Reverse Dependencies of publication
The following projects have a declared dependency on publication:
- cdk-organizations-list-accounts — cdk-organizations-list-accounts is an AWS CDK building library that outputs a list of AWS organization accounts in CSV format.
- cdk-personalize-datasetgroup — Create an AWS Personalize Dataset Group, Interaction Schema, and more using the AWS CDK
- cdk-pgstac — A set of constructs deploying pgSTAC with CDK
- cdk-pgstac-dev — A set of constructs deploying pgSTAC with CDK
- cdk-pigeon.core — AWS Synthetics Canary alternative built for minimal cost
- cdk-pipelines-codecatalyst — cdk-pipelines-codecatalyst
- cdk-pipelines-github — GitHub Workflows support for CDK Pipelines
- cdk-prb — cdk-pull-request-builder
- cdk-preinstalled-amazon-linux-ec2 — CDK Construct for creating an Amazon Linux EC2 instance with pre-installed software
- cdk-private-s3-hosting — CDK Construct for a private frontend hosting S3 bucket
- cdk-prowler — An AWS CDK custom construct for deploying Prowler to your AWS Account. Prowler is a security tool to perform AWS security best practices assessments, audits, incident response, continuous monitoring, hardening and forensics readiness. It contains all CIS controls listed here and more than 100 additional checks that help on GDPR, HIPAA …
- cdk-quicksight-constructs — cdk-quicksight-constructs
- cdk-rds-dump — CDK Construct Library by Typescript for RDS Dump
- cdk-recaptcha-authorizer — An AWS CDK construct library that provides a reCaptcha Authorizer for API Gateway REST APIs
- cdk-redisdb — Simple & featureful Redis on AWS - Elasticache Replication Group & MemoryDB with a unified API
- cdk-remix-app — @rogerchi/cdk-remix-app
- cdk-remote-stack — Get outputs and AWS SSM parameters from cross-region AWS CloudFormation stacks
- cdk-s3-bucketreplication — cdk-s3-bucketreplication
- cdk-s3-upload-presignedurl-api — API to get an S3 presigned url for file uploads
- cdk-s3bucket — cdk-s3bucket
- cdk-secret-manager-wrapper-layer — cdk-secret-manager-wrapper-layer
- cdk-secrets — CDK Construct for secrets
- cdk-serverless-airflow — cdk-serverless-airflow
- cdk-serverless-api — A sample JSII construct lib for AWS CDK
- cdk-serverless-clamscan — Serverless architecture to virus scan objects in Amazon S3.
- cdk-serverless-lamp — A JSII construct lib to build AWS Serverless LAMP with AWS CDK
- cdk-simple-serverless — CDK Constructs for Serverless Demo
- cdk-simplewebsite-deploy — This is an AWS CDK v2 Construct to simplify deploying a single-page website use CloudFront distributions.
- cdk-skill-management — CDK constructs to manage Alexa Skills
- cdk-skylight — cdk-skylight
- cdk-slack-chatbot — cdk-slack-chatbot
- cdk-sns-notify — cdk-sns-notify
- cdk-soca — cdk-soca is an AWS CDK construct library that allows you to create the Scale-Out Computing on AWS with AWS CDK in TypeScript or Python
- cdk-spa-deploy — This is an AWS CDK Construct to make deploying a single page website (Angular/React/Vue) to AWS S3 behind SSL/Cloudfront as easy as 5 lines of code.
- cdk-spot-one — One spot instance with EIP and defined duration. No interruption.
- cdk-sqs-monitored — AWS CDK SQS Construct with alarms and dead letter queue
- cdk-ssm-document — CDK Construct for managing SSM Documents
- cdk-ssm-parameter-store — AWS CDK construct that allows you to get the latest Version of the AWS SSM Parameters
- cdk-ssm-secure-iam-access-key — Creates an IAM Access Key for a provided IAM User and stores the result in an SSM SecureString Parameter
- cdk-stack-parameters-shared-via-ssm — cdk-stack-parameters-shared-via-ssm
- cdk-stack-resource-rename — cdk-stack-resource-rename
- cdk-stacksets — cdk-stacksets
- cdk-static-wordpress — Generate a static site from Wordpress (via WP2Static) using AWS CDK
- cdk-stepfunctions-redshift — A JSII construct lib to build AWS Serverless infrastructure to orchestrate Redshift using AWS stepfunctions.
- cdk-time-bomb — Implode your AWS CDK Stack after set amount of time, save money, be happy!
- cdk-tree-parser — cdk-utilities
- cdk-triggers — Execute AWS Lambda handlers during deployments of AWS CDK stacks
- cdk-tweet-queue — Defines an SQS queue with tweet stream from a search
- cdk-use-cases.custom-cloud9-ssm — Pattern for Cloud9 EC2 environment and SSM Document.
- cdk-valheim — cdk-valheim
- cdk-validator-checkov — @bridgecrew/cdk-validator-checkov
- cdk-versioned-stack-manager — A CDK construct for dealing with Versioned Stacks - multiple copies of the same stack that would forever grow over time without...this.
- cdk-vpc-endpoint-with-private-ip — CDK Construct for a VPC Endpoint with private IPs
- cdk-vpc-module — @smallcase/cdk-vpc-module
- cdk-vpc-pattern — A CDK pattern to create a VPC with public and private subnets
- cdk-vpc-toumoro-projen — A CDK construct library to create a VPC with public and private subnets.
- cdk-vscode-fargate — cdk-vscode-fargate
- cdk-watchful — Watching your CDK apps since 2019
- cdk-wordpress — cdk-wordpress
- cdk8s — This is the core library of Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for Kubernetes (cdk8s). cdk8s apps synthesize into standard Kubernetes manifests which can be applied to any Kubernetes cluster.
- cdk8s-argo-rollout — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-argo-rollout
- cdk8s-argocd-resources — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-argocd-resources
- cdk8s-argoworkflow-resources — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-argoworkflow
- cdk8s-aws-lb-controller — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-aws-lb-controller
- cdk8s-aws-lb-controller-api-object — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-aws-lb-controller-api-object
- cdk8s-aws-load-balancer-controller — cdk8s-aws-load-balancer-controller is an CDK8S construct library that provides AWS Alb Load Balancer Controller Configure.
- cdk8s-awscdk-resolver — @cdk8s/awscdk-resolver
- cdk8s-cdktf-resolver — @cdk8s/cdktf-resolver
- cdk8s-cluster-autoscaler-aws — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-cluster-autoscaler-aws
- cdk8s-debore — Run your apps on Kubernetes cluster without bored YAMLing
- cdk8s-external-dns — cdk8s-external-dns is an CDK8S construct library that provides External Dns Configure.
- cdk8s-external-dns-route53 — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-external-dns-route53
- cdk8s-flux — cdk8s library
- cdk8s-grafana — Grafana construct for cdk8s.
- cdk8s-image — Build & Push local docker images inside CDK8s applications
- cdk8s-jenkins — Jenkins construct for CDK8s
- cdk8s-kuma-types — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-kuma-types
- cdk8s-metaflow — cdk8s-metaflow
- cdk8s-mongo-sts — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-mongo-sts
- cdk8s-operator — Create Kubernetes CRD Operators using CDK8s Constructs
- cdk8s-plone — Provides a CMS Plone Backend and Frontend for Kubernetes with cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus — High level abstractions on top of cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus-17 — High level abstractions on top of cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus-19 — High level abstractions on top of cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus-20 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-20 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.20.0
- cdk8s-plus-21 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-21 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.21.0
- cdk8s-plus-22 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-22 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.22.0
- cdk8s-plus-23 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-23 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.23.0
- cdk8s-plus-24 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-24 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.24.0
- cdk8s-plus-25 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-25 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.25.0
- cdk8s-plus-26 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-26 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.26.0
- cdk8s-plus-27 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-27 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.27.0
- cdk8s-plus-28 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-28 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.28.0
- cdk8s-plus-29 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-29 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.29.0
- cdk8s-plus-30 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-30 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.30.0
- cdk8s-plus-31 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-31 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.31.0
- cdk8s-redis — Basic implementation of a Redis construct for cdk8s.
- cdk8s-redis-sts — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-redis-sts
- cdk8s-sealed-secrets-controller — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-sealed-secrets-controller
- cdk8s-valheim — A package that vends a Valheim server chart.