Reverse Dependencies of publication
The following projects have a declared dependency on publication:
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-aws-s3bucket — Provides a S3 bucket resource.
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-aws-s3bucketobject — Provides a S3 bucket object resource.
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-azuread-application — Manages an Application within Azure Active Directory.
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-azuread-user — Manages a User within Azure Active Directory.
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-cloudflare-record — Provides a Cloudflare record resource.
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-digitalocean-droplet — Provides a DigitalOcean Droplet resource. This can be used to create,
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-github-repository — This resource allows you to create and manage repositories within your
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-google-storagebucket — Creates a new bucket in Google cloud storage service (GCS).
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-pagerduty-service — A [service](!/Services/get_services) represents something you monitor (like a web service, email service, or database service). It is a container for related incidents that associates them with escalation policies.
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-random-string — CloudFormation equivalent of random_string
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-random-uuid — CloudFormation equivalent of random_uuid
- cdk-cloudformation-trendmicro-cloudonecontainer-helm — Deploys Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security into EKS clusters using helm.
- cdk-cloudformation-unxpose-iam-integration-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Unxpose::IAM::Integration::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-zmk-iam-lambdabasicrole-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type zmk::IAM::LambdaBasicRole::MODULE
- cdk-cloudfront-associate-alias — A simple construct to handle automated Cloudfront DNS alias migration with zero downtime
- cdk-cloudfront-geo-locator — An AWS CDK construct to create a CloudFront-powered HTTP endpoint delivering requestor's geolocation details.
- cdk-cloudfront-plus — CDK construct library for CloudFront Extensions
- cdk-cloudwatch-alarm-chatbot — cdk-cloudwatch-alarm-chatbot
- cdk-code-server — CDK Construct for a VSCode Server development environment on EC2
- cdk-codeartifact — This is an AWS CDK Construct to create a new AWS Codeartifact Domain and one or more Repositories
- cdk-codebuild-sonarcloud — cdk-codebuild-sonarcloud
- cdk-codepipeline-badge-notification — cdk-codepipeline-badge-notification
- cdk-cognito-userpool — cdk-cognito-userpool
- cdk-common — Common AWS CDK librarys.
- cdk-compliant-dynamodb — DynamoDb table that is compliant against most AWS Config rules
- cdk-constants — Library of helpful constants to work with the CDK
- cdk-constructs — A CDK construct library
- cdk-create-ami — cdk-create-ami
- cdk-cross-account-route53 — CDK Construct to allow creation of Route 53 records in a different account
- cdk-daily-spend-to-slack — daily-spend-to-slack
- cdk-data-zone — AWS DataZone L2 Construct library
- cdk-databrew-cicd — A construct for AWS Glue DataBrew wtih CICD
- cdk-datadog-integration — cdk-datadog-integration
- cdk-datadog-resources — @nomadblacky/cdk-datadog-resources
- cdk-datalake-constructs — AWS CDK Constructs that can be used to create datalakes/meshes and more
- cdk-db-migration — CDK Construct for managing DB migrations
- cdk-deployer — A construct library for deploying artifacts via CodeDeploy inside of a AWS CDK application.
- cdk-dynamo-table-view — An AWS CDK construct which exposes an endpoint with the contents of a DynamoDB table
- cdk-dynamo-table-viewer — cdk-dynamo-table-viewer
- cdk-ec2-key-pair — CDK Construct for managing EC2 key pairs
- cdk-ec2-spot-simple — CDK construct library to create EC2 Spot Instances simply.
- cdk-ec2spot — CDK construct library for EC2 Spot
- cdk-ecr-asset-scanner — cdk-ecr-asset-scanner
- cdk-ecr-deployment — CDK construct to deploy docker image to Amazon ECR
- cdk-ecr-image-scan-notify — cdk-ecr-image-scan-notify is an AWS CDK construct library that notify the slack channel of Amazon ECR image scan results
- cdk-ecrpublic-gc — Garbage collector for Amazon ECR public
- cdk-ecs-service-extensions — @aws-cdk-containers/ecs-service-extensions
- cdk-efs-assets — Amazon EFS assets from Github repositories or S3 buckets
- cdk-eks-cluster-module — @smallcase/cdk-eks-cluster-module
- cdk-eks-container-insight — CDK construct library that allows you enable an AWS EKS cluster for CloudWatch Container Insight
- cdk-eks-karpenter — CDK construct library that allows you install Karpenter in an AWS EKS cluster
- cdk-eksdistro — AWS CDK construct library for Amazon EKS Distro
- cdk-elasticache-monitor — ElasticacheAutoMonitor allows you to send email, sms, slack, or trigger aws lambda when an alarm occurs.
- cdk-emrserverless-with-delta-lake — A construct for the quick demo of EMR Serverless.
- cdk-events-notify — The Events Notify AWS Construct lib for AWS CDK
- cdk-extensions — cdk-extensions
- cdk-fargate-express — A sample JSII construct lib for Express Apps in AWS Fargate
- cdk-fargate-fastautoscaler — A JSII construct lib to build AWS Fargate Fast Autoscaler
- cdk-fargate-patterns — CDK patterns for serverless container with AWS Fargate
- cdk-fargate-run-task — Define and run container tasks on AWS Fargate immediately or with schedule
- cdk-fck-nat — A NAT Gateway instance construct built on the fck-nat AMI.
- cdk-foo — cdk-foo
- cdk-fsx-ontap — CDK construct for Amazon FSx for Netapp ONTAP
- cdk-github — AWS CDK Construct Library to interact with GitHub's API.
- cdk-github-import — Import local file assets into a new Github repository
- cdk-github-role — IAM Role that can be assumed by GitHub workflows
- cdk-gitlab — High level CDK construct to provision GitLab integrations with AWS
- cdk-gitlab-runner — Use AWS CDK to create a gitlab runner, and use gitlab runner to help you execute your Gitlab pipeline job.
- cdk-golden-signals-dashboard — cdk-golden-signals-dashboard
- cdk-gradle-uploader — Uploads new Gradle versions to an S3 bucket
- cdk-grafana-json-dashboard-handler — cdk-grafana-json-dashboard-handler
- cdk-hasan — my-progen-project
- cdk-home-assistant-skill — cdk-home-assistant-skill
- cdk-http-pinger — HTTP Pinger for AWS CDK
- cdk-hugo-deploy — Deploy Hugo static websites to AWS
- cdk-iam-floyd — AWS IAM policy statement generator with fluent interface for AWS CDK
- cdk-image-pipeline — Quickly deploy a complete EC2 Image Builder Image Pipeline using CDK
- cdk-iot-core-certificates — cdk-iot-core-certificates
- cdk-k3s-cluster — A JSII construct lib to deploy a K3s cluster on AWS with CDK
- cdk-kaniko — CDK construct library that allows you to build docker images with kaniko in AWS Fargate
- cdk-keycloak — CDK construct library that allows you to create KeyCloak service on AWS in TypeScript or Python
- cdk-kubesphere — CDK construct library to deploy KubeSphere on AWS
- cdk-lambda-alias-retention — cdk-lambda-alias-retention
- cdk-lambda-bash — Deploy Bash Lambda Functions with AWS CDK
- cdk-lambda-extensions — AWS CDK construct library that allows you to add any AWS Lambda extensions to the Lambda functions
- cdk-lambda-layer-curl — For lambda layer use curl
- cdk-lambda-powertools-python-layer — A lambda layer for AWS Powertools for python
- cdk-lambda-powertuner — cdk-lambda-powertuner
- cdk-lambda-recaptcha-authorizer — Custom construct for AWS CDK that provides an easy way to integrate reCAPTCHA-based authorization with Amazon API Gateway.
- cdk-lambda-subminute — A construct for deploying a Lambda function that can be invoked every time unit less than one minute.
- cdk-lex-zip-import — cdk construct for importing a zipped Lex bot
- cdk-log-notifier — @thedesignium/cdk-log-notifier
- cdk-metaflow — A JSII construct library to build Metaflow infrastructure on AWS using Python, Typescript or Go
- cdk-minecraft-server — cdk-minecraft-server
- cdk-monitoring-constructs — cdk-monitoring-constructs
- cdk-nag — Check CDK v2 applications for best practices using a combination on available rule packs.
- cdk-nat-asg-provider — An AWS CDK library providing NAT instances that are each placed in their own auto scaling group to improve fault tolerance and availability.
- cdk-nextjs-export-s3-dynamic-routing — Deploy a static export Next.js site to Cloudfront and S3 while maintaining the ability to use dynamic routes.
- cdk-noob — cdk-noob
- cdk-nyancat — cdk-nyancat