Reverse Dependencies of importlib-metadata
The following projects have a declared dependency on importlib-metadata:
- workflow-templater — Template engine for (currently) Jira and Email. Uses yaml and jinja2. It helps you create multiple (possibly cross-linked) jira issues and emails from a template.
- wps-light — The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever (lighter fork).
- WPSProtocol — A package for Implementing Walsh Pulse Sequenece constructed out of XY Hamiltonian based on Votto, M., Zeiher, J., & Vermersch, B. (2023). Robust universal quantum processors in spin systems via Walsh pulse sequences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10600.
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- wrfhydropy — API for the WRF-Hydro model
- write-condastat — write-condastat makes it easy to collect, filter and save conda statistics to csv files.
- wrk-pyppeteer — Headless chrome/chromium automation library (unofficial port of puppeteer)
- ws-barcode-scanner — Unofficial Python interface to the Waveshare Barcode Scanner Module
- WSME — Simplify the writing of REST APIs, and extend them with additional protocols.
- wyngman — wyngman is a Python package that provides needed functionalities of AWS Toolkit that are otherwise difficult to achieve with the standard cli or not possible currently.
- wyzecam — Python package for communicating with wyze cameras over the local network
- x-ae-a-12 — The X-AE-A-12 Python project
- x690 — Pure Python X.690 implementation
- XAI-Library — An integrated library for explanation methods.
- xbook — Note Demo
- xclone — Inference of clonal Copy Number Alterations in single cells
- xcompare — Collection of comparison operations for xarray-based objects
- XDCCSHLF — Add a short description here!
- xemc3 — Collect data from EMC3 runs in python using xarray
- xhibit — A python script to exhibit your ascii arts and sytem specs
- xhydro — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xinhou-openai-framework — XINHOU-OPENAI-FRAMEWORK基础框架,主要提供应用服务的底层支持技术代码支撑,通过该框架可以快速实现单服务、微服务、消息队列、ORM的快速开发!
- xirr — xirr and xnpv calculators
- xkcd-python — A wrapper for's API. Built Using Python.
- xlibs — no summary
- xls-is-for-corporate — XLS is for corporate, convert it to something else
- xmlJoiner — ESA EDDS XML Telemetry joiner
- xnat — An XNAT client that exposes the XNAT REST interface as python objects. Part of the interface is automatically generated based on the servers data model as defined by the xnat schema.
- xnat-cli-tool — XNAT CLI Tool
- XRD-Learn — A Python package for visualizing and analyzing X-ray Diffraction (XRD) experimental data, providing tools to process, visualize, and extract meaningful insights from XRD patterns and measurements.
- XTablesClient — Team 488 XTABLES Python
- xtag — A python model for easily wrapping strings into html/xml tags.
- xtal2png — Encode and decode crystal structures via portable networks graphics (PNG) files.
- xvideos-dl — CLI to download videos from
- xyrha-flush — A tool runner for C++ development.
- yabf — Yet Another Bayesian Framework
- yacfg — Template based configuration files generator based on jinja2 and yaml.
- yagwr — Yet Another Gitlab Webhook Runner
- yamlu — yet another machine learning utility library
- yams — entity / relation schema
- yanggui — GUI tool for viewing and editing YANG instance data
- yanico — Yet Another Niconico-douga Command-line Interface
- yap-styleguide — Yet another python styleguide
- yapx — The next generation of Python's Argparse.
- yardstick — Tool for comparing the results from vulnerability scanners
- yartsu — yartsu, another rich terminal screenshot utility
- yascheduler — Yet another computing scheduler and cloud orchestration engine
- yasl — Yet another sparkline program/library
- yatta — Yet Another Time Tracking Application
- yawast — The YAWAST Antecedent Web Application Security Toolkit
- yea — Test harness breaking the sound barrier
- yeelight — A Python library for controlling YeeLight RGB bulbs.
- yolov5-E — Simplified yolov5 version
- yolov5tospace — Automatically create Gradio apps from YOLOv5 models and push to the Space.
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- your-project-name — Short description of your project
- yourdfpy — A simpler and easier-to-use library for loading, manipulating, saving, and visualizing URDF files.
- youtrack-python-cli — Basic Youtrack CLI in python
- youtube-downloaders — Package to download youtube videos and playlist
- youtube-monitor-action — Monitor for new video on YouTube Channel
- youtube-selenium-py — A Python package to create youtube channels, sub channels, upload videos, create community posts, edit channel, delete channel, and so much more.
- youtube-summary — no summary
- yoyo-migrations — Database migrations with SQL
- ytcomments — python package to retreive youtube comments and translate them
- yucebio-yc2-adaptor — Yucebio YC2 WdlAdaptor
- yurumikuji — kamidana(jinja2 cli) slack additonal.
- zabbix-cli-uio — ZABBIX-CLI - Zabbix terminal client
- zapp — Build zipapp single file Python applications easily
- zdatasets — Dataset SDK for consistent read/write [batch, online, streaming] data.
- zeff — An effective nuclear charge calculator
- zendron — Import Zotero annotations with Dendron integration.
- zenml — ZenML: Write production-ready ML code.
- zenml-nightly — ZenML: Write production-ready ML code.
- zenoh-cli — CLI for Zenoh
- zeppos-core — Zeppos Pypi core functionality
- zeppos-logging — Zeppos Pypi project template
- zeppos-sandbox — Zeppos Pypi project template
- zest.releaser — Software releasing made easy and repeatable
- zettelkasten — CLI interface for managing a folder based zettelkasten using emacs org-mode file zettels and a bibtex reference system
- zf-pd — pd supercharges your development workflows
- zf-xanthus — xanthus generates weekly updates from X bookmarks
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zimports — Yet another import fixing tool
- zipr-core — no summary
- zish_antlr — A Python library for the Zish format using ANTLR.
- zjbbintest — bintest自动化框架
- zmxtools — Toolkit to read Zemax OpticStudio files.
- zoish — Zoish is a Python package that streamlines machine learning by leveraging SHAP values for feature selection and interpretability, making model development more efficient and user-friendly.
- zookeeper — A small library for managing deep learning models, hyper-parameters and datasets
- zulip-bots — Zulip's Bot framework
- zulu — A drop-in replacement for native datetimes that embraces UTC
- zy-predict-tool — My package description
- zygoat — no summary
- zygoat-django — no summary