Reverse Dependencies of importlib-metadata
The following projects have a declared dependency on importlib-metadata:
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- styletransfer — Transfer the style of one image to another using PyTorch
- subbreaker — A tool to break substitution ciphers
- subdx-dl — A command line tool to download the best matching subtitle from
- subliminal — Subtitles, faster than your thoughts
- suds-bis — Lightweight SOAP client
- suite2p — Pipeline for calcium imaging
- suiutils-py — no summary
- sumformer2 — Summarisation Transformer 2
- SummarizedExperiment — Container to represent data from genomic experiments
- sunspecdemo — EPC SunSpec demonstration tool
- Superdesk-Core — Superdesk Core library
- superparsenmap — SuperParseNmap is a command line utility that parses nmap XML into CSV or Excel format.
- suplyd-odoo — Simple cli tool for Suplyd devs to run local Odoo setup without hassel
- surface-erode — erode medical image surface
- SuRFM — SuRFM is a Python package for conducting RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis of customers. It provides tools for segmenting customers based on their transaction behavior and identifying high-value segments.
- surrortg — surrortg
- svcco — Automated Vascular Generation and CFD Simulation
- svg-path-transform — SVG path data transformation toolkit
- svmlight-loader — A Cython-less implementation of the svmlight / libsvm sparse data format
- swagger-ui-detector — Detecting versions of multiple swagger-uis
- swap-python-sdk — SWAP Python SDK
- swayblur — Basic sway wallpaper auto-blurring script
- swcc — no summary
- swe2hs — Conceptual snow density model for transferring snow water equivalent to snow depth.
- sweet-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- swh.scanner — Software Heritage code scanner
- swh.scheduler — Software Heritage scheduler
- swissarmyknife — A few functions often used
- syft — Perform numpy-like analysis on data that remains in someone elses server
- syllables — A Python package for estimating the number of syllables in a word.
- symbolic-pursuit — Learning outside the black-box: at the pursuit of interpretable models
- symboloid — Add a short description here!
- symbrim — A Modular and Extensible Open-Source Framework for Symbolic Creating Bicycle-Rider Models
- syn-commodore — Commodore provides opinionated tenant-aware management of Kapitan inventories and templates. Commodore uses Kapitan for the heavy lifting of rendering templates and resolving a hierachical configuration structure.
- sync-ends — Sync Ends - End Development Overheads CSC 510 Project
- sync-ends-api-service — Sync Ends - End Development Overheads
- synonym-cli — 🌾Get synonyms and antonyms of words from and other sources in your terminal, with rich output.
- syntactic — Custom syntax for Python.
- synthcity — Synthetic data generator and evaluator!
- synthesized — Synthesized SDK
- synthetic-eval — Package for Evaluation of Synthetic Tabular Data Quality
- sysflow-tools — SysFlow APIs and utilities
- systracker — Real-time system statistics monitoring.
- sytorch — A symbolic PyTorch library with solver and verifier backends.
- Syx-lib — no summary
- szrpc — A simple Python RPC Library using ZeroMQ & MsgPack
- t2d — Seamless integration between Typer and for CLI Discord bots
- t4-geom-convert — A tool to convert MCNP geometries into the TRIPOLI-4 format
- tableau-prometheus-exporter — Tableau Server Manager Prometheus Exporter
- tableofcontents — Generate a table of contents from the comments of a file
- tabrec-v — tabrec-v
- tabsdata — Tabsdata System
- tabular2xls — Convert a file with a LaTeX tabular to Excel
- taccjm — TACC Job Manager
- taccsite-cms — DjangoCMS backend for the TACC ACI-WMA Core-CMS Codebase.
- tach — A Python tool to maintain a modular package architecture.
- tacosdedatos-utils — Una coleccion de herramientas para facilitar el analisis y visualizacion de datos por @tacosdedatos.
- tails-of-words — .
- talklib — A package to automate processing of shows/segments airing on the TL
- talqual — TAL Chameleon (static site generator)
- tap-test-data-generator — tap for generating test data
- tapdance — Tapdance is an orchestration layer for the open source Singer tap platform.
- targer-api — Simple, type-safe access to the TARGER neural argument tagging APIs.
- tariochbctools — Importers, plugins and price fetchers for Beancount
- task-tamer — no summary
- taskbadger — The official Python SDK for Task Badger
- taskiq — Distributed task queue with full async support
- taskly — A CLI based todo app
- taskpackagelib — A library with package
- tatuarvela-magic — A tool for simplifying repeated command line tasks
- taylor-swift-web — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- TB4hooky — Python hook framework support Local hook and Remote hook
- tclint — A CLI utility for linting and analyzing Tcl code.
- TDTPy — Module for communicating with TDT's System 3 hardware
- TDY-PKG — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- TDY-PKG-saquibquddus — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- team13hackertype — An example of a package developed with pyenv, built with build using setuptools, uploaded to PyPI using twine, and distributed via pip.
- teamup-connect — A package designed to facilitate easy interaction with TeamUp API.
- tecton-client — A Python Client for the Tecton FeatureService API
- ted-talk-video-downloader — Awesome ted_talk_video_downloader created by WagnoLeaoSergio
- TEItransformer — TEI XML transformer to HTML, DOCX, JSON. Detailed documentation can be found on the project page on Github:
- teleme — An async, super simple Telegram Bot framework.
- tell-me-why — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- tempbeat — Template-based in-ear heartbeat extraction
- templateco — no summary
- Tempoggl — no summary
- temporai — TemporAI: ML-centric Toolkit for Medical Time Series
- tensorlink — Tensorlink is a library designed to simplify distributed model training and inference with PyTorch, offering tools to easily distribute models across a network of peers and share computational resources both locally and globally.
- tent — Github Automation Package in Python.
- tentaclio — Unification of data connectors for distributed data tasks
- tenten — AI Software Engineer
- terality — The Data Processing Engine for Data Scientists
- terminaider — AI assistant for your terminal
- termtables — Pretty tables in the terminal
- tesci — A toolkit to aid in scientific mapping
- tesla-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- tesseract-client — Client for Tesseract API
- test-package-mlops — Preprocessing package
- test-package-mlops-2 — Preprocessing package