Reverse Dependencies of publication
The following projects have a declared dependency on publication:
- cdk-7layer-constructs.kinesis-firehose-transformer — Kinesis Firehose Transformer to automatically convert JSON data sent to Firehose to Parquet
- cdk-alexa-skill — A construct library for deploying Alexa Skills with the AWS CDK.
- cdk-alps-graph-ql — cdk-alps-graph-ql
- cdk-alps-spec-rest-api — cdk-alps-spec-rest-api
- cdk-amazon-chime-resources — cdk-amazon-chime-resources
- cdk-apex-cname — CDK construct to allow setting an apex record to a cname
- cdk-apisix — CDK construct library to generate serverless Apache APISIX workload on AWS Fargate.
- cdk-arch — L3-level cdk constructs for DMS
- cdk-athena — CDK Construct for creating Athena resources
- cdk-athena-workgroup — CDK Construct for creating Athena WorkGroups
- cdk-att.projen-awscdk-construct — @cdk-att/projen-awscdk-construct
- cdk-aurora-globaldatabase — cdk-aurora-globaldatabase is an AWS CDK construct library that provides Cross Region Create Global Aurora RDS Databases.
- cdk-auth — A construct that adds additional auth features to Cognito
- cdk-aws-discord-notifiers — A package that vends constructs to notify about AWS resources via discord
- cdk-aws-ec2-efs — cdk-aws-ec2-efs
- cdk-aws-iot-thing-certificate-policy-dev — Creates an AWS IoT thing, certificate, policy, and associates the three together
- cdk-aws-iotfleetwise — L2 CDK construct to provision AWS IoT Fleetwise
- cdk-aws-lambda-powertools-layer — Powertools for AWS Lambda layer for python and typescript
- cdk-backup-plan — CDK construct to create AWS Backup Plans
- cdk-bar — cdk-bar
- cdk-bootstrapless-synthesizer — Generate directly usable AWS CloudFormation template with aws-cdk v2.
- cdk-bucket-deployment-expirator — Opinionated CDK Bucket Deployment object pruner for maintaining N old versions
- cdk-budget-notifier — A simple AWS budget notifier.
- cdk-budibase — Use AWS CDK to create budibase server
- cdk-certbot-dns-route53 — Create Cron Job Via Lambda, to update certificate and put it to S3 Bucket.
- cdk-changelog-slack-notify — A JSII construct lib to deploy a service to send new changes pushed to codecommit to slack channel
- cdk-circleci-oidc — AWS CDK construct to create OIDC roles for CircleCI jobs
- cdk-cloudformation-alexa-ask-skill — Constructs for Alexa::ASK::Skill
- cdk-cloudformation-aqua-enterprise-enforcer — A resource provider for Aqua Enterprise Enforcer.
- cdk-cloudformation-aqua-enterprise-kubeenforcer — A resource provider for Aqua Enterprise KubeEnforcer.
- cdk-cloudformation-aqua-enterprise-scanner — A resource provider for Aqua Enterprise Scanner.
- cdk-cloudformation-aqua-enterprise-server — A resource provider for Aqua Enterprise Server.
- cdk-cloudformation-atlassian-opsgenie-integration — Opsgenie Integration Resource definition
- cdk-cloudformation-atlassian-opsgenie-team — Opsgenie Team resource schema
- cdk-cloudformation-atlassian-opsgenie-user — Opsgenie User
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-account-alternatecontact — An alternate contact attached to an Amazon Web Services account.
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-applicationautoscaling-scheduledaction — Application Autoscaling Scheduled Action.
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-cloudfront-s3website-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type AwsCommunity::CloudFront::S3Website::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-dynamodb-item — This resource will manage the lifecycle of items in a DynamoDB table
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-resource-lookup — This resource uses AWS Cloud Control API to perform a lookup of a resource of a given type (such as, `AWS::EC2::VPC`) in your AWS account and current region, based on a query you specify. If only one match is found, this resource returns the primary ID of the resource (in the `AWS::EC2::VPC` example, the VPC ID) and the resource properties, that you can then reference in your template with the `Fn::GetAtt` intrinsic function. Specify resource type search targets that are supported by Cloud Control API.
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-s3-bucket-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type AwsCommunity::S3::Bucket::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-s3-deletebucketcontents — An experimental extension that deletes all contents of the referenced bucket when the stack is deleted. Use with caution!
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-time-offset — Creates a time based resource with an offset from the provided time or now.
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-time-sleep — Sleep a provided number of seconds between create, update, or delete operations.
- cdk-cloudformation-awscommunity-time-static — Creates a static time stamp.
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-checkpoint-cloudguardqs-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type AWSQS::CheckPoint::CloudGuardQS::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-ec2-linuxbastionqs-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type AWSQS::EC2::LinuxBastionQS::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-eks-cluster — A resource that creates Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters.
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-iridium-cloudconnectqs-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type AWSQS::Iridium::CloudConnectQS::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-kubernetes-get — Fetches data from a kubernetes cluster using jsonpath expressions.
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-kubernetes-helm — A resource provider for managing helm. Version: 1.2.1
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-kubernetes-resource — Applys a YAML manifest to the specified Kubernetes cluster
- cdk-cloudformation-awsqs-vpc-vpcqs-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type AWSQS::VPC::VPCQS::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-bigid-datasource-dynamodb — Manage a BigID DynamoDB data source.
- cdk-cloudformation-bigid-datasource-s3 — Manage a BigID S3 data source
- cdk-cloudformation-cadiaz-bucket-uno-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Cadiaz::Bucket::Uno::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-cloudflare-dns-record — A Cloudflare resource for managing a single DNS record
- cdk-cloudformation-cloudflare-loadbalancer-loadbalancer — A Cloudflare resource for managing load-balancing across pools
- cdk-cloudformation-cloudflare-loadbalancer-monitor — A Monitor policy to configure monitoring of endpoint health
- cdk-cloudformation-cloudflare-loadbalancer-pool — A resource to manage a pool of origin servers
- cdk-cloudformation-confluentcloud-iam-serviceaccount — Service Account as defined in Confluent Cloud IAM v2 API.
- cdk-cloudformation-cyral-sidecar-deployment-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type Cyral::Sidecar::Deployment::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-databricks-clusters-cluster — Manage a Databricks Cluster
- cdk-cloudformation-databricks-clusters-job — Manage Jobs running on a cluster
- cdk-cloudformation-datadog-dashboards-dashboard — Datadog Dashboard 2.1.0
- cdk-cloudformation-datadog-integrations-aws — Datadog AWS Integration 2.4.0
- cdk-cloudformation-datadog-monitors-downtime — Datadog Monitors Downtime 3.1.0
- cdk-cloudformation-datadog-monitors-downtimeschedule — Datadog Downtime Schedule 1.0.0
- cdk-cloudformation-datadog-monitors-monitor — Datadog Monitor 4.8.0
- cdk-cloudformation-datadog-slos-slo — Datadog SLO 1.1.0
- cdk-cloudformation-dynatrace-configuration-dashboard — Manage a dashboard in Dynatrace.
- cdk-cloudformation-dynatrace-environment-metric — Manage a timeseries metric (V1) in Dynatrace.
- cdk-cloudformation-dynatrace-environment-servicelevelobjective — Manage a Service Level Objective in Dynatrace.
- cdk-cloudformation-dynatrace-environment-syntheticlocation — Manage a synthetic location (V1) in Dynatrace.
- cdk-cloudformation-dynatrace-environment-syntheticmonitor — Manage a synthetic monitor (V1) in Dynatrace.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-dictionary-dictionary — Manage a Fastly service dictionary.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-dictionary-dictionaryitem — Manage a Fastly service dictionary item.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-logging-s3 — Manage a Fastly service
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-logging-splunk — Manage a Fastly Splunk Log.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-services-activeversion — Manage a Fastly service active version.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-services-backend — Manage a Fastly service backend.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-services-domain — Manage a Fastly service domain.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-services-healthcheck — Manage a Fastly service health check.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-services-service — Manage a Fastly service.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-services-version — Manage a Fastly service version.
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-tls-certificate — Manage a custom Tls Certificate upload
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-tls-domain — Manage the activation of a Tls Domain
- cdk-cloudformation-fastly-tls-privatekeys — Manage the Tls Private Key upload
- cdk-cloudformation-fireeye-cloudintegrations-cloudwatch — This Resource Type will create necessary resources in your AWS account to forward cloudwatch logs to FireEye Helix. Visit FireEye Cloud Integration Portal for more info and to generate a pre-populated CloudFormation Template
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-impactapi-apigateway-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::ImpactApi::ApiGateway::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-impactapi-apihandle-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::ImpactApi::ApiHandle::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-impactapi-ec2instance-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::ImpactApi::EC2Instance::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-impactapi-lambdafunction-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::ImpactApi::LambdaFunction::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-impactapi-loadbalancer-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::ImpactApi::LoadBalancer::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-spider-cloudfront-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::Spider::CloudFront::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-spider-ec2instance-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::Spider::EC2Instance::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-spider-ecs-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::Spider::ECS::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-spider-loadbalancer-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::Spider::LoadBalancer::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-spider-postgresql-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::Spider::PostgreSQL::MODULE
- cdk-cloudformation-freyraim-spider-s3bucket-module — Schema for Module Fragment of type FreyrAIM::Spider::S3Bucket::MODULE