Reverse Dependencies of pyright
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyright:
- redframes — General Purpose Data Manipulation Library
- release-by-changelog — Release a new version of a software based on file.
- remotescript — no summary
- ReplayTables-andnp — A simple replay buffer implementation in python for sampling n-step trajectories
- reposter — userbot that forwards messages from telegram channels to others in real time
- repwatcher — Tool to automatically upload SC:BW replays to
- requests-mock-flask — Helpers to use requests_mock and responses with a Flask test client.
- reskyblock — Python API wrapper for Hypixel SkyBlock
- retrigen — A package for automatically generating datasets for training or evaluating retrieval models
- rfviser — 3D visualization + Python
- ringsage — no summary
- robust-fourier — Noise- and Outlier-Robust Fourier Transform with Hermite Functions in NumPy and Numba
- rpycocotools — Package providing utilities to load, manipulate, convert and visualize COCO format datasets.
- rpycocotools-stubs — Package stubs for rpycocotools.
- rsconnect-python — Python integration with Posit Connect
- rspro82 — Utility for certain RadioShack PRO-branded radio scanners
- rspyai — explore rust functions in a TUI with an AI
- rsynccheck — Check the completeness of an rsync operation.
- rudi-node-write — Use the internal API of a RUDI Producer node
- saluki — no summary
- sandal — Lightweight bootstrapping for project scripts
- sankaku — Asynchronous API wrapper for Sankaku Complex.
- sbi — Simulation-based inference.
- scanspec — Specify step and flyscan paths in a serializable, efficient and Pythonic way
- scrape-it-now — Web scraper made for AI and simplicity in mind. It runs as a CLI that can be parallelized and outputs high-quality markdown content.
- scrapethedocs — Scrapethedocs is a Python-based tool designed to efficiently scrape and extract documentation from Python package websites
- sdif — Support for US Swimming SDIF v3 files
- seavoice-sdk-test — SeaVoice SDK: Client for Seasalt speech recognition and speech synthesis.
- seb — Scandinavian Embedding Benchmark
- server-monitor-agent — Utility to run checks on a server and send notifications.
- sharkey-crawler — Python library to crawl user data from sharkey instances
- shepherd-core — Programming- and CLI-Interface for the h5-dataformat of the Shepherd-Testbed
- shepherd-herd — Synchronized Energy Harvesting Emulator and Recorder CLI
- shiny — A web development framework for Python.
- shinylive — Run Shiny applications running Python in the browser.
- shinyswatch — Bootswatch + Bootstrap 5 themes for Shiny.
- shinywidgets — Render ipywidgets in Shiny applications
- shushlog — Simple logs supressor and filter
- simple-serve — Deployment of a Scikit-Learn model and it's column transformations with a single endpoint.
- sinkove — Library for interacting with Sinkove datasets
- slipstream-async — Streamline your stream processing.
- SMACT — Semiconducting Materials by Analogy and Chemical Theory
- smol-sae — Minimal implementation of SAEs
- snapstream — Streamline your Kafka data processing, this tool aims to standardize streaming data from multiple Kafka clusters. With a pub-sub approach, multiple functions can easily subscribe to incoming messages, serialization can be specified per topic, and data is automatically processed by data sink functions.
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- snp-transformer — SNP Transformer
- spandrel-foss — Give your project support for a variety of PyTorch model architectures, including auto-detecting model architecture from just .pth files. This version of Spandrel is FOSS compliant as it remove support for model architectures that are under a non-commercial license.
- sparql-llm — Reusable components and complete chat system to improve Large Language Models (LLMs) capabilities when generating SPARQL queries for a given set of endpoints, using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and SPARQL query validation from the endpoint schema.
- sphinx — Python documentation generator
- sphinx-pyppeteer-builder — A Sphinx PDF builder using pyppeteer
- Sphinx-Substitution-Extensions — Extensions for Sphinx which allow for substitutions.
- spiceai — A Python library for building AI-powered applications.
- splitdataloader — A simple library to load training data from hdd or ssd
- sqlelf — Explore ELF objects through the power of SQL
- stackoverflow-to-sqlite — Quickly and painlessly dump all your Airtable schemas & data to JSON.
- starbridge — Integrates Claude Desktop with Google workspace and Atlassian workspaces
- Starlette-Plus — Additional features, utilities and helpers for Starlette.
- streamlit-searchbox — Autocomplete Searchbox
- sybil-extras — Additions to Sybil, the documentation testing tool.
- syslog-ng-cfg-helper — Configuration helper for syslog-ng.
- table2ascii — Convert 2D Python lists into Unicode/Ascii tables
- tableau-helpers — A collection of helpers to reduce boilerplate with Tableau APIs.
- tach — A Python tool to maintain a modular package architecture.
- tagify — Parser that converts strings with variables and functions to more advance strings
- TAP-Consumer — Parses and serializes Test Anything Protocol output.
- TAP-Producer — Test Anything Protocol producer API for Python.
- taskiq-aio-sqs — SQS/S3 Broker for TaskIQ using Aiobotocore
- tcex — ThreatConnect Exchange App Framework
- tcex-app-testing — ThreatConnect Exchange App Testing Framework
- tcex-cli — ThreatConnect Exchange App CLI Tool
- tdp-core — Target discovery platform for exploring rankings of genes, disease models, and other entities.
- tdp-publicdb — no summary
- teamspeak-bot — Python TeamSpeak bot using TSBot framework
- ted2zim — Make ZIM file from TED Talks
- telextron — no summary
- tensorpc — Backend for devflow.
- terra-python — A python wrapper for the Terra API.
- tg-admin-bot — gmanka tg admin bot
- thermoextrap — Thermodynamic extrapolation
- thunderpack — Dataset library for blazingly fast data loading and decoding
- tickit — Event-based device simulation framework
- timeseriesflattener — A package for converting time series data from e.g. electronic health records into wide format data.
- tine — Effortless serverless, in your own cloud
- tmmc-lnpy — Analysis of lnPi results from TMMC simulation
- toot — Mastodon CLI client
- toot-tooi — Mastodon terminal user interface
- topic-autolabel — Automatic topic labeling using LLMs
- toymeta — Toy meta-reinforcement learning environments to test algorithms implementations
- transcoders-slim — A template for python projects in PDM
- trimesh — Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes.
- trtutils — Utilities for making TensorRT easier to use
- tsbootstrap — A Python package to generate bootstrapped time series
- tsbot — Asynchronous Python framework to build TeamSpeak 3 Server Query bots
- tsformatter — Helper package to format TeamSpeak BBCode
- tvpy — 📺 TvPy
- twscrape — Twitter GraphQL and Search API implementation with SNScrape data models
- typed-D3DShot — Extremely Fast, Robust, and Typed, Screen Capture on Windows with the Desktop Duplication API
- typerutils — Typer utility helpers
- types-lxml — Complete lxml external type annotation
- types-lxml-multi-subclass — Complete lxml external type annotation