Reverse Dependencies of pyserial
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyserial:
- pyservos — Yet another dynamixel python driver
- pysfm — SFM SDK for python
- pyshv — Pure Python SHV implementation
- PySigmaKoki — Python Interface for Instruments by Sigma Koki
- pysigrok-hardware-raspberrypi-pico — PySigrok driver for rp2040 logic capture
- pysimpledmx — simple dmx control for the Enttec DMX USB Pro
- pysk8 — Python driver for SK8 BLE sensor pack
- pysmartmeter — Collect data from Hichi Smartmeter and expose it via MQTT
- pysmtester — pysmtester
- pySoMQ — Provide a bidirectional connection to a serial interface via zeroMQ
- pyspeakercraft — Speakercraft MZC controller
- pyspinel — A Python interface to the OpenThread Network Co-Processor (NCP)
- pySplitFlap — A library for controlling split-flap displays
- pyspv1 — SonMicro Standart Protocol V1(spv1) interface module.
- pyssc32 — SSC32 controlling library
- pysser — A special ser
- pystage-apt — A python library for Thorlabs' APT single-channel controllers
- pystages — Motorized stage control library for scientific applications
- pystu — Python library for Studuino&ArtecRobo
- pystuduino — Python library for Studuino&ArtecRobo
- pySulfiLoggerAPI — Driver module for the SulfiLogger sensor
- pysunspec — Python SunSpec Tools
- pysunspec-read — read from solar inverters that implement the SunSpec interface, to simpler datastructure
- pysunspec2 — Python SunSpec Tools
- pysweepme — Load SweepMe! instrument drivers in your own python projects.
- pytelemetry — First class data visualization and communication with embedded devices
- pytelemetrycli — command-line interface for data visualization and communication with embedded devices
- pyTeliumManager — A cross-platform point of sales payment manager tool with Telium Manager Support every device with Telium Manager like Ingenico terminals.
- pyTempico — Built to use with Tausand Tempico time-to-digital converters
- pytest-embedded-serial — Make pytest-embedded plugin work with Serial.
- pytest-reserial — Pytest fixture for recording and replaying serial port traffic.
- python-aeroshield — A Python interface to AutomationShield's AeroShield Arduino shield
- python-automationshield — A Python interface to AutomationShield's Arduino shields
- python-can — Controller Area Network interface module for Python
- python-can-bluetooth — A python-can interface driver for CAN transmitted over a Bluetooth SPP connection
- python-can-csscan-serial — Interact with CSS Electronics USB devices through Python
- python-dlt645 — A basic DL/T645-2007 communication implementation
- python-domintell — Python Library for the Domintell protocol
- python-eigen-ingenuity — A python library used to query data from the Eigen Ingenuity system
- python-eigen-ingenuity-nocli — A python library used to query data from the Eigen Ingenuity system
- python-escpos — Python library to manipulate ESC/POS Printers
- python-gsmmodem-new — Control an attached GSM modem: send/receive SMS messages, handle calls, etc
- python-gsmmodem-stk — Control an attached GSM modem: send/receive SMS messages, handle calls, etc
- python-iridium-modem — Iridium phone library
- python-kuro — 'Python library for interfacing with Pioneer Kuro TV using the serial port', # Required
- python-ml-dali — A Python library to communicate with Dali controllers from Ministry of Light.
- python-ntrexlab-usb2can-vcp — 이 모듈은 ntrexlab의 usb2can VCP제품을 파이썬으로 can모듈을 사용하기 위해서 작성된 인터페이스 모듈입니다.
- python-openevse — Control OpenEVSE boards
- python_openzwave — python_openzwave is a python wrapper for the openzwave c++ library.
- python-plugwise — Async library for Plugwise USB-stick
- python-printer-command-line — no summary
- python-printer-escpos — Python interface for ESCPOS Printers
- python-pylontech — Interfaces with Pylontech Batteries using RS485 protocol
- python-selve — Python library for interfacing with selve devices using the USB-RF controller
- python-selve-commeo — Private forl of a Python library for interfacing with selve devices using the USB-RF controller
- python-selve-new — Python library for interfacing with selve devices using the USB-RF controller. Written completely new.
- python-velbus — Python Library for the Velbus protocol
- python4yahdlc — Python binding of the yahdlc library allowing to encode and decode HDLC frames.
- pythonion — Python package for Ternion microcontroller board
- pythonMuse — A Python library for connecting and communicate with MUSE headbands. Uses Bleak as the underlying Bluetooth interface.
- pytla — A python library for controlling ITLA and microITLA devices.
- pyTMCL — Talk to Trinamic Stepper Motors using TMCL over serial
- pytmcl-gideonrab — Python library for automation cells.
- PyTrinamic — TRINAMIC's Python Technology Access Package.
- pytrustplatform — A collection of utilities for interacting with Microchip Trust Platform and Microchip CryptoAuthentication™ devices
- pyuart — a simple UART library for python3
- pyuavcan — A full-featured implementation of the UAVCAN protocol stack in Python.
- pyublox — Interface with ublox chipsets using Python.
- pyubxutils — UBX Protocol Command Line Utilities
- pyudpboot — pyudpboot
- pyummeter — Python UM-Meter interface
- pyusbiss — A Python module for interfacing with USB-ISS multifunction USB Communication Module
- pyuwb — A uwb locating library
- pyvesc-fix — This is a repackagin of a fork from the pyvesc library.
- pyview — A Simple GUI creator for python using wxpython. Combined with numpy, meant as an open source labview replacement.
- pyvirtualserial — Library to create virtual serial ports on Windows and Linux.
- PyVISA-py — Pure Python implementation of a VISA library.
- PyVisaInstrument — PyVisaInstrument provides boilerplate for various NI-VISA instruments.
- pyvisca — A Python module for controlling PTZ cameras running on Sony VISCA protocol via serial USB
- pyvms — Python module for Vibration Monitoring System by Logic Elements
- pyvscp-p1-power-meter — VSCP P1 power meter handler
- pyvsr53dl — Python Library to interface with Thyracont's VSR53DL Vacuum Sensor through RS458 interface
- pyW800rf32 — A library to communicate with the W800rf32 family of devices
- pywatch-tracker — Coincidence Measurements with CosmicWatch detectors.
- pywatlow — A Python driver for the Watlow EZ-Zone PM3 temperature controller standard bus protocol
- pywavez — Native Python implementation of the ZWave protocol
- pyWirelessMbus — A tool to receive and send Wireless-M-Bus messages.
- pywisp — Weird visualisation of test bench prototypes
- pywmbus — wM-Bus implementation in Python
- pyWoodway — Communicate with your Woodway treadmill in your Python scripts.
- pyws2812 — A small example package
- pyx2cscope — python implementation of X2Cscope
- pyxantech — no summary
- pyXBEE-tne — a library to communicate with the XBEE
- pyxcp — Universal Calibration Protocol for Python
- pyxl30-tspspi — Control libraries and utilities for the XL30 ESEM (unofficial)
- pyxl320 — A library to control dynamixel XL-320 servos with python
- pyzwave — A Z-Wave interfacing library in python
- pyZynoUnifiedDrivers — Zyno Medical Unified Driver: Control your infusion pump with Python
- qcsapphire — A package for communicating with the Quantum Composer Sapphire 9200 TTL pulse generator.