Reverse Dependencies of pyright
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyright:
- cv2ext — Extended functionality on top of OpenCV
- dacy — A Danish pipeline trained in SpaCy that has achieved State-of-the-Art performance on all dependency parsing, NER and POS-tagging for Danish
- dagster — Dagster is an orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
- daisybell — A scanner that will scan your AI models for problems. Currently it focuses on bias testing. It is currently alpha.
- daq-config-server — A service to put and get your config values from
- databricks-genai — Interact with the Databricks Generative AI APIs in python
- databricks-genai-inference — Interact with the Databricks Foundation Model API from python
- datadict — Add dictionary-like capabilities to dataclasses
- dbgpt-hub — DB-GPT-Hub: Text-to-SQL parsing with LLMs
- decoding — Composable inference algorithms with LLMs and programmable logic
- deepqmc — Deep-learning quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- delos-unichunking — Universal chunking functions to extract LLM-friendly chunks from any file type.
- demicode — Fixed-width display of Unicode is deeply broken
- derapi — no summary
- devdocs2zim — Make ZIM files from
- dex_retargeting — Hand pose retargeting for dexterous robot hand.
- digint — A python module for manipulating positional integers across any numerical base, providing advanced digit-level control.
- dilib — Dependency injection library
- discord-ext-ipcx — Maintained and updated version of discord-ext-ipc for v2
- discord.http — Python library that handles interactions from Discord POST requests.
- discord-py-paginators — Extension for that provides various paginators.
- discord.socket — An extension to discord.http to add gateway event support, but as minimal cache as possible.
- django-drifter — More migration commands to make development life simpler
- django-tag-me — A simple approach to Django tagging
- dls-deploy-tools — A set of tools used for deploying applications to a shared filesystem.
- dls-dodal — Ophyd devices and other utils that could be used across DLS beamlines
- dls-python-copier-template-example — An expanded to illustrate how it looks with all the options enabled.
- doccmd — Run commands against code blocks in reStructuredText and Markdown files.
- docker-export — Export docker image into tar file directly from registry API
- dotenvplus — Python library that handles interactions from Discord POST requests.
- doxtrings — a package that can ensure your docstrings are correct
- dplib-py — Python implementation of the Data Package standard
- dpnext — Python implementation of the Data Package standard
- dpspecs — Python implementation of the Data Package standard
- draive — Framework designed to simplify and accelerate the development of LLM-based applications.
- ds-run — run dev scripts
- DukeTypem2D — Improve readability, spelling and expression of your text documents
- e2e-sae — Repo for training sparse autoencoders end-to-end
- e84-geoai-common — Contains common Geospatial AI/ML code for Element 84 projects.
- easy-infra — no summary
- edge-containers-cli — CLI for deploying and managing epics containers IOCs and services
- eips — Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) ETL library
- elasticsearch-dsl — Python client for Elasticsearch
- eleuther-elk — Keeping language models honest by directly eliciting knowledge encoded in their activations
- emporium — Abstraction around different types of file stores.
- environmental-biophysics — Add your description here
- ephyspy — Package to extract summary statistics from electrophysiological data.
- ExcelAlchemy — A Python Library for Reading and Writing Excel Files
- fanpoints-python — This SDK allows you to interact with the Fanpoints API.
- fastcons — A cons extension module for Python
- fastcs — Control system agnostic framework for building Device support in Python that will work for both EPICS and Tango
- fastexchange — d crypto gateway interface ready to use
- fastmcp — A more ergonomic interface for MCP servers
- fbchat-asyncio-kvgx12 — Facebook Messenger for Python.
- fcc2zim — Make ZIM files from freeCodeCamp courses
- fdm — Estimate derivatives with finite differences
- feature-lens — In-depth visualizations for SAE features
- feedbax — Optimal feedback control + interventions in JAX.
- fenbux-plum-dispatch — Multiple dispatch in Python
- filecheckize — FileCheck generator
- fixme — Use AI to automatically fix bugs
- fixup — Automatically add and remove python import statements
- FlaskSimpleAuth — Simple authentication, authorization and parameters for Flask, emphasizing configurability
- FlaskTester — Pytest fixtures for Flask internal and external authenticated tests
- flow-benchmark-tools — A library containing LLM benchmarking tools
- flow-grapy — FlowGrapy is a framework that can make the flow of data simple and logical.
- flowercare_exporter — Export Miflora Bluetooth LE sensor to Graphite and Prometheus
- flytezen — Library for benchmarking the impact of transcript count type stratification on trajectory inference.
- fodantic — Pydantic-based HTTP forms
- fortnite-api — A python wrapper for
- freecad-stubs — Python stubs for FreeCAD
- freshlinks — Basic link checker.
- frictionless — Data management framework for Python that provides functionality to describe, extract, validate, and transform tabular data
- frictionless-standards — Lightweight yet comprehensive data standards as Data Package and Table Schema
- FunctionalPy — functionalpy
- ganzo — Project creator (from templates)
- gather-vision — Obtain, extract, organise, and store information.
- gather-vision-gov-au-plugin — A gather-vision plugin for obtaining data from Australian governments.
- gauge-serverless — Effortless serverless, in your own cloud
- gculp-data-eng-package — Grant Culp Modern Data Stack Open Source Project
- genie_python — Instrument control & scripting for the ISIS Neutron & Muon source
- genshin — API wrapper for HoYoLAB/Miyoushe API built on asyncio and pydantic.
- get-py-deps — no summary
- gif — The matplotlib Animation Extension
- gmpg — tools for metamodern software development
- golgotha — A preprocessor to define new operators in any programming language.
- google_fonts — no summary
- gpt2-prot — Single NT/AA resoultion biological GPT2 language modelling
- gradio-tools — Use Gradio Apps as tools for LLM Agents
- graphene-mlx — Neural Network Trainer for MLX
- gravlax — Basic training utils for JAX.
- great-tables — Easily generate information-rich, publication-quality tables from Python.
- gth_exporter — GoveeLife Bluetooth Termomenter Hygromether Exporter
- guardrails-api-client — Guardrails API Client.
- guardrails-hub-types — Guardrails Hub Types.
- gutenberg2zim — Make ZIM file from Gutenberg books
- gymprecice — A framework to designe Reinforcement Learning (RL) environments for Active Flow Control (AFC), as well as a playground to train Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms for AFC applications.
- h8 — The Python Hexagonal (h8) Framework
- h8app — Core components of The Python Hexagonal (h8) Framework
- h8celery — A Celery Middleware for The Python Hexagonal (h8) Framework