Reverse Dependencies of inflection
The following projects have a declared dependency on inflection:
- data-tools-traders-club — Data science oriented tools package
- dataclasses-avroschema — Generate Avro Schemas from Python classes. Serialize/Deserialize python instances with avro schemas
- dddpy — A framework to support ddd python projects
- deel-torchlip — PyTorch implementation for k-Lipschitz layers
- dekogen — Simple util for generate helper code based on OpenAPI specs
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- devapps — Apps - End to End.
- devind-helpers — Devind helpers.
- dexy — Document Automation
- dictionary-profanity-filter — Python profanity filter
- diffy — Forensic differentiator
- digi — Digi driver library
- digikey-api — Python client for Digikey API
- digitalmarketplace-content-loader — Digital Marketplace Content Loader
- diot — Python dictionary with dot notation.
- dirtydf — A package to dirty datasets
- django-ansible-base — A Django app used by ansible services
- django-arvestust — A Django app for file management and record-keeping
- django-autorest — A re-useable Django app for automatically building a REST API based on models.
- django-camunda — Interact with Camunda from Django
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-clite — CLI for creating and managing Django projects
- django-contract-tester — Test utility for validating OpenAPI response documentation
- django-graphene-authentication — A variant of djhango-graphql-jwt that can work with federations
- django-json-api-model — no summary
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- django-modeltranslation-rosetta — no summary
- django-pydantic-field — Django JSONField with Pydantic models as a Schema
- django-regex-match — no summary
- django-rest-tsg — A typescript code generator for Django Rest Framework.
- django-rest-typescript-generator — A typescript code generator for Django Rest Framework.
- djangorestframework-jsonapi — A Django REST framework API adapter for the JSON:API spec.
- djay — The advanced Django CLI
- djx-cmds — no summary
- dmtgenfor — Fortran generator for DMT based models
- docc — Python code documentation compiler
- docutools — Documentation Tools for the Mkdocs Material Framework
- doitintl-docops — Python library and CLI tools for doing DocOps at DoiT
- drf-ember — Enables Django REST Framework support for Ember Data's JSON API implementation.
- drf-error-handler — Standardize your API error responses.
- drf-jsonapi — Django Rest Framework tools which are compliant with the JSONAPI 1.0 specification
- drf-openapi-tester — Test utility for validating OpenAPI response documentation
- drf-spectacular — Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework
- drf-standardized-errors — Standardize your API error responses.
- drf-webhooks — Setup webhooks using existing DRF Serializers
- drf-yasg — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
- drf-yasg-edge — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
- drf-yasg2 — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code
- Drowsy — A set of SQLAlchemy tools for building RESTful services.
- dslmodel — Pydantic + DSPy instances from prompts and Jinja.
- dspygen — A Ruby on Rails style framework for the DSPy (Demonstrate, Search, Predict) project for Language Models like GPT, BERT, and LLama.
- dudl — The DUDL Game
- dynamic-rest-bse — Dynamic API support to Django REST Framework. Forked...
- dynamic-typer — no summary
- easy-crud-repo-service — no summary
- easy-manage — Managing server infrastructure easily
- ebi-ols-client — OLS - REST Api Client - python library
- edgescan — An API client for EdgeScan
- egtaonlineapi — Various APIs for egtaonline
- eln — A command-line tool for quick access to web services
- emmaa — Ecosystem of Machine-maintained Models with Automated Analysis
- ems-dataflow-testframework — Framework helping testing Google Cloud Dataflows
- emzed-spyder — emzed IDE, see also
- encode-utils — Client and tools for ENCODE data submitters.
- encrypted-mysqldb — A basic interface to Mysqldb library with integrated encryption
- epure — purest architecture
- ereuse-utils — Common functionality for software
- especifico — EspecĂfico - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- exonetapi — Library to interact with the Exonet API.
- expanse — no summary
- experimentum — Data-Management Framework for Running and Analyzing Computational Experiments
- extended-data-types — Extended functionality for data types
- ezo — ezo - easy Ethereum oracles
- fabricius — Fabricius: The supportive templating engine for Python!
- fastapi-authlib — A fastapi authlib authentication library
- fastapi-xroad-soap — FastAPI Extension for X-Road SOAP
- fastybird-fb-bus-connector — FastyBird IoT connector for FB BUS devices
- fba-quant — FBA Quant
- fgn — FGN: An AI-powered command-line tool for automated file generation.
- fhir-aggregator — no summary
- fhirizer — Mapping GDC's and Cellosaurus schema to FHIR schema.
- firefly-framework — A SOA framework for Python
- firetail — Firetail - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- Flasik — A mid stack Flask based framework that put structure in the file system. Features: Caching, Mailing, Storage, CSRF, recaptcha, Cors. Supports HTML and Markdown and more
- flask-assembly — A mid stack Flask based framework that put structure in the file system. Features: Caching, Mailing, Storage, CSRF, recaptcha, Cors. Supports HTML and Markdown and more
- flask-crud-routes — Flask CRUD Router
- Flask-Generic-Views — A set of generic class-based views for flask
- flask-marshmallow-openapi — Flask + marshmallow + OpenAPI
- flask-pydantic-openapi — generate OpenAPI document and validate request & response with Python annotations.
- flask-pydantic-spec — generate OpenAPI document and validate request & response with Python annotations.
- flaskxxl — quick way to design large flask projects
- flexmeasures — The *FlexMeasures Platform* is the intelligent backend to support real-time energy flexibility apps, rapidly and scalable.
- fluidsimfoam — Python framework for OpenFOAM
- flying-circus — A tool for describing AWS infrastructure as code
- fpb — no summary
- fpodms — no summary
- frater — A Machine Learning and Data-Driven Systems Framework and Toolkit
- frutils — Utilities for frkl projects.
- funnel-rocket — Cloud native distributed funnel queries