Reverse Dependencies of publication
The following projects have a declared dependency on publication:
- cdk-cloudformation-generic-database-schema — Uses the Aurora Data API to execute SQL and enforce a schema within a database cluster. Currently only supports Aurora Postgres.
- cdk-cloudformation-generic-transcribe-vocabulary — A custom vocabulary that you can use to change the way Amazon Transcribe handles transcription of an audio file.
- cdk-cloudformation-github-git-tag — Manage a git tag on GitHub
- cdk-cloudformation-github-organizations-membership — Add people to an organization. Will create an invite and user will only become a member once they accept this invite.
- cdk-cloudformation-github-organizations-secret — Manage the organization secret
- cdk-cloudformation-github-repositories-collaborator — The Collaborators resource allows you to add, invite, and remove collaborators from a repository.
- cdk-cloudformation-github-repositories-repository — Manage a repository in GitHub.
- cdk-cloudformation-github-repositories-secret — Manage the repository secret
- cdk-cloudformation-github-repositories-webhook — Repositories can have multiple webhooks installed. Each webhook should have a unique config. Multiple webhooks can share the same config as long as those webhooks do not have any events that overlap.
- cdk-cloudformation-github-teams-membership — Manages people's membership to GitHub teams
- cdk-cloudformation-github-teams-repositoryaccess — Manage a team access to a repository in GitHub.
- cdk-cloudformation-github-teams-team — Manage a team in Github
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-code-tag — Creates a tag against a code ref in GitLab
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-groups-group — Creates a group in GitLab
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-groups-groupaccesstogroup — Adds a group as a member of another GitLab group
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-groups-usermemberofgroup — Adds a user as a member of a GitLab group
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-projects-accesstoken — Creates a Project Access Token in GitLab
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-projects-groupaccesstoproject — Adds a group as a member of a GitLab project
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-projects-project — Creates a project in GitLab
- cdk-cloudformation-gitlab-projects-usermemberofproject — Adds a user as a member of a GitLab project
- cdk-cloudformation-gremlin-agent-helm — An example resource schema demonstrating some basic constructs and validation rules.
- cdk-cloudformation-jfrog-artifactory-core-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Artifactory::Core::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-jfrog-artifactory-ec2instance-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Artifactory::EC2Instance::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-jfrog-artifactory-existingvpc-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Artifactory::ExistingVpc::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-jfrog-artifactory-newvpc-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Artifactory::NewVpc::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-jfrog-linux-bastion-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Linux::Bastion::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-jfrog-vpc-multiaz-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Vpc::MultiAz::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-jfrog-xray-ec2instance-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type JFrog::Xray::EC2Instance::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-karte-eventbridge-documentdb-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type KARTE::EventBridge::DocumentDB::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-logzio-autodeploymentlogzio-cloudwatch-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type logzio::autoDeploymentLogzio::CloudWatch::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-logzio-awscostandusage-cur-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Logzio::awsCostAndUsage::cur::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-logzio-awssecurityhub-collector-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type logzio::awsSecurityHub::collector::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-logzio-kinesisshipper-kinesisshipper-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Logzio::KinesisShipper::KinesisShipper::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-logzio-myservice-myname-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Logzio::MyService::MyName::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-mavi-pipeline-default-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type MAVI::Pipeline::Default::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-mongodb-atlas-cluster — The cluster resource provides access to your cluster configurations. The resource lets you create, edit and delete clusters. The resource requires your Project ID.
- cdk-cloudformation-mongodb-atlas-databaseuser — The databaseUsers resource lets you retrieve, create and modify the MongoDB users in your cluster. Each user has a set of roles that provide access to the project?s databases. A user?s roles apply to all the clusters in the project: if two clusters have a products database and a user has a role granting read access on the products database, the user has that access on both clusters.
- cdk-cloudformation-mongodb-atlas-networkpeering — This resource allows to create, read, update and delete a network peering
- cdk-cloudformation-mongodb-atlas-project — Retrieves or creates projects in any given Atlas organization.
- cdk-cloudformation-mongodb-atlas-projectipaccesslist — An example resource schema demonstrating some basic constructs and validation rules.
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-agent-configuration — Manage New Relic Server-Side Agent Configuration
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-alert-alertspolicy — Manage New Relic AlertsPolicy
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-alert-nrqlconditionstatic — Manage New Relic NRQL Static Alerts Condition
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-cloudformation-dashboards — CRUDL operations for New Relic Dashboards via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-cloudformation-tagging — CRUD operations for New Relic Tags via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-cloudformation-workloads — CRUD operations for New Relic Workloads via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-ainotificationschannel — CRUD operations for New Relic AI Notifications Channels via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-ainotificationsdestination — CRUD operations for New Relic AI Notifications Destination via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-aiworkflows — CRUD operations for New Relic Applied Intelligence Workflows via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-alertsmutingrule — CRUD operations for New Relic Alerts Muting Rule via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-alertsnrqlcondition — CRUD operations for New Relic Alerts Nrql Condition via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-alertspolicy — CRUD operations for New Relic Alerts Policies via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-dashboards — CRUD operations for New Relic Dashboards via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-newrelic-observability-workloads — CRUD operations for New Relic Workloads via the NerdGraph API
- cdk-cloudformation-okta-application-application — Manage an Application in Okta.
- cdk-cloudformation-okta-group-group — Manages an Okta Group
- cdk-cloudformation-okta-group-groupapplicationassociation — Manage Groups assigned to an Application
- cdk-cloudformation-okta-group-membership — Adds Okta users to groups
- cdk-cloudformation-okta-policy-policy — Manages an Okta Policy
- cdk-cloudformation-org-test-sample-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type ORG::TEST::SAMPLE::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-escalationpolicies-escalationpolicy — Manage an escalation policy in PagerDuty.
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-responseplays-responseplay — Manage a response play in PagerDuty
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-schedules-schedule — Manage a on-call schedule in PagerDuty
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-services-integration — A resource schema representing a PagerDuty Integration belonging to a Service.
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-services-service — Manage a Service in PagerDuty.
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-teams-membership — Manage a membership of a user into a team in PagerDuty.
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-teams-team — Manage a team in PagerDuty.
- cdk-cloudformation-pagerduty-users-user — Manage a user in PagerDuty.
- cdk-cloudformation-paloaltonetworks-cloudngfw-ngfw — A Firewall resource offers Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall capabilities with built-in resiliency, scalability, and life-cycle management.
- cdk-cloudformation-paloaltonetworks-cloudngfw-rulestack — A rulestack defines the NGFW's advanced access control (APP-ID, URL Filtering) and threat prevention behavior.
- cdk-cloudformation-poc-azure-blobstorage — An example resource that creates an Azure Storage account along with a Blob container.
- cdk-cloudformation-redis-cloud-database — CloudFormation template for Pro Database.
- cdk-cloudformation-redis-cloud-subscription — CloudFormation template for Pro Subscription.
- cdk-cloudformation-redis-cloudformation-prodatabase — CloudFormation template for Pro Database.
- cdk-cloudformation-redis-cloudformation-prosubscription — CloudFormation template for Pro Subscription.
- cdk-cloudformation-redis-cloudformation-subscriptionpeering — CloudFormation template for Subscription Peering.
- cdk-cloudformation-registry-test-resource1-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type REGISTRY::TEST::RESOURCE::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-rollbar-notifications-rule — Manage a notification rule for Rollbar.
- cdk-cloudformation-rollbar-projects-accesstoken — Manage an access token for a Rollbar project.
- cdk-cloudformation-rollbar-projects-project — Manage a project on Rollbar.
- cdk-cloudformation-rollbar-teams-membership — Manage a team membership for a user or project on Rollbar.
- cdk-cloudformation-rollbar-teams-team — Manage a team on Rollbar.
- cdk-cloudformation-snowflake-database-database — Allows for the creation and modification of a Snowflake Database.
- cdk-cloudformation-snowflake-database-grant — Allows privileges to be granted on a database to a role.
- cdk-cloudformation-snowflake-role-grant — Allows privileges to be granted on a role to a user.
- cdk-cloudformation-snowflake-role-role — Allows for the creation and modification of a Snowflake Role.
- cdk-cloudformation-snowflake-user-user — Allows for the creation and modification of a Snowflake User.
- cdk-cloudformation-snowflake-warehouse-grant — Allows privileges to be granted on a warehouse to a role.
- cdk-cloudformation-snyk-container-helm — Snyk integrates with Amazon EKS, enabling you to import and test your running workloads and identify vulnerabilities in their associated images and configurations that might make those workloads less secure. Once imported, Snyk continues to monitor those workloads, identifying additional security issues as new images are deployed and the workload configuration changes.
- cdk-cloudformation-splunk-enterprise-quickstart-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Splunk::Enterprise::QuickStart::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-spot-elastigroup-group — The Spot Elastigroup Resource allows you to create, update, manage, and delete Spot Elastigroups easily with CloudFormation
- cdk-cloudformation-stackery-open-bastion-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Stackery::Open::Bastion::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-stocks-orders-marketorder — A market order is a request to buy or sell a security at the currently available market price. The order to buy a security will be submitted on resource creation and the security will be sold (or the unfilled order cancelled) on resource deletion. Supported exchanges are AMEX, ARCA, BATS, NYSE, NASDAQ and NYSEARCA.
- cdk-cloudformation-svectordb-vectordatabase-apikey — Generates an API key to access a SvectorDB serverless vector database, sign up at to get started
- cdk-cloudformation-svectordb-vectordatabase-database — Creates a serverless vector database with SvectorDB, sign up at to get started
- cdk-cloudformation-symphonia-opensource-cloudformationartifactsbucket-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Symphonia::OpenSource::CloudFormationArtifactsBucket::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-sysdig-helm-agent — Sysdig Agent EKS cluster deployment.
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-ad-computer — CloudFormation equivalent of ad_computer
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-ad-user — CloudFormation equivalent of ad_user
- cdk-cloudformation-tf-aws-keypair — Provides an [EC2 key pair]( resource. A key pair is used to control login access to EC2 instances.