Reverse Dependencies of inflection
The following projects have a declared dependency on inflection:
- abi-maker — no summary
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- acclimatise — Acclimatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- aced-submission — Populate ACED commons from FHIR resources
- aclimatise — aCLImatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- Active-Alchemy — A framework agnostic wrapper for SQLAlchemy with a simple active record like api
- active-wrapper — Continuing the project from The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
- activerest — Python REST resource client, modeled on Ruby on Rails' ActiveResource.
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- aeliant-ssh-metrics — Gather SSH metrics from syslog files
- ai-hexagon — An objective way to evaluate neural network architectures
- aind-data-schema — A library that defines AIND data schema and validates JSON files.
- aio-fluid — Tools for backend python services
- aiogremlin — An asynchronous DSL for the Gremlin-Python driver
- aiohttp-json-api — JSON API driven by aiohttp
- aiorb — Async Database ORM
- aiorethink — Asynchronous asyncio compatible ODM for RethinkDB
- airflow-windmill — Drag'N'Drop Web Frontend for Building and Managing Airflow DAGs
- airplanesdk — A Python SDK for writing Airplane tasks
- airstorm — A Python ORM for Airtable.
- aismt — A command-line interface for AI Smart Task.
- anansi — Asyncio data modeling library
- AnyStrEnum — Elegant implementation of Enum which inherits from str or bytes
- apache-airflow-providers-amazon — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-amazon for Apache Airflow
- api-tackle — API Tackle - Simple Python REST API Framework
- apitally — Simple API monitoring & analytics for REST APIs built with FastAPI, Flask, Django, Starlette and Litestar.
- applang — A Prompt Programming Language
- appmap — Create AppMap files by recording a Python application.
- appworld — AppWorld: A Controllable World of Apps and People for Benchmarking Interactive Coding Agents
- apstra-aospy-client — Python core client for AOS Server
- apstra-aospy-swagger — Python Swagger client for AOS Server
- aptible-api — Object Oriented interface for Aptible API
- aqseq — sequence manager for Aquarium and Benchling
- arangodantic — Database models for ArangoDB using Pydantic base models.
- arc-ai — Economies of models
- archstats — EPICS Archiver Appliance statistics IOC
- arcnet — Economies of models
- arcos — Economies of models
- argo-workflows-dsl — DSL for Argo Workflows
- argsloader — Configuration Parsing and Management Based on ChainLoader
- arorm — A python orm with identity pattern mainly for arango
- ascender-framework — The Ascender Framework is a sophisticated and structured FastAPI-based framework, inspired by the principles of NestJS. It stands out for its modular and organized architecture, offering developers a streamlined and efficient way to build web applications
- assembly — Assembly is a pythonic object-oriented, mid stack, batteries included framework built on Flask, that adds structure to your Flask application, and group your routes by class.Assembly allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program.Assembly Makes Flask Great Again!
- astronomer-orbiter — Astronomer Orbiter can take your legacy workloads and land them safely down in a new home on Apache Airflow!
- atman-connexion — Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- atomically — Write the smallest possible OpenAPI and generate the rest
- auditree-framework — Tool to run compliance control checks as unit tests
- auto-pytest-mg — Awesome `auto_pytest_mg` is a Python cli/package created with
- auto1111sdk — SDK for Automatic 1111.
- aws-lambda-handler — Better AWS Lambda handlers.
- ayaka-db — no summary
- backtesterRB30 — Backtesting and data loading engine
- badwordfilter — 敏感词过滤器, bad word filter
- bagbag — An all in one python library
- bedrockz — no summary
- bench-cli — no summary
- benchlingapi — An unofficial python wrapper for the Benchling API
- BentoML — BentoML: The easiest way to serve AI apps and models
- bibt-gcp-scc — Functionality often used by BITS Blue Team (GCP SCC Module).
- bigbluebutton2 — Sophisticated Python client library for BigBlueButton™ with Django integration
- blazon — A library for assuring data structure and format, with tools for mapping to objects, and multi-schema system translation.
- boil — Radically simple app initialization
- bookstack — A Python wrapper for BookStack's API
- brink — A simple real time web framework based on aiohttp and RethinkDB.
- buvis-pybase — Foundation of BUVIS python projects
- c2client — CROC Cloud Platform - API Client
- c8-target-postgres — Pipelinewise target for writing data into Postgres.
- caf-verilog — CAF Verilog
- caravan — Light python framework for AWS SWF
- cashew — Plugin System
- ccs-digitalmarketplace-content-loader — Digital Marketplace Content Loader
- checkon — Support backward compatibility by running your users' test suites.
- cityfront — no summary
- ClientAgreement-Api — A small example package
- cloudaux — Cloud Auxiliary is a python wrapper and orchestration module for interacting with cloud providers
- cloudstorage — Unified cloud storage API for storage services.
- clout — Command-line Object Utility Tool
- codaio — Python wrapper for API
- composio-core — Core package to act as a bridge between composio platform and other services.
- composio-tools — Add tools to Composio using this package
- confluent-kafka-config — Load all your confluent-kafka clients from config file.
- connexion — Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger
- connexion-custom — Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger
- connexion-streaming — Connexion Streaming - Connexion fork with upload streaming
- connexion2 — Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- constgen — ConstGen lets you share multiple object definitions between multiple programming languages
- coretex — A package for AI experiment tracking, infrastructure and dataset management using platform.
- coveo-functools — Generic function tooling helpers
- covid — Python package to get information regarding the novel corona virus provided by Johns Hopkins university and
- crackerjack — Default template for PDM package
- crimson-auto-pydantic — Automatic Pydantic model generation and validation for function parameters and return types.
- crunch-uml — Crunch_uml reads UML Class model from multiple formats (including XMI, Enterprise Architect XMI, Excel, Json, and others), can perform transformations and renders them to other formats (including Markdown, json, json schema and many others).
- crunchdao — Python API for the Crunchdao machine learning tournament
- curategpt — CurateGPT
- CVLDoc — Utility for reading CERTORA spec files, parse and export their NatSpec comments to JSON files.
- d3m-duke — Tabular Dataset Summarization System
- dag-workflows — Run tasks in a workflow
- data-kalite — Data Quality for PySpark Pipelines
- data-lineage — Open Source Data Lineage Tool for Redshift. Snowflake and many other databases
- data-science-common — UNDER CONSTRUCTION: A simple python library to facilitate analysis