI
- ssp8160-power-supply — A Python package to control the SSP-8160 power supply via serial communication.
- stagehand — An event-based desktop automation tool for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- statuslight-client — no summary
- stc8isp — Programming Tool for STC8G/8H Microcontrollers
- stcgal — STC MCU ISP flash tool
- step-driver-g071-api — Stepper driver using MODBUS communication protocol API
- sterm — A minimal serial / UART command line terminal that focus on being easy to use.
- stimuli — Precise auditory stimuli.
- stm32cli — STM32 CLI
- stm32isp — Programming Tool for some STM32 Microcontrollers
- stm32loader — Flash firmware to STM32 microcontrollers using Python.
- stm32tool — Python stm32 tools
- stockpiler — Backup Network Device Configurations
- stoqdrivers — Drivers for the retail sector.
- strym — A real time CAN data logging and visualization tool to work with USB-CAN Interface.
- strym-lite — A real time CAN data logging and visualization tool to work with USB-CAN Interface.
- sudoistemper — no summary
- sumitomo-f70 — 'Unofficial Sumitomo F70 Helium Compressor python driver',
- sunspecdemo — EPC SunSpec demonstration tool
- super-ide — A professional Cross-platform IDE. Cross-platform IDE and Unified Debugger. Static Code Analyzer and Remote Unit Testing. Multi-platform and Multi-architecture Build System. Firmware File Explorer and Memory Inspection. IoT, Arduino, CMSIS, ESP-IDF, FreeRTOS, libOpenCM3, mbedOS, Pulp OS, SPL, STM32Cube, Zephyr RTOS, ARM, AVR, Espressif (ESP8266/ESP32), FPGA, MCS-51 (8051), MSP430, Nordic (nRF51/nRF52), NXP i.MX RT, PIC32, RISC-V, STMicroelectronics (STM8/STM32), Teensy
- svd-gdb — Python interface to SVD files through GDB
- swARM-at — Une bibliothèque pour la communication avec des modules LoRa via des commandes AT.
- swarmit — Run Your Own Robot Swarm Testbed.
- sximage — StreamLogic SxImage Python utilities
- sxlogic — StreamLogic Python utilities
- symtool — A tool for interacting with your SYM-1 microcomputer
- syncmaster — Device and drivers for generating trigger signals to synchronise recorded signals with behavioural data
- syringe-pump — Cavro Centris Syringe Pump
- systole — Systole: A python package for cardiac signal synchrony and analysis
- tasmotizer — The time has come to... Tasmotize!
- TauLidarCamera — Python host-side API for the Onion Tau Lidar Camera
- tbs-fusion-py — A Python package to control the TBS Fusion analog video receiver module over a serial connection.
- tc2100 — Receive data from a compatible USB digital thermometer
- tclab — Python bindings for the BYU Arduino Temperature Control Lab
- tclab-cae — Python bindings for the BYU Arduino Temperature Control Lab and extended by Control Automatico Educación
- tcr-roboclaw — An easy to install version of Basicmicro's RoboClaw Python library
- tdc — Teste Pacote TDC PROJETOS
- TDSR-UWB — Support libraries for TDSR LLC Ambit UWB Radios
- ted-tools — Scripts to monitor your car using the OBD-II connector and an ELM327 adapter