Reverse Dependencies of pyright
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyright:
- oakutils — no summary
- observability-utils — A set of functions to reduce the boilerplate required to add observability to your service of module
- offspot-config — Offspot Config helpers
- ommx — Open Mathematical prograMming eXchange (OMMX)
- open-notebook — Command line program to open jupyter notebooks from single server
- opencv-stubs — Unofficial stubs for the opencv-python package.
- OpenFisca-Core — A versatile microsimulation free software
- ophyd-async — Asynchronous Bluesky hardware abstraction code, compatible with control systems like EPICS and Tango
- oqs-licensing — Licensing module of Orange Quantum Systems
- orchestra-sdk — Orchestra SDK for updating self-hosted Tasks.
- orquestra-sdk — Compose Orquestra workflows using a Python DSL
- orquestra-workflow-runtime — Execute Orquestra workflows
- orquestra-workflow-shared — Code shared between Orquestra SDK clients and workflow execution servers
- outpostkit — Python client for Outpost
- oxidd — Decision Diagrams
- OZI — Package Python projects with Meson.
- ozi-core — The OZI Project packaging core library.
- OZI.spec — Versioned specification standard metadata for OZI Project tools.
- ozi_templates — OZI Project package templates.
- p99_bluesky — p99 sandbox
- package-name-to-install-with — A small example package
- pandora-avatar — Avatar is a scalable multi-platform Bluetooth testing tool capable of running
- pare — Effortless serverless Python
- parinvoke — Invoke operations on large models in parallel.
- patreon-dl — Download and sync content from Patreon
- pdm-python-project-template — A template for python projects in PDM
- personal-mnemonic-medium — Personal Mnemonic Medium
- pg-schema-version — Simple Postgres Schema Versioning
- pgtui — PostgreSQL terminal user interface
- pi-base — Framework for creating Raspberry Pi appliances.
- pictorus — Pictorus device manager package
- pins — Publish data sets, models, and other python objects, making it easy to share them across projects and with your colleagues.
- pip_check_reqs — Find packages that should or should not be in requirements for a project
- pipeline-factory — Python server framework to define, manage, schedule and execute custom defined code pipelines and series of pipeline across multiple worker processes
- pirate — Pirate is a Python package that aims to be a unified framework for all things information retrieval. Currently, it serves as a go-to library for negative mining.
- plare — Language description language, Lexer, and Parser for Python3
- plm-utils — Random stuff to help writing Pulumi scripts easier
- plotnine — A Grammar of Graphics for Python
- plum-dispatch — Multiple dispatch in Python
- polyquery — A framework-agnostic web interface for administering SQLAlchemy models
- ppmac-macro-substitution — A script that substitutes macros in tamplate files.
- praisonai-tools — Set of tools for the PraisonAI framework
- prettypretty — Applying 2020s color science to 1970s terminal user interfaces
- progress-api — Backend-agnostic API for reporting progress.
- proper — A web framework optimized for programmer happiness
- prospector — Prospector is a tool to analyse Python code by aggregating the result of other tools.
- ProxyPatternPool — Generic Proxy and Pool Classes for Python
- psc-datalogger — Logs data from one-or-more devices for an extended period of time
- PSNAWP — Python API Wrapper for PlayStation Network API
- PSNAWP-HA — Python API Wrapper for PlayStation Network API with Home Assistant Support
- ptah-cli — no summary
- pu-utils — Random stuff to help writing Pulumi scripts easier
- pvi — EPICS PV Interface described in YAML
- py-allspice — A python wrapper for the AllSpice Hub API
- pycocotools-stubs — Unofficial stubs for the pycocotools package.
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- pydanticutils — Pydantic utility helpers
- pydepinject — A package to dynamically inject requirements into a virtual environment.
- pye3dc — E3/DC client for python
- PyExpUtils-andnp — A small set of utilities for RL and ML experiments
- pyfastflow — In process streaming workflows
- pyffstream — pyffstream.
- PyFixedReps-andnp — no summary
- pyknos — don't regress. A package for neural conditional density estimation.
- pylive-played-clip — A tool to monitor Ableton Live and update the color of clips that have been played.
- pymemgpt — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pymemgpt-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pyopslib — A Pythonic toolkit to manage infrastructure.
- pypechain — Codegen python interfaces for contracts.
- pyranges1 — GenomicRanges for Python.
- pyright-stubgen — stubgen using pyright
- pyrsec — Simple parser combinator made in Python
- pyspark-dataframe-wrappers — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- pytest-ndb — pytest notebook debugger
- pytest-pyright — Pytest plugin for type checking code with Pyright
- pytest-revealtype-injector — Pytest plugin for replacing reveal_type() calls inside test functions with static and runtime type checking result comparison, for confirming type annotation validity.
- pytest-typechecker — Run type checkers on specified test files
- python-baserow-simple — Awesome python_baserow_simple created by xiamaz
- python-cqrs — Python CQRS pattern implementation
- python-criteria — Pythonic criteria pattern implementation for allowing infraestructure abstraction in hexagonal applications.
- python-jsx — JSX transpiler for Python
- python-semantic-retrieval — Semantic Retrieval Python Library
- python-utils — Python Utils is a module with some convenient utilities not included with the standard Python install
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- qualia-codegen-core — Generate portable C inference code from Keras or PyTorch model
- qualia-codegen-plugin-snn — Generate portable C inference code from Keras or PyTorch model
- qualia-core — Qualia toolchain Core
- qualia-plugin-snn — Qualia SNN Plugin
- qualia-plugin-template — Qualia Plugin Template
- quantbt — no summary
- quantify-core — Quantify-core is a unified quantum computing, solid-state and pulse sequencing physical experimentation framework.
- quantify-scheduler — Quantify-scheduler is a Python package for writing quantum programs featuring a hybrid gate-pulse control model with explicit timing control.
- quantify-zurich-instruments — Zurich Instruments backend for Quantify.
- quartutils — Quart utility helpers
- r2e_test_server — Test Server For R2E
- ragas — no summary
- ragdaemon — Generate and render a call graph for a Python project.
- react-tables — Easily generate information-rich, publication-quality tables from Python.
- reactable — Interactive tables for Python.
- reddit-user-to-sqlite — Create a SQLite database containing data pulled from Reddit about a single user.