Reverse Dependencies of inflection
The following projects have a declared dependency on inflection:
- g3t-etl — Commons utilities
- gapic-generator — Google API Client Generator for Python
- gen3-tracker — A CLI for adding version control to Gen3 data submission projects.
- generic-exporters — A lightweight library that provides generic data export helpers so I can deduplicate code across my various projects.
- geniusrise — An LLM framework
- geny — An extendable file generator
- ghunt — An offensive Google framework.
- gpustack — GPUStack
- gql-next — Python GraphQL Client Library
- graph-sitter — Add your description here
- graphqlient — :)
- graspgraph — Create easy-to-understand graphs
- grawsp — Grawsp is a command line application to manage credentials in AWS STS/SSO enabled landing zone.
- gretel-client — Balance, anonymize, and share your data. With privacy guarantees.
- grvt-pysdk — GRVT Python SDK
- gs-quant — Goldman Sachs Quant
- gusty — Making DAG construction easier
- haldane — A friendly http interface to the aws api
- halutz — Halutz is a python library for Swagger, inspired by working with network engineers getting started with Python.
- hazard-feed — storm warning rss parser
- hexfarm — Rutgers HEX Computing Utility Library
- hitfactorpy-sqlalchemy — Import and manage practical match reports with SQLAlchemy
- horn-py — A Flask scaffolding tool
- http-request-codegen — Multilanguage HTTP requests code generator.
- hubstudio — no summary
- humansignal-drf-yasg — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
- iatransfer — Tool for inter-architecture weight transfer
- iceberg-tools — FHIR schemas tools for bioinformatics.
- idem-codegen — no summary
- iglu — IGLU: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in Minecraft
- igz-mgmt — Python SDK For Iguazio Management API
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- inflection-jinja — Jinja extension wrapping infection package.
- infra-deploy — no summary
- infrastack-otel — Infrastack instrumentation for LLM frameworks
- instruct — Compact/flexible/fast/strictly-typed class system- similar to Pydantic but focused on ``__slot__``ed objects and ability to support multiple inheritance and type subtraction
- interfax — InterFAX python library
- invoiced — Invoiced client library
- ipyhealth — A library to parse, wrangle and plot Apple Health data.
- itzma-lint — A customized linter for personal use
- jambot-plugin — no summary
- jast — Construct javascript AST structures using python objects.
- jinja2-inflection — no summary
- jobbergate-api — Jobbergate API
- jsalve — JSON API utilities for Python applications.
- json2python-models — Python models (pydantic, attrs, dataclasses or custom) generator from JSON data with typing module support
- jsonapi-mock-server — JSON API mock server
- justmltools — A library for recurring tasks in machine learning projects
- jwql — The James Webb Space Telescope Quicklook Project
- k8kat — Sugar for Kubernetes
- kamidana — command line jinja2 template (yet another j2cli)
- ketl — konfigurable ETL
- kgx — A Python library and set of command line utilities for exchanging Knowledge Graphs (KGs) that conform to or are aligned to the Biolink Model.
- kicost-digikey-api-v3 — KiCost plugin for the Digikey PartSearch API
- kingpin — Deployment Automation Engine
- knactor — no summary
- knowledge-repo — A workflow for contributing company knowledge, in the form of RMarkdowns, iPythons, and Markdowns, rendered and organized to magnify research impact across teams and time
- komodo-sdk — Komodo SDK
- kyc — Package for access kyc database from REST API
- labandco — solution métier pour fluidifier les relations entre chercheurs et administration dans les universités et les EPST
- lapis-gen — Python API client generator
- lassen — Common webapp scaffolding.
- latex-ji18n — LaTeX Jinja2 i18n utilities.
- lbkit — Tools provided by
- lcdp-connexion — LCDP Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
- ldapper — LDAP ORM for Python
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- libtimed — Library to intreact with timed webapp.
- license-manager-backend — Provides an API for managing license data
- lightning-boost — PyTorch Lightning extension for faster model development.
- lighttuner — A simple tool for automatic parameter tuning.
- lignator — no summary
- llq-sdk — Add your description here
- lorator — The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- lto — LTO Network Python API
- macrometa-target-mssql — Macrometa target connector for writing data into Microsoft SQL Server.
- macrometa-target-oracle — Macrometa target connector for writing data into Oracle DB.
- macrometa-target-postgres — Pipelinewise target for writing data into Postgres.
- macrometa-target-snowflake — Macrometa target for loading data to Snowflake
- magellan-models — An API wrapper library that creates 'ActiveRecord' inspired models to access JSON:API compliant endpoints via OpenAPI specifications
- magicpyden — Async Python API wrapper for MagicEden
- masonite — The Masonite Framework
- mavtel-client — Client for MAVTel
- mcodegpt — mCodeGPT
- mcodegpthippa — mcodegpthippa
- meliorator — This is a fork from Orator ORM used by Méliuz.
- mf-manifest-tools-simple — MF Manifest Tools Simple
- microcosm — Microcosm - Simple microservice configuration
- microcosm-connexion — A python library that exposes microcosm factories for connexions
- mlbapi — A python3 API wrapper for the MLB API at
- mlplatform-lib — mlplatform_lib
- mlrun — Tracking and config of machine learning runs
- mlrun-pipelines-kfp-v1-8 — MLRun Pipelines package for providing KFP 1.8 compatibility
- mmcifix — no summary
- mmgpt — An open-source framework for multi-modality instruction fine-tuning
- model-catwalk — Training, testing, and evaluating machine learning classifier models
- modular_client — Modular device Python client interface for communicating with and calling remote methods on modular device servers.
- moonworm — moonworm: Generate a command line interface to any Ethereum smart contract
- mountaineer — no summary