Reverse Dependencies of pyright
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyright:
- a-n-plus-b — CSS <An+B> microsyntax parser
- abilian-devtools — A curated set of dependencies for quality software development
- actlog — An activity log that shows you what you did when
- actuate — A framework for building LLM powered workflows.
- ado-pipeline-helper — no summary
- agdiff — A tool for doing diffs over an air gap
- agent0 — Agent interface for on-chain protocols.
- agentia — ChatGPT powered agents, argumented with tools
- agentic-py — A framework for building LLM powered workflows.
- — An asynchronous Python 3.10+ Spotify Web API wrapper.
- aiosql — Simple SQL in Python
- aipmai-tools — Set of tools for the crewAI framework (Chinese Version)
- albatross-sdk — Python SDK for interacting with the Albatross API
- ali2b-cli-scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- anchovy — A minimal, unopinionated file processing engine intended for static website generation.
- anchovy_css — A simple, pure-Python CSS pre-processor.
- anodb — Convenient Wrapper around AioSQL and a Database Connection
- anstrip — anstrip is a minimal library to strip ANSI sequences from strings.
- anyboxes — Lightweight package for managing bounding boxes that works seamlessly with most computing frameworks.
- argiletum-devtools — Argiletum development tools
- asent — A python package for flexible and transparent sentiment analysis.
- astronomer-nova — Automate migration from Airflow 1 to Airflow 2
- asyncstdlib — The missing async toolbox
- augmenty — An augmentation library based on SpaCy for joint augmentation of text and labels.
- authz-analyzer — Analyze authorization.
- autopep695 — Automatically upgrade to the new type syntax introduced in PEP 695 using a single command
- autotx — no summary
- avicortex — Python functions and classes to build connectivity graphs and datasets from Freesurfer's brain cortical measurements.
- avidaq — controls for napari and micromanger
- aws-log-parser — Parse AWS CloudFront and LoadBalancer logs into Python dataclasses
- backup-airtable — Quickly and painlessly dump all your Airtable schemas & data to JSON.
- baseclasses — Dataclasses alternative
- basic-components — Re-usable server-side components based on shadcn/ui with JinjaX, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS
- bavisitter — no summary
- beanie — Asynchronous Python ODM for MongoDB
- beanie-batteries-queue — Advanced queue system for MongoDB with Beanie ODM
- beanis — Asynchronous Python ODM for Redis
- beartype — Unbearably fast near-real-time hybrid runtime-static type-checking in pure Python.
- belief-state-superposition — Investigating belief state representations of transformers trained on Hidden Markov Model emissions
- benchq — "BenchQ platform for resource estimation"
- betanin — beets based mitm of your torrent client and music player
- biocommons.example — Example Package
- biocommons.seqrepo — Non-redundant, compressed, journalled, file-based storage for biological sequences
- bioimageio.core — Python functionality for the bioimage model zoo
- bioimageio.spec — Parser and validator library for specifications
- biomcp — MCP servers for bioinformatics
- BL-Python.all — Python libraries for use in Boutros Lab.
- blackdogosint — api supporting OSINT open source queries
- blastpipe — OZI Project utility library.
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.
- bluesky-stomp — STOMP integration for bluesky
- brand_yml — Read brand yaml files, a unified way to store brand information.
- browsable — Easily preview your data.
- bt-test-interfaces — Pandora gRPC Bluetooth test interfaces.
- build123d_ease — Extensions, tools, and shortcuts to make modelling with Build123d easier
- bunnet — Synchronous Python ODM for MongoDB
- cabrnet — Generic library for prototype-based classifiers
- CacheToolsUtils — Cachetools Utilities
- canonical-sphinx — no summary
- capiche — A Library for Throttling Requests to Functions
- caplena — Python Library for Caplena REST API.
- castfit — Basic type casting.
- cbase64 — Fast Base64 encoding/decoding with SSE2 and VSX optimizations
- celestine — A python framework for desktop applications.
- cf-ips-to-hcloud-fw — Update Hetzner Cloud firewall rules with Cloudflare IP ranges
- cfsem — Quasi-steady electromagnetics including filamentized approximations, Biot-Savart, and Grad-Shafranov.
- changeguard — CLI to check if any of the original files in a repository/directory change over the course of a precommit script.
- character-range — Generate string and bytes ranges
- charmcraft — The main tool to build, upload, and develop in general the Juju charms.
- chatgpt-gui — An unofficial GUI app for ChatGPT.
- chatlas — A simple and consistent interface for chatting with LLMs
- chemicalspace — An Object-oriented Representation for Chemical Spaces
- chord-chart — Chord chart validation and transposition
- cion — A data validation library
- ciqar — Ciqar is a tool for creating reports from different code quality analyzers output.
- ckanext-datapackage — Data Package integreation for CKAN
- clickdc — Manage click arguments using python dataclass
- cobb — Effortless serverless, in your own cloud
- coco_types — Package for handling COCO datasets types.
- coconut — Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- coconut-develop — Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- codespan-reporting — A python binding for codespan-reporting
- cola-plum-dispatch — Multiple dispatch in Python (with additional features for the CoLA library)
- comfy-catapult — Programmatically schedule ComfyUI workflows.
- concept-erasure — Erasing concepts from neural representations with provable guarantees
- copier-example — Short description
- coppice — A python and rust decision tree library
- cosmofy — Cosmopolitan Python Bundler
- craft-application — A framework for *craft applications.
- craft-archives — no summary
- craft-cli — Command Line Interface
- craft-grammar — no summary
- craft-parts — Craft parts tooling
- craft-providers — no summary
- crewai-tools — Set of tools for the crewAI framework
- cryodrgn — cryoDRGN heterogeneous reconstruction
- cryosparc-tools — Toolkit for interfacing with CryoSPARC
- cst-lsp — no summary
- ctek — Python library to interact with multiple CTEK products through their open API:s
- culting — Culting package manager.