Reverse Dependencies of inflection
The following projects have a declared dependency on inflection:
- mozart-api — Mozart platform API
- mutton — Better AWS Lambda handlers.
- mypystarter — A Django JumpStart Library.
- n3 — Nerual Network Notation
- nailgun — A library that facilitates easy usage of the Satellite 6 API
- Nasdaq-Data-Link — Package for Nasdaq Data Link API access
- netshow-linux-lib — Netshow Provider for Linux Operating Systems
- netvisor-api-client — # Netvisor: Python API client
- newclear — New style CLI builder
- ngbpm — Next-Generation Business Process Management
- ngoschema — automatic class-based binding to JSON schemas and toolkit for Domain-Driven Design.
- nhelmclient — Helm client library
- ninjecto — Ninja Injection Tool. Template rendering and variable injection made easy.
- nodestream-plugin-pedantic — A nodestream plugin that provides a series of audits to ensure high quality and consistent nodestream projects.
- obelist — A CLI tool for generating standard annotations for linting tools, tests, and so on (including support for GitHub Actions)
- oc-pipelinewise-target-snowflake — target for loading data to Snowflake - PipelineWise compatible
- ocx-schema-parser — no summary
- odp-sdk-python-ingest — ODP ingest SDK
- ogitm — A OO-based Git Database
- omaha — Unified view of financial metrics of public companies
- omg-micro — A micro-framework for the OMG, and code written in Python 3.6+.
- omnipy — Omnipy is a high level Python library for type-driven data wrangling and scalable workflow orchestration (under development)
- oms — A micro-framework for the OMS, and code written in Python 3.6+.
- oms-cms — A high-level Python Web CMS
- OneDiffusion — Onediffusion: REST API server for running any diffusion models - Stable Diffusion, Anything, ControlNet, Lora, Custom
- onto — Build reactive back end with ease
- ontogpt — OntoGPT
- open-flamingo — An open-source framework for training large multimodal models
- openapi — Python OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger) object model
- openapi-client-generator — OpenAPI Client Generator
- openapi3-fuzzer — Openapi3 fuzzer
- openhtf — OpenHTF, the open hardware testing framework.
- openllm-core — OpenLLM Core: Core components for OpenLLM.
- opentelemetry-if-instrumentation-llamaindex — OpenTelemetry LlamaIndex instrumentation
- opentelemetry-instrumentation-llamaindex — OpenTelemetry LlamaIndex instrumentation
- ophyd — Bluesky hardware abstraction with an emphasis on EPICS
- ophyd-async — Asynchronous Bluesky hardware abstraction code, compatible with control systems like EPICS and Tango
- ops-cli — Ops - wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, and SSH for cloud automation
- oracle-ads — Oracle Accelerated Data Science SDK
- orator — The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
- orb-api — Database ORM and API builder.
- orbiter-community-translations — Astronomer Orbiter can take your legacy workloads and land them safely down in a new home on Apache Airflow!
- ord-schema — Schema for the Open Reaction Database
- orm-alchemy — no summary
- orwynn — Scalable web-framework with out-of-the-box architecture
- otf-api — Python OrangeTheory Fitness API Client
- otter-ai — Otter: A Multi-Modal Model with In-Context Instruction Tuning
- p3exporter — Python Programmable Prometheus exporter
- patent-client — A set of ORM-style clients for publicly available intellectual property data
- pcu — Comprehensive suite for competitive programming.
- peppi-py — no summary
- pfb-fhir — Render a PFB graph from FHIR data
- pgorm — An ambitious PostgreSQL ORM in pure python using dataclasses, type hints, asyncio
- piccolo — A fast, user friendly ORM and query builder which supports asyncio.
- pie-lock — A library for python distributed lock, optimistic lock and limiter
- piktok — A fast module to retrieve data from TikTok
- pipelinewise-target-postgres — target for loading data to PostgreSQL - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelinewise-target-redshift — target for loading data to Amazon Redshift - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelinewise-target-redshift-fix — target for loading data to Amazon Redshift - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelinewise-target-s3-csv — target for writing CSV files and upload to S3 - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelinewise-target-snowflake — target for loading data to Snowflake - PipelineWise compatible
- pipet — Open SQL
- playneta-cli — no summary
- pluscoder — AI-assisted software development tool for streamlining development process
- pointsecio — PointSecIO - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- polymorphic-sqlalchemy — Polymorphic relations for SQLAlchemy
- pomace — Dynamic page objects for browser automation.
- postcards — A CLI for the Swiss Postcard Creator
- prethink — no summary
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.
- profanityfilter — A universal Python library for detecting and/or filtering profane words.
- pronouns-test-data — A library to aid in vending test data for UW-IT IAM pronouns test cases.
- proper — A web framework optimized for programmer happiness
- protean — Protean Application Framework
- protobuf-pydantic-gen — A tool for converting between Pydantic models and Protobuf messages, specifically enabling the generation of Pydantic BaseModel classes from .proto files.
- pulsarpy — Pulsar ENCODE LIMS client.
- pyairtable — Python Client for the Airtable API
- pyasync-orm — An async ORM.
- pybatfish — Python API and utilities for Batfish
- pybrid-computing — Library to interact with analog computers and analog-digital hybrid computers, in particular the LUCIDAC and REDAC computers made by anabrid
- pydantic-openapi — Generate OpenAPI schema from pydantic models
- pydantic-openapi-ng — Generate OpenAPI schema from pydantic models
- pydent — Aquarium's Python API for planning, executing, and analyzing scientific experiments.
- pydid — Python library for validating, constructing, and representing DIDs and DID Documents
- pyemon — Python auxiliary tools
- pyfireconsole — An interactive console for Firestore based on Python ORM
- PyFunceble — The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
- PyFunceble-dev — The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
- pygraphic — Client-side GraphQL query generator based on Pydantic
- pygrest — Build REST APIs with Neo4j and Flask, as quickly as possible!
- pymongoext — An ORM-like Pymongo extension that adds json schema validation, index management and intermediate data manipulators
- pyqlite — Lightweight SQLite O/R Mapper and Model Generator for Python.
- pyscaleio — ScaleIO/VxFlex API client
- pystacho — A simple ORM for Python, inspired by ActiveRecord, of Rails framework.
- pytactician — Python Library for interfacing with Coq and Tactician
- pytest-camel-collect — Enable CamelCase-aware pytest class collection
- pytest-drf — A Django REST framework plugin for pytest.
- pytest-factoryboy — Factory Boy support for pytest.
- pythogen — Generator of python HTTP-clients from OpenApi specification.