Reverse Dependencies of importlib-metadata
The following projects have a declared dependency on importlib-metadata:
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- testmodule3091 — My first Python package
- testproject-python-sdk — Selenium and Appium powered SDK for
- TestProject-Robot-Library — Library for the Robot Framrwork
- testpypi_canmatrix — Automotive Communication Matrix
- testpypisszczygielski — My test package
- TEStribute — Task distribution for GA4GH TES instances
- testsolar-pytestx — Pytest tool for TestSolar
- TexDown — Best practices for Python projects
- text2excel — Converts to Excel XLSX from a TSV or CSV text file.
- text2story — no summary
- textblaze-to-espanso — no summary
- texted — Compact DST for editing blocks of plain text
- textflint — Unified Multilingual Robustness Evaluation Toolkit for Natural Language Processing
- textgrid-convert — textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.
- textgrid-convert-ina — textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.
- textsum — utility for using transformers summarization models on text docs
- textual-game-of-life — An implementation of Conway's game of life (cellular automata) in the terminal using textual.
- textual-web — Serve Textual apps
- textX — Meta-language for DSL implementation inspired by Xtext
- tf-keras-vis — Neural network visualization toolkit for tf.keras
- tf-shb-gabriel-0302 — State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch
- TFF-data-converter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdata — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdatasetconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- tfmini — A driver for the TFmini LiDAR sold by Sparkfun
- tfy-mlflow-client — no summary
- tgc — Telegram Channel Backup Crawler
- th2-data-services-utils — th2_data_services_utils
- thabit — Thabit: evaluate multiple LLMs on your data
- the-hangman-wordlist — A simple (and small) library to randomly pick hangman words from a predefined wordlist.
- theboss — A package for (Bo)son (S)ampling (S)imulations!
- thelogger — Easy logging, timing and email notifications of code execution.
- theycare — Add a short description here!
- thipstercli — CLI interface build with typer, designed to use the thipster package
- ThisIsAnExamplePackage3 — no summary
- thoth-solver — Tool and library for discovering package dependencies in PyPI world
- thunagen — Google Cloud function to generate thumbnail for images in Google Storage.
- thunder-speech — A Hackable speech recognition library
- tiamat-pip — Pip handling for tiamat projects
- tictactai — Play tic tac toe with an AI
- tid-home-prices-prediction — Train a xgboost model to predict housing prices in Bangalore
- tid-my-classification-model — Example classification model package from Train In Data.
- tid-salary-survey-prediction — Train a gradient boosted tree to predict the salary of US residents from a salary-related survey dataset
- tidy3d — A fast FDTD solver
- tidy3d-beta — A fast FDTD solver
- TidyDataCLI — A CLI tool to automate cleaning, transformation and visualisation of Excel/CSV data.
- tiff-inspector — A package for examining the structure and contents of the metadata contained within tiff files
- tiledb-cloud — TileDB Cloud platform Python client
- tiledbarray — TileDb backed objects for array and matrix like data
- TilesetParser — no summary
- tily — Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes prediction based on Whole Slide Imaging.
- time-robust-forest — Explores time information to train a robust random forest
- timely-beliefs — Data modelled as beliefs (at a certain time) about events (at a certain time).
- timemachines — Evaluation and standardization of autonomous time series prediction
- timew — Python interface to your timewarrior database
- tinavi-medical — tinavi utilities for medical image processing
- tirex-tracker — Automatic resource and metadata tracking for information retrieval experiments.
- titan-iris — no summary
- tkinter-tooltip — An easy and customisable ToolTip implementation for Tkinter
- tlsmate — Simulate a TLS client and scan a TLS server
- tlsmate-client-simul — Simulates multiple different client bahviors
- tnr — Thunder Compute CLI
- to-json-schema — no summary
- ToBaCco-Modified — Topological MOF generator by molecular block alignment.
- todo-catalog — A simple command line application used to log TODO comments in a project
- — Integration between and Notion Task Lists!
- toga-core — A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit.
- toggl-connect — A package designed to facilitate easy interaction with Toggl API.
- tokenlists — Python implementation of Uniswaps' tokenlists
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- tomcli — CLI for working with TOML files. Pronounced "tom clee."
- toml-bench — Benchmarking for python toml libraries
- tommytomato-operation-utils — Utility package for hash generation and database operations.
- tonelab — Platform designed for lightweight documentation and quantitative analysis in Sino-Tibetan tonal languages
- toolchest-client — Python client for Toolchest
- toolhost — Web apps in pure Python with all the flexibility and speed of nextjs.
- toolmaker — Make single-file builds of Python tools using zapp, shiv, or pex
- toolmate-sdk — ToolMate-SDK: a software developement kit for developing agentic AI applications that support 13 LLM backends and integrate tools and agents. (Developer: Eliran Wong)
- tools4zettelkasten — This project provides tools to setupa Zettelkasten System based on simple interlinked markdown files
- topicmodels — A package for topic modelling in python.
- topojoin — Top-level package for TopoJoin.
- toppics — A Python CLI for adding pre-defined topics to a GitHub repository.
- torch-agents — Easy Deep Reinforcement Learning for PyTorch
- torch-kmeans — PyTorch implementations of KMeans, Soft-KMeans and Constrained-KMeans which can be run on GPU and work on (mini-)batches of data.
- torch-levenberg-marquardt — PyTorch implementation of Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm
- torchao — Package for applying ao techniques to GPU models
- torchlaplace — Differentiable Laplace Reconstructions in PyTorch
- torchphysics — PyTorch implementation of Deep Learning methods to solve differential equations
- torchrecipes — Prototype of training recipes for PyTorch
- torchsampler — A (PyTorch) imbalanced dataset sampler for oversampling low classesand undersampling high frequent ones.
- torchsnapshot — A performant, memory-efficient checkpointing library for PyTorch applications, designed with large, complex distributed workloads in mind.
- torchsnapshot-nightly — A performant, memory-efficient checkpointing library for PyTorch applications, designed with large, complex distributed workloads in mind.
- torchwebio — Turn your pyTorch model into a web app
- torchx — TorchX SDK and Components
- torchx-applovin — TorchX SDK and Components
- torchx-nightly — TorchX SDK and Components
- tordl — CLI Torrent Search and Download