Reverse Dependencies of importlib-metadata
The following projects have a declared dependency on importlib-metadata:
- tortfunc — Library for running Python functions with timeout and retry support.
- toshiba-ac-ir-codegen — Toshiba IR Remove Control Code Generator
- toughio — Pre- and post-processing Python library for TOUGH
- towncrier — Building newsfiles for your project.
- tox-current-env — Use current environment instead of virtualenv for tox testenvs
- tpsp — CLI to CPTM and Metro lines status
- tracebook — A comprehensive code bookkeeping package
- track-tools — Collection of scripts and wrappers around trackpy.
- TrackSegNet — Segmentation of trajectories into diffusive states using supervised LSTM network
- trading-api-wrappers — Clients for popular Crypto Exchanges and other useful services
- trading-bots — A simple framework for bootstrapping your Crypto Trading Bots
- traffic-guardian — Dynamically managed proxy server to intercept and mock responses for HTTP traffic
- training-grounds — The framework for featurization and model training
- traitsui — Traits-capable user interfaces
- transformers — State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow
- TransientAnalyzer — Gaussian process regression-based analysis of noisy transient signals.
- transmart — An python client for communicating with the transmart rest api.
- transmart-loader — Python library for loading data to TranSMART using transmart-copy
- transon — Homogenous JSON template engine
- transpeg — Transparent JPEG emulation via SVG
- trapper — State-of-the-art NLP through transformer models in a modular design and consistent APIs.
- travelkml — Add a short description here!
- treeshaker — A tree-shaking tool for Python.
- trello-importer — waypoint parser package
- TrendVerify — no summary
- triesus — Find the Smallest Unique Subset (SUS), fast
- trio-typing — Static type checking support for Trio and related projects
- TRM-errors — Development Status :: 4 - Beta
- troj — TrojAI provides the troj Python convenience package to allow users to integrate TrojAI adversarial protections and robustness metrics seamlessly into their AI development pipelines.
- TrollHunter — TrollHunter
- trtools — Toolkit for genome-wide analysis of STRs
- truefoundry — TrueFoundry CLI
- truera — Truera Python SDK.
- trustero-api — Trustero Receptor API Python Proto File Bindings
- ts-pip-plugin — Scans a Python project for all installed pip modules and posts the scan information to the TrustSource service or writes it to disc
- ts-scan — TrustSource PM scanner
- tsbootstrap — A Python package to generate bootstrapped time series
- tscode — Computational chemistry general purpose transition state builder and ensemble optimizer
- tshistory — Timeseries store with version control
- tt-945 — AI Software Engineer
- ttyGotcha — SSH-TTY control Interface
- tubedown — Add a short description here!
- tuna — Visualize Python performance profiles
- tunesynctool — A package and CLI tool to build scripts that interact with various music streaming services.
- tunman — Tunnel Manager. A supervisor for SSH tunnels, provides easy configuration, monitoring, flexibility, restarting
- tusker — A PostgreSQL specific migration tool
- — Tussik Emailer
- tussik.zpl — Tussik ZPL Writer
- twat — no summary
- twb — Twitter backup crawler
- twine — Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI
- twine-unofficial — Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI
- twitter-scraper-without-api — twitter_scraper without API
- Twitterian — An easy way to interact with twitter
- txdatadog — Datadog statsd APIs for Twisted
- txpkgupload — Package upload server used by Launchpad.
- txy — Python Virtual Environment Manager.
- typedlogic — typedlogic
- typeform-extractor — Simple package to make data extraction from Typeform easier, analyze sentiment with AWS and calculate metrics with the data
- typeguard — Run-time type checker for Python
- typelib — A toolkit for marshalling, unmarshalling, and runtime validation leveraging type annotations.
- typescore — typescore - generate typing completeness scores (and more) for a set of packages
- typestring-parser — Parse type strings into typing instances
- ubc-solar-physics — UBC Solar's Simulation Environment
- ubii-message-formats — "Python Code for Ubi Interact protobuf messages"
- ubii-node-python — Ubi Interact Python Node
- ubuntu-namer — Python port of ubuntu-name-generator
- ucampurestorage — Pure Storage module for the utilization in Cambridge University
- uciparse — Parse and emit OpenWRT uci-format files
- ud-dist-meta — Library to extract information from packages installed in current python environment
- ue4-docker — Windows and Linux containers for Unreal Engine
- ukchurn-classification-model — A library for predicting pannelist churn.
- Ullr — A serial <-> MQTT interface for sports timing.
- ultra-logger — This Python package provides a robust and customizable logger that simplifies the process of recording messages and events in your applications. It leverages the power of the `colorlog` library to enhance readability and debugging capabilities.
- ultralyticsplus — HuggingFace utilities for Ultralytics/YOLOv8.
- umigap — umigap is an art-as-code tool for describing and managing 3D assets from autorigging to mocap in an indie game asset pipeline
- umnet-pyncs — custom python module for NCS helpers
- unasyncd — A tool to transform asynchronous Python code to synchronous Python code.
- unblind — Unblind is a Python package to create data visualizations from data of the Plataforma Digital Nacional, Sistema Nacional AnticorrupciĆ³n
- undertime — pick a meeting time
- unfurl — Use Git to record and deploy changes to your DevOps infrastructure
- UniConvert — no summary
- unimenu — easy menus from a single config across apps
- union — Adds Union specific functionality to Flytekit
- unionml — The easiest way to build and deploy machine learning microservices.
- unity-yaml-normalize — Unity yaml file normalize.
- universalio — Common API for asynchronous file management
- unixsig — Python Package to Handle Unix Signals.
- UnleashClient — Python client for the Unleash feature toggle system!
- unreal-qt — A Qt manager for Unreal that enables the use of PyQt & PySide in Unreal Engine
- unreal-script-editor — A Qt Python script editor, styled in Unreal stylesheet
- unreal-stylesheet — style qt like unreal 5
- unstructured-cpu — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- uqtestfuns — A Python3 library of test functions from the uncertainty quantification community with a common interface for benchmarking purpose.
- ur-py-ctl — Python wrapper around URScript (for Universal Robotics robots).
- uri-pathlib-factory — A factory to instantiate Path's like object that are using Pathlib interface.
- uriel-pc-tests — Workflow orchestration and management.
- url-image-module — Image Module of REACT
- url-text-module — Text Module of REACT
- usa-csc-526-by-spc — USA CSC 526 Final Project